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(Fia's POV)

(Y/N) and I were getting ready for bed, and he really wanted to go home, but it is not a safe place for him to be right now. I might have to have him sleep with me while he cries himself to me and it breaks my heart that I have to do this. It wasn't my fault, or his, or his mother's fault since this all started from a tragic moment in their lives. Help will come tomorrow for her, and I will adopt him to keep him in a loving home. We were finally ready for bed and like I predicted... he started crying, so I picked him up.

Fia-Come on. You can sleep with me tonight. ~

The crying didn't stop until we got in my bed and he fell asleep after an hour, give or take. I just kissed his head in his sleep before I looked out the window to see the side of his house before I went to sleep.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((M/N)'s POV)

Last night was horrible and Plushtrap did nothing to help me and even if I did things to get more favors from her, I was basically whoring myself out, so it was pointless. I would get the same outcome either way. I'm in the bath of the bathroom, crying into the water with the door locked. I got out when I couldn't cry anymore, but the second I opened the bathroom door, the girls were all there and Foxy hooked my towel to rip it away from me.


They pulled me out and pinned me to a wall... I couldn't do this. I was about to beg for them to stop until we all heard the doorbell ring. Fredda pulled me by my nipples to get me to my closet to get dressed and go answer the door.

Fredda-Hurry up. If you take too long, we'll be rougher with you.

I quickly got dressed and they were smiling that i was listening to them like I was their bitch. When I got all dressed Foxy hooked my panties and lead me like I was on a leash that literally kept me on my toes.

Foxy-Move it ye slut!

They took me to the front door and when I opened it, I saw 3 men in white uniforms standing outside of my door. I had a horrible feeling about this.

Man#1-Good morning. May we have a moment of your time?

(M/N)-Um... I-Is there a problem?

Man#2-No. We would just like to have small talk. May we come in?

Bonnie-Tell them to beat it.

(M/N)-Um, i'm a little busy at the moment. I can't right now.

This made Chica pinch my ass which made me jump and that's when the men noticed I was standing on my toes because of Foxy holding me up by my underwear, but they don't know that part.

Chica-Don't let them come in unless you want a repeat of that priest.

(Man's POV)

This lady is acting really skeptical, and based on our reports, she has been through something tragic recently. We have nothing, but red flags so far and now we need to do a search of the house and since we now have reason to believe from not only reports from her current job she is taking, but her strange behaviors, we let ourselves in slowly. She reacted by panicking a little, and put her hands on my chest to try and stop me while my two other co-workers walked by us.

(M/N)-N-No! You can't in! You have to listen to me!

Man-Ma'am, it's alright. We're not here to take anything or hurt you.

(M/N)-That's not it! You have to leave!

Man-Calm. Down.

She suddenly looked frantically around the room and I tried to calm her down in case she was going into an episode, but suddenly...


One of my men got his neck slit open and thrown to a wall which made the woman cry. The other guy and I were frozen in terror from what just happened, but it didn't stop there. I screamed and reached for my taser when the other guy was stabbed in the back then floated in the air screaming from pain before he was dropped back down. My body acted on its own while the woman got down on her knees to plead for this to stop, but I was getting out of here. When I opened the the, it suddenly slammed shut, and I was grabbed by nothing or... A DEMON!!! I was held up and pinned against the door then felt something like small animals crawling on me.

Man-*Hyperventilating* AAAHHHHH!!!

(M/N)-PLEASE, I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT!!! *Sobbing* J-Just *hic* stop... Please.

I am beyond confused and scared, but the thing that had me dropped me to the ground then put something on my neck. Now this lady was starring off into space.

(M/N)-Y-Yes. Anything.

She started kissing the air near the floor before she looked up then got slapped across the face so hard by nothing I could see.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Fia had me on her lap and made me watch T.V. since I couldn't go outside right now for some reason. I just wanted to go home right now and be with my mommy, but whenever I ask her that, she just says, "She's busy with some new friends". After a movie, someone knocked on the door and Fia went to answer  while holding me. We saw my mommy and she looked kind of sad, but I still reached out to her.


Mommy-Hey Fia. I'm here to pick up my son.

She took me from Fia and Fia looked surprised by this.

Fia-Um... How did the visit go?

Mommy-It was fine. We talked and it was a misunderstanding... I'm taking my son to a meeting with them tonight.

Fia-... At night?

Mommy-Yes. Thanks for taking care of my son again.

We finally went back home while a man was speeding off in his truck like he was in a hurry. When we got in the house I saw my old backpack was packed with some of my clothes and even my Nintendo Switch. This confused me and made me wonder if we were spending the night somewhere, but then I smelled something good.

Mommy-Come on... Mommy made cupcakes. *Grunt* W-W-With a very good friend.

She was on her toes for a second then I heard a slapping sound on her butt as she took me to the kitchen and I saw the cupcakes. The looked tasty.


She took one from the tray then gave it to me and put me down. I took off the cover of the cupcake before i took a bite and they were good, but something tasted funny. After i finished my cup cake my mommy looked very sad when I yawned and started to get very tired. It's hard to stay awake now then my mommy quickly bent over the counted and her pants and underwear fell down so fast it was like they were pulled down. She started to make weird noises then put her head down to make muffled ones.

(Y/N)-Mom... my?

I fell over, but someone caught me before I fell asleep.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Fia's POV)

There was no way those men did their job right since there was a guarantee that she would be taken away from treatment and help. There was also no way they were gonna have a meeting at night, so I kept an eye on that eyes. I watched it like a hawk until (M/N) came out with her son sleeping in her arms and even had a backpack with her. That wasn't even the worst part... She was completely naked.


Fia-Oh hell no.

They got in their car, so I quickly got my keys then headed into my garage to get in my car. I started the engine as the garage door opened from a press of a button before I started to follow them.

((M/N)'s POV)

Fredda put in a location to 'Circus Baby's Pizza World' where I had to drop my son off. They promised me that he would be fine there, but I didn't trust them. As soon as they disappear, i'm going back to get him. As soon as I do what Springtrap sent them to do, they go away. While I was driving and Foxy was holding my son, Chica was in the passenger's seat, leaning over to finger me. They even turned the A/C on while I had no clothes on, so the cold air was hitting me directly.

Chica-What do you say? ~

(M/N)-... Thank you for fingering me... mistress.

They all smiled and laughed and they can get it in while they can. When we made it after a 56 minute drive they gave my son one last dose to keep him asleep.

(M/N)-Ok... I'll just bring him in and-.

I suddenly had a washcloth covering my nose and mouth and I could smell the chloroform on it. I's starting to black out as Bonnie got out to open the drivers door to take me out of the drivers seat.

Bonnie-Fredda will bring him inside... You're going somewhere else before we get to rest. ~

I was taken to the trunk and put inside then my last before everything went dark was the trunk door slamming shut.

(Timeskip ???)

I slowly woke up tied to chair while I heard something. When I opened my eyes, I saw a T.V. with a show on about a vampire, but what I was concerned about was where am I? I'm still naked and in a room that I tried to leave, but the door was locked from the outside.


(M/N)-LET ME OUT!!! WHO'S THERE?!?!?! (Y/N)!!! (YYYYY/NNNN)!!!

(No POV)

Her cries fell to deaf ears since where she was, was just finishing construction on the lower floors. As for (Y/N), he was left in an elevator for someone to find him to their surprise. The elevator was just put on a timer in a system to go down, and someone heard it.

???'s mind-... Someone's here.



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