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(Nora's POV)

Pyrrha and I have been staking this place out for hours, even after I got the food and it just got dark out. She was getting tired of waiting too, so she started to make a plan from what we learned so far and drew it out with her a rock on the concrete on the roof. We were still in the middle of making the plan when I was in favor of just blasting that place, forcing our way inside, and taking (Y/N) by force, but she says that's reckless, even more, dangerous for (Y/N), and not a plan. When she finally came up with a plan that felt like it would take a while to do, it did look like it would work.

Pyrrha-Let's go over it one more time. We stay in touch with our intercoms on our scrolls while I sneak in on one of those trucks. Once I'm inside, I need you to create a distraction without getting caught by blowing up those fuel tanks. They'll come out to check it out and while most or some are gone, it'll be easier for me to slip through undetected. Now they mustn't think they are under attack, or this place will be on lockdown. One blast to the tanks only and you only have one shot... Can you make it from here?


Pyrrha-Good. Give me 5 minutes when I get inside before you draw some of them out. It doesn't look like much is here, to begin with.

With that, another truck was coming in and she hopped off the roof to land on top of it and laid down to hide. I just started a timer on my scroll and aimed for the fuel tankers.

Nora's mind-When we got back to Beacon with him, you're going to be sleeping with me tonight... Awww, you already look in my head! ~

(Pyrrha's POV)

When the truck pulled into the garage I jumped up to the railing and quickly got out of sight before anyone could see me. I saw only a dozen people and one of them was the exchange student Mercury.


Mercury-Boss said we're done with dust. Consider the next truck coming in the last one. The attack and broadcast will be soon.

White Fang Member Sienna asked us to deliver a message. She wants a target brought back to alive.

Mercury-The send it to Cinder. I'm not Messager for you.

White Fang Member-I'll speak to her in person.

Mercury-You know where her office is. Careful, she has a kid with her, but can still be pissed off if you cross a line. *Yawn* If she asks, tell her I'm calling it a night.

They split up and this was going to lead me right to (Y/N) and I used the air vents to do it. I did my best to stay on top of him with only openings in the vents to predict where he would go and soon, he went into a room. I was lucky the vents lead me right above the room and I managed to see (Y/N) tied up in a bed with Cinder and Emerald.


Cinder-I thought I told everyone I was not to be disturbed! Where is Mercury?!

White Fang Member-He said he was going to sleep...

Emerald-Why are you looking at our boy?

White Fang Member-My high leader Sienna Khan wanted to pass on a message about someone she wanted to be brought to her alive... This boy.

Cinder-... Does she know?

I could only see so much from this angle and this metal screen was getting in the way, but I could see Cinder had a bit of a blank expression.

White Fang Member-Yes. I'm ordered to.

Fire suddenly erupted and lit up the room for a brief moment and I even felt the heat hit my face a little.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just watched Cinder burn that man and he didn't even get a chance to scream. He was just ash and nothing else caught on fire. She went from angry to going back to holding me close in bed before she finally untied me and picked me up.

Cinder-Let's get you ready for bed. You need a shower.

The 3 of us went into the bathroom when all of the sudden we heard a big explosion outside. Cinder told Emerald to go check it out while she turned on the water and took my clothes off than hers. That's when Emerald came in and took her clothes off next to join us in the big group shower.

(Naked Pictured On Patreon)

Cinder-What happened outside?

Emerald-Some tankers blew up. They think it was a gas leak.

Cinder just got on her knees and got some shampoo before she started to scrub my hair, so I closed my eyes. When she washed the shampoo out, she did the conditioner next before she passed me to Emerald.

Cinder-Scrub his body down. I'm gonna start washing myself. All that heat and ash made me feel gross.

Emerald-Come here little man. Let's start with that back. ~

(Emerald's POV)

I was surprised he was not fighting us more on this, but then again, he knows what will happen if he misbehaves, or at least he thinks so. Cinder would never set him on fire, but she will make sure his punishment makes him scared to even think about running off. When I was done cleaning him then Cinder and I were done, we got out to get him into some clean clothes and tied him up again before bed. Just then, there was another explosion, so Cinder and I quickly tied (Y/N) to the bed and got dressed to head out and see what was happening for ourselves.

Emerald's mind-No way this is just some gas leak.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was left alone in the room when I saw suddenly saw screws falling from the big vent in here before it opened. I was scared at first until I saw who it was that came in.



She only put her finger to her lips to tell me to be quiet before she came over and untied me and took me out of bed. I only held on to her tightly and even kissed her cheek to quietly say thank you and she hugged me tighter before she climbed back in the vent with me and closed it. She pressed something in her ear, and I hear a little beep.

Pyrrha-Nora, I got him and heading out now. Keep me posted on the movement outside. *whisper*

She made sure that I was in front of her the whole time and soon we made it out of the vents and into a garage with lots of trucks. I was picked up again before she went out a window with me to get outside and I saw a lot of the people here were outside. Pyrrha motioned for me to be quiet again and I just buried my face in her soft chest, so I didn't have to look as she tried to sneak away. Suddenly there was an alarm and something was shot at us which made Pyrrha run, but I heard something else that made me even more scared.


I took a peek over Pyrrha's shoulder to see a bunch of men running after us until pink explosions came out of nowhere and Pyrrha ran behind a building. That's when Nora hopped down and we all ran off together into town and they stopped chasing us.


When we got into the city, they both gave me hugs and kisses while I thanked them for saving me then Nora took me from Pyrrha.

Nora-Come on. You must be hungry. We'll get some food before we head to Beacon, and you can sleep with me tonight.

That sounded better than sleeping with bad guys, so I kissed her cheek and held on to her tighter and she squealed while spinning with me.

(Mercury's POV)

I checked the surveillance footage, and it looks like the famous huntress in training didn't see our plans. I headed to Cinder and Emerald to only see Emerald on the verge of crying while Cinder had fire coming out of her eyes, hands, and mouth. Hopefully, some good news would make them calm down.

Mercury-Don't worry too much. She didn't see the plans and-.

Just then Cinder walked up to me and grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me in the air.

Cinder-Get everything ready! Pyrrha is at Beacon, so I want all the preparations done by morning, chaos in the streets all day, and the attack is happening TOMORROW NIGHT!!! I WANT ALL THOSE PROFESSORS AND STUDENTS OUT ON THE STREET AND MY BABY EASY FOR ME TO TAKE BACK!!!!

Mercury-What?! I thought you wanted to slowly build tensions! The attack wasn't supposed to be for at least a week! How do you expect-?!


Mercury-... I-I guess staying up all night never hurt us that much before.

She threw me to the wall and started glaring at me while more fire came off her.

Cinder-Why are you all just standing there?! GOOOOOO!!!

She started shooting fireballs at everyone except Emerald and she was not doing warning shots either.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Jaune's POV)

Ren and I were worried about the girls until they finally came back a little late at night... With Yang and Ruby's missing little brother. He told us how they saved him from 'bad guys, and they were adoring him while feeding him some leftovers they got from a BBQ place in the city before Nora put him in her bed.

Ren-Did either of you call Ruby or Yang to tell them you have their brother?

Pyrrha-Of course we did. We told them we found him during our stakeout to rescue him... No response though, so they might have their problems.

(Y/N)-Oh, they might still be in Menagerie. Blake's home.

Pyrrha-See. Maybe just bad reception and the message didn't make it.

That didn't really add up, but they both got into their beds and Nora wrapped her arms and leg around (Y/N) and treated him like a teddy bear. He nuzzled into her and that's when we turned off the lights to go to bed too.

(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Everyone else was already asleep and I was on top of Nora trying to move her chest around to get it just right. It didn't take much since they weren't too big or small, but I did need to try to take her bra off because there was a metal bar at the bottom that I didn't like. I accidentally woke her up and she looked at what I was doing, and I whispered why I was doing it then she kissed my nose before she took her bra off herself and let me get comfy on her.

(Y/N)-Thank you. *whisper*

Nora-Anything for you. ~ *whisper*

Her chest felt so much better to sleep on now and I was out like a light.


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