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((Y/N)'s POV)

This morning went by really fast at first... Until they put a leash around my chest to take me on a walk around the city. Everyone was staring at us while we walked by and I just felt so embarrassed that I just wanted to hide behind Yuna or any one of the girls, but they would not let me do that. We went to places like the mall, the park, just where a lot of people were they took me there. We just made it to where the limo was going to pick us up and other people still walked by to see me on a leash.

Mama-There, now was that I nice walk? ~

(Y/N)-... I guess. I just wanna go home.

Yuna-Zoe, I think you teased him enough. I bet he just wants to be held now. ~

Yuna picked me up and then rubbed her nose against mine while her daughters joined in to nuzzle into me. They stopped when the Limo got here and Coral took me and the leash to get in first before the others got in with them Kinsley sat next to us, so I could lay on their laps for the drive home. Kinsley even took pictures during the walk to print later. By the time we got home, Mama got out of the car first and then waited for me to come out with Coral before she took me from her.

Zoe-Let's get you to your room. I need some mama and son alone time. After, I'm sure your sisters would love to spend time with their little brother. ~

Yuna-Hey, don't leave me out.

We got inside then Mama and Yuna took me to my room while the girls just went to the living room. I was taken to bed by Mama while Yuna got my leash and collar off me when we got into my room. Mama asked me what I wanted to do and I really wanted to play a game on one of my game consoles and I got to pick. The only thing I did not get to choose is how I was squished between them and I had to scoot up a little to get their boobs out of my face. We played Mario party together, but I think they were more focused on cuddling with me than the game like my sisters were because Yuna made me sit on her tummy, so Mama put her tail on my legs. After 20 turns the game was over then Yuna just got out of bed with me and put me on her shoulders.

Mama-Yuna, don't hog my son.

Yuna-I'm just gonna give him a shoulder ride. My girls loved these when they were his age.

Mama-Then let me do it with him.

Yuna-Here, I'll put him on your shoulders, just come here.

They spent hours doing stuff with me they were actually really fun. Shoulder rides, Yuna tossed me in the air a little, Mama tried to teach me how to pounce, but I wasn't as good as her, and Yuna wanted me to try and pounce her. It was just like jumping into her lap and the same with mama.

Mama-Remember, it's all in the legs. Build up the power then press off.

I was getting ready and the second I jumped the door opened, so I got nervous that other people would see this... I went face-first into her lap before I turned to see who it was.


Alesha-Awwww. Is he doing pouncing lessons? ~


Mama-Don't be shy sweetie. That's your sister.

Alesha-The girls and I would like to have him and decided on sleeping in one room tonight with him. Coral wants to do a cuddle pile.

Zoe-It better be in one of your rooms or at least a locked room. You know the rules about staff with him.

Alesha-We're using his room... I just came to give a heads-up that we'll take him a little after lunch. Kioko wants to get a few things ready for us to do... Maybe we can do pouncing lessons with him too.

Alesha just waved to me before she left and closed the door then Yuna and mama made me go back to my pouncing lessons until I got tired. Now they just got in bed with me to cuddle and watch a show.

(Timeskip To Lunch)


I didn't like being fed in front of everyone, but it's not like they will let me even touch a fork or spoon or anything I can use to eat. Yuna had me in her lap holding my leash while my mama was feeding me only if I say 'ahh'. Lunch got off to a bad start since someone that worked here forgot they could talk to me, so I had to try and calm mama down before she fired them. During lunch, the girls finished first and then got up.

Kinsley-Mom, can you keep (Y/N) out of his room for a while?

Mai-We just need to set up a few things.

Zoe-Nothing too crazy.

Yuna-Don't make a mess you won't be cleaning up.

The girls left and I stayed on mama's lap while they gave me my last bites of food before they ate. Soon the girls came back in and mama gave me to Kinsley by my leash first then holding me... Why do I even need a leash if they are just gonna hold me?


Zoe-We'll meet back out here at dinner.

Kinsley-Ok thanks, mom. Love you.

The girls all took me to my room and closed the door before I saw a big pile of blankets and pillows on the floor that I guess they were to sleep on with me. They also had bowls of candy, and when they took my leash off they put me in the middle of the pile and tossed the leash and collar on the bed. They got on the pile with me and while Mai had me use her legs as a pillow the others piled onto me and Kioko was right in my face and then poked my nose with hers.

Kioko-Hi sweetie. Are you ready to have a fun time with all your big sisters? ~

Coral-Alesha also told us you were doing pouncing lessons like we did when I was 4.

Mai-Awwww, I wanna see you pounce one of us. You'll just look like a cute little kitten. ~

(Y/N)-Do we have to do pouncing lessons?

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Kioko's POV)

(Y/N) was getting ready to pounce on me, but when he jumped forward I rolled on my back and grabbed him and his face slammed into my chest. I only did this because Alesha, Kinsley, and Mai did it to him. Our poor little brother was just getting so tired now. He went on a walk around town and now did so much pouncing to where I could feel his little heart beating so fast against my chest.

Kioko-I think that's enough playing for now... How would you like some candy with games and cartoons? ~

He perked up a little when he heard that and tried to go to his bed, but he was staying down here where he was even going to sleep tonight. We spent hours playing games, feeding him bits of candy only as treats if he wins a game or does something good or cute for us. I never thought caring for someone would feel so addicting.

Mai-Oh little man. Come here you. ~

My sister pulled him away from Coral and I to get him between her and Alesha.

Coral-Excuse us! He was comfortable right where he was!

Alesha-I'm sure he'll like hit here. We have more meat on our bones which makes us softer for him.

Mai-I think he accidentally got buried in them.

They both moved a little and when he sat up his cheeks... No, his whole face was pink before he covered it up to hide it, but Coral crawled over to slowly take his hands off his face to let us see him blushing.

Coral-No... I think we like to see you like this. Just keep your hands down or you won't be able to get another piece of candy... Maybe since we are taking a shower and bath together later, let's make a deal. You do more pouncing and nuzzling to us and we'll limit your bath by only one of us. If you get tired or do anything to stop or stall... ~


(Timeskip To Dinner)

(Zoe's POV)

It was a relaxing day with Yuna, but at dinner, I noticed my poor baby was about to pass out and he was still blushing. I know our girls were just playing with him, but he claimed he was "resting his eyes" and I think we all knew he was trying to stay awake while falling asleep. I was happy to see my baby like this, but he needs a bath before bed. I just finished dinner first and walked over to Mai who was holding him then got my baby from her.


Zoe-Awwww, my poor baby boy looks so sleepy. Did your sisters tire you out? ~

(Y/N)-No *yawn* mama.

I smiled at him before I rested his head on my shoulder.

Zoe-Yuna and I will be joining you girls tonight, but I'm taking him to get a bath before bed. He's ready to sleep.

The girls and Yuna all waved bye to him while I took him to his room and decided to get both of our clothes off and then get in the water together. I got him quickly washed first before I got to work on myself, but while I was scrubbing my legs.

Zoe's mind-Oh my god! ~

This made me think about his idiot of a father and how was somewhere he can no longer bother me or my family or anyone. I carefully got us out of the bath, but only wrapped him in a towel and then a blanket before laying him in the pile before I went to get some clothes on.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I just woke up from a dream, but still felt so tired. I tried to move but noticed that everyone was on top of me or laying by my side while I was laying on Yuna and using her boobs as big pillows pressed against the back of my head. They were all asleep and it looked like it was late and dark out still... This also just felt so comfy that I closed my eyes and nuzzled into the pile a little more for extra warmth, but then Mai suddenly pulled up the blanket a bit more then kissed my cheek.

(No POV)

After discovering Mai was awake (Y/N) closed his eyes again and never felt so much comfort before. While he tried to go back to sleep he thought about asking for this again like on his birthday or something... But the girls are thinking about doing this more often than that. With nothing and nobody able or wanting to take (Y/N) away from his new home and family, all that was left now was to enjoy life... As their baby that they will 'NEVER' let go... Ever.



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