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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were at breakfast and Ren made pancakes... After Nora went through 2 other batches. I had to feed myself for breakfast, but Pyrrha had me sit on her lap until we were all done eating. Now it was shower time, and the guys went first, but while they were gone, Nora and Pyrrha took me with them to the other showers. I took off my clothes with them, and Nora picked me up while Pyrrha turned on the water. We got in and the water felt so nice as I splashed around until Pyrrha grabbed me.

Pyrrha-Remember, we're here to get you clean.

(Y/N)-Um... R-Ruby and Yang let me splash around while they wash themselves first.

Nora-Nice try. You're first.

They both held me in the middle of them, and Pyrrha started with my hair while Nora washed my body with lots of soap. She went so fast that I could lots of bubbles on me, and I wanted to see the bubbles, but I had to keep my eyes closed to keep the soap out of my eyes. By the time I was washed off, and I opened my eyes, all the bubbles were gone. I just took some off Nora and Pyrrha while they were washing themselves and blew the pile of bubbles out of my hands. The don't work like the ones in a bubble bath though, so I just went back to splashing in the puddles of water.

Nora-Oh wait! I planned something for tonight?!

(Jaune's POV)

Ren and I came back to the room to see the girls and (Y/N) were gone and we had no idea where they went. We were just gonna send (Y/N) to the showers since the others were taken, but I guess they went somewhere. Later, while on my scroll, the door opened, and the girls walked in with (Y/N).


They looked cleaner and for a second, I pictured him taking a shower with one of the girls...

Jaune's mind-Nah, Pyrrha wouldn't do that, and Nora maybe wild, but not that wild.

I'm getting worried over nothing. Pyrrha took him with her to her bed and sat him on her lap before Nora tackled them both.

Nora-Can we go now?! Can we, can we?!

Pyrrha-It's not night, yet! We have to wait!

Ren-What are you talking about?

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Tonight, we were going to play minigolf, but right now they went to go talk to some teachers about classes, so I was in the room alone right now. I was bored and I tried to relax and cuddled a pillow, but it was not as good as a girl. They were softer, smelled nice, warmer, and their soft chests are perfect pillows with a heartbeat when you get them right.

(Y/N)-*Groan* I hate cuddling pillows!

I wished my sisters or anyone nice were here to cuddle with me. I hate being alone.


That sounded really close and when I looked at the open window, I sow it was a birdy with red eyes looking at me.


I looked at the bird for a bit and got closer to see that it was not flying away, so it must be really friendly and nice... Right?

(Y/N)-Hi, my name is (Y/N)... I never saw a wild birdy up close before.


(Y/N)-Can I pet you?

The birdy tilted their head but didn't fly away when I pet their head and wings.

(Y/N)-Wait, I think I got something you.

I got off the bed and went where Pyrrha left me stuff for sandwiches on the table and grabbed a slice of bread. I heard wings flapping then I turned to see the birdy was on the bed now. It walked up to me when I got on the bed and I ripped up a piece of bread for it, but it wasn't taking it.

(Y/N)-Come on. Are you hungry?

The birdy still didn't it but walked closer to me then climbed on my arm. I never saw any bird act like this before. I pet the birdy some more before it flew out the window and I was alone again.

(Y/N)-Hey! Awww.

I guess I just have to wait for the others to come back in and we are still going out tonight to play minigolf. I couldn't wait.

(No POV)

(Y/N) went back to lying in bed to wait for others to come while someone watched him from outside until they flew off. The first time she saw her daughter's little brother and heard he was the center of so much attention, she wanted to see for herself. After finally finding him, she did not expect to feel this way and could already open a portal to him. If she wants something, she 'will' take it or in this case 'him'. All she had to do now is get things ready at camp which should only take a day or two to make sure he can't do anything stupid or at least make it harder to.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were finally out playing at night and the lights looked pretty during the game, but they won't let me call and talk to my sisters, or at least Nora and Pyrrha would not. They would just want to talk about something else or say their scrolls won't work that far. They have to be on their way at least, so maybe they were close enough. Right now, I had to focus on this shot because if I get a hole in one on the final hole, I get a free milkshake... I missed, but they got milkshakes anyway by buying them. Nora fed me mine and the guys watched in confusing.

Ren-You do know he is able to feed himself, right?


She kept on feeding me and I didn't see a problem with it. My sister's feed me all the time, so I wonder if they had sisters before.

(Cinder's POV)

I had scouts around the city quickly looking for my baby and Emerald was with me, ready to trick him into coming with us because will be seen to him his sisters. They told me they spotted him at a minigolf place and the attack could happen any minute now. It was tricky to find him in the crowd at first, but now we spotted him and just waited while keeping our distance.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We just got done with our milkshakes and about to play our second game, but just as we got in line to get new golf balls, we heard a scary sounding alarm. My daddy said when I hear an alarm, I should stay close to him or my sisters, but since none of them were here, I just grabbed on to Nora's leg.

Speaker-Alert, incoming grimm attack. Threat level 9. Please seek shelter in a calm and orderly fashion.



I felt the ground shack and people were running while Nora and the others pulled out their scrolls to do something. I started to cry because everything just got so scary so fast, but then I saw something that made me feel a little better.



(Y/N)-Ruby, Yang!

I let go of Nora to run to my sisters, and I heard her calling to me a bit, but I fought through the crowd and jumped in Yang's arms. I felt a lot better, but still scared as I cried into her.

(Y/N)-Y-Yang, what's happening?! I'm so scared! *sniffle* I-I-I wanna go home!

Yang-*Shhhh* It's ok... We're gonna go somewhere safe.

I just nodded my head into her before I was poked by something, but Yang didn't let me look and I was getting sleepy. She rubbed my head and I started to see her wearing a red dress. Suddenly...

Pyrrha-PUT!!! HIM!!! DOWN!!!

I was swung around, and my eyes closed before I saw someone while my vision was blurry. I think it was... Emerald.

(Ruby's POV)

Yang and I just made it to Atlas since we knew the Winter and Weiss were from there and would most likely take our brother. The longest part was the boat ride then we had to get a flight booked to get up there, but the hardest part might be coming up... Taking our brother and leaving. Military won't let him go, and we have to deal with Weiss afterwards.

Yang-Weiss lives in the Schnee manor, so it's easy to find on the map. We'll start there and check into a hotel later.

(Emerald's POV)

The fight was easy in the panic because I could turn Ms. Popular against her own time without even knowing but would have to switch victims at times. We had the upper hand, but were losing it fast, so Cinder pushed (Y/N) into my arms and told me to head to the ship while she kept them busy. I know she'll kill them soon and make it back to us and when i made it to the ship, I was the first one there until Mercury showed up.


Mercury-Where's Cinder? This place is going to get more chaotic by the minute. We have to get soon.

Emerald-She's just dealing with a few loose ends.

Mercury-Are 'really' bringing the kid with us to see this Dark Queen?

I just smacked him in the back of his head when he said something stupid. I just got to work blindfolding and tying (Y/N)'s arms behind his back.

(Cinder's POV)

I was getting worn out from the stop huntress while the others didn't help in many matters. I still didn't have the maiden powers in full, so I had to be careful. At this rate, it won't end well for me, so I had to get out of here. I made a run for it, but the star and the one with the hammer ran after me.

???-Pyrrha, wait!


They ignored the boys and continued to chase me, so I blasted them with fireballs to at least slow them down, but Pyrrha hopped on Nora's hammer with her shield and was launched at me.

(No POV)

Cinder summoned more fire, but what she did not know what Pyrrha used her semblance to throw a propane tank in between them. Her shield protected her from the blasted, but as for Cinder, the blast shattered her aura...


A wall off fire was between them and Cinder fought the pain in her whole body to take this chance to run with revenge already in her mind, but first... She needed the power. She just can't get it today and thankfully, she was not badly burned. The anger and despair along with the explosion attracted grimm, so Pyrrha and Nora had their hands full and could not chase after Cinder to get (Y/N) back... The vowed to find him and take him back from her... or anyone.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up and felt so tired and dizzy still, almost like we were moving, but I couldn't see because I was tied up and blindfolded. I heard faint sounds and noises and I think Cinder was heard because I heard Emerald say stuff like, "It's ok, you're going to be alright". I didn't stay awake long and fell back asleep. Next time I woke up, it felt like I was only asleep for a few minutes... I think it was longer because I was in a scary room with crystals on the wall and I saw I was on a cozy bed.

(Y/N)-*Breathing fast* Help! HELP!!!

I tried to get free, but it was useless then soon the door opened, and Cinder came in limping on one leg.


I saw a bandage around her arm and neck before she picked me from bed and gave me kisses then took me out of the room with her.

(Y/N)-T-Take me home! I wanna go home!

She just gave me a look, but didn't talk then soon we made it to a room where I saw Emerald and Mercury, but there was someone else or something... A GRIM PERSON?!?!?!


???-So, this is the child you wish to keep as a reward?

Cinder tried to talk for a second, it sounded really scratchy before she stopped and nodded her head at her.

???-Hmmm... You did cause the fall of Beacon... Have a seat and we will talk about this. The child will live under strict rules here.

She sat at the table in a seat close to the scary lady and I couldn't bring myself to talk. Nobody even said a word since we all sat down, but I felt the air in this room was hard to breath in from how scary it is.

(Y/N)'s mind-Who is she?... What is she?!


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