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(Booette's POV)

We were all in my room and Chain Chompette was lightly bouncing in places I was making sure (Y/N) stays put and I did so by tying him to my bed since trapping him in a painting was cruel and I couldn't cuddle him that way. This also makes him more dependent on us and after a while of taking care of him, he should open up to us some more. Right now, he was crying and being scared as I laid next to him and tried to comfort him. I didn't gag him because nobody that will untie him is going to hear him. After a while he tired himself out and even used the last bit of his strength to struggle until he fell asleep. Chain Chompette came over to get a closer look and I took her hand to show her how to gently pet him.

Chain Chompette-Oh my god! ~ *whisper yell*

Booette-Don't wake him. He needs his rest. *whisper*

She listened to me but kept the gentle motion to not wake him up. He looked so peaceful at last, and it warmed my hurt. It was like this for hours until he woke up all by himself to see us still by his side. He reacted by whimpering and tugging at his ropes a little, so I just pulled his head into my chest, so her can hear the gentle breezes that flow through me. I don't really have a heartbeat to listen too, but this should help.

Booette-*Shhhhh* You're ok. Just relax... Poor baby. ~

(Y/N)-Pl-Please let me go.

Booette-Awwww, you're just still scared of this change. Maybe a bath later will help you. I make sure to take care of it since I got this body. It's really nice.

Chain Chompette-Oh, oh, oh, I wanna give him a bath! I still remember from when you gave me some when I was tiny!

Booette-U-Um, maybe you can help, b-b-but it might be best if I wash him... You can dry him off and give me the things I need.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I tried to get out still while Booette held my head to her chest to pet me and calm me down, but the only thing that did was make me listen to... a nice windy sound... Wait, no! I have to stay made and keep trying to escape, but soon Booette got up and went over to a table and grabbed some pink potion. She came back over and there was so way I was drinking that stuff... but she just poured some on my forehead then rubbed it in before she went to wash her hands.

Booette-Chain Chompette, when he looks tired can you bring him in. I'm getting his bath ready as well as the washer to get his clothes washed.

She looked excited and jumped on the bed and was on top of me to watch until I got tired. It has to be because of the potion. I tried to fight to stay awake, but I was getting... I wasn't tired, I just felt so... drained to where I couldn't lift any part of my body anymore. It was even kinda hard to think and when I could...

(Y/N)'s mind-How is... Chain Chompette softer than the bed?

She smiled before she bit the ropes around my wrists and ankles off with her teeth before she picked me up and it felt so soft and warm... I wanted to be mad, but... I just wanted to nuzzle into her. When we got to the bathroom, I saw Booette was getting the bath ready and her hair... It was so... Just so...


Booette-Pr-Pr-Pretty? Me?... S-See, I knew you were a sweetheart.

Her cheeks were all pink now as I was put down and she started to take my sweaty clothes off me. The air felt cold until I was completely naked then put in the warm water. She had her gloves off and her hands felt kinda cold, but it felt nice still. She got to work on washing me and I don't know why because I like washing myself, but unlike the other times... this was so much nicer... Was it that potion... I don't know.

Chain Chompette-I wanna get a bath too!

Booette-Just wait then the bath will be all yours.

Chain Chompette-Why?... The bath is big enough for us and a few boos to get in. You gave me baths before.

Booette-... I... I did-.


Just then Chain Chompette suddenly came out of the water, and she already had her clothes off. I think she was waiting for Booette to be done with me then was her, but when she was done with me Chain Chompette tried to grab me, but Booette stopped her.

Booette-N-No. You're still dirty.

Chain Chompette-But I wanna cuddle with him some more. It's not fair!

Booette-Wait until y-you're clean.

The whole time I think Chain Chompette was staring at me then I think the moment she was done she grabbed me and pulled me into a hug as we got out of the bath... She was so soft.

(Chain Chompette's POV)

I felt (Y/N) snuggle into me while that potion stuff was doing something to him still. He was just so cuddly like he was my baby. Booette took him from me to get him dressed and I could dress myself already by copying her a little from other times then I got him back.

Booette-We should have a few more hours before the potion wears off completely and we need to tie him down again. You can play with him, but just be gentle and careful about it.

Chain Chompette-I will.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)


Chain Chompette-*Giggles* That was fun.

We fell off the roof and I landed on my back and made a crater in the ground and my baby was resting on my belly and he fit perfectly there.

(Bowsette's POV)

That bitch left us almost nothing to go on, but I feel that we were on her trail still, even if it was cold. At least my crew better hope so because it was them who said that they have a lead, but we had to act fast, and they know how I get when i'm really angry. I will do more than just fire them out of a cannon again and my daughters will no doubt want a piece of that action as well. We looked like we were heading into some dead waste land that was misty. I could hardly see a thing except for that stupid path and sometimes it branches off into the fog, so this was not a clear lead. Soon though, I saw something that made me furious... It was a cliff or in this case... A dead end and my koopas saw how pissed Iwas on the inside while I was keeping a calm look on the outside. They seem to be more afraid of that and were skeptical of coming near me.

Koopa-M-My queen, I swear the trail led us here. They have to be here. Maybe we just took a wrong turn or-.

I slowly raised a hand and the one that was talking went dead silent. I slowly rose from my throne and walked up to him before I bent down to put a hand on his shoulder. He was shaking like a leaf as I looked into his eyes.

Koopa-W-We can still find-.

Bowsette-Let me see if I got everything figured out and 'please' correct me if i'm wrong... You all told me you found a trail to lead us to where that crowned chain chomp went, brought us out here to this forest of fog, lead us to a cliff, and... What were you going to say before? I believe I was rude to interrupt.

Koopa-U-Um... W-W-We can still find your pet.

Bowsette-And how do you plan on doing that?


Bowsette-You're positive they are in this area?


Bowsette-Wow. Now I just have one more 'itty' 'bitty' question for you all.


I slammed him into the ground so hard the whole ship shook from the impact and left a bloody mess on the floor for all to see in fear as I went back to standing tall. I let the fury and rage show on my face now and fire was fuming out of my mouth.


They all ran from me screaming and got off the ship to search the forest and I just tossed the corpse through a window and off my ship. My gaze slowly turned to one of the members of the cleaning crew then they rushed to clean the mess. I sat back down and looked at the empty cage that I had servants upgrade and decorate, so my pet would be comfy in there and no resent it as much. There was a pet bed covering the whole bottom of the cage, a few dangling toys he can swipe at hanging from the roof of the cage, and the locks and bars were reinforced. I even had collar and leash my daughter Wendy made for him.

Bowsette's mind-My poor little pet. I know you won't like this at first, but you'll love the luxury after your punishment for running away... You might as well love it at least.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Booette's POV)

I hate to scold my pet and be the bad guy to the ones I care about, but her putting my baby in danger like that earned her a timeout. She may be taller and stronger than me, but she still listened, and I put her in a corner. Her whimpering filled the room she was in, so I had to leave before I broke and let her off early. I took my baby outside to a blanket for a picnic I made just for him. Soon I started to hear footsteps on the other side of the wall and that's when a Koopa with wings hopped over the wall. His eyes meet with me, so I covered my eyes on instinct and froze.

Booette-Wh-Who are you?! G-G-G-Go away! You are n-n-not w-welcome here.


I heard them get closer and that's when I peeked a little to see something soul shattering... They grabbed my baby and that's when I managed to move but was too late. I couldn't move enough as they kept on looking at me while they backed up to the wall and if they get over that wall, i can't follow them and my baby is still under the effects of the potion to understand full what was going on.

Booette-P-Put him down! *whimper*... CHAIN CHOMPETTE!!!

(No POV)

While Chain Chompette was crying in the corner she heard Booette call to her faintly like it was an emergency. She bursted from the corner to go outside and saw the scene of a Koopa hopping over the wall with (Y/N) while she knew her mistress was too shy to move fast enough to stop them and was even surprised, she was moving at all since someone that was not from here was looking at her.

She was furious and ran after the Koopa with wings but before she could reach them, the Koopa flew off and even when she jumped with all her might, she missed (Y/N)'s foot by a hair. (Y/N)'s mind was still foggy and his body weak so weak that he didn't even bother fighting anything or even felt scared. the only thing he thought was...

(Y/N)'s mind-It's not soft... I don't like it.

(Chain Chompette's POV)

I saw that Koopa fly off with my baby and tears fell from my eyes before I turned to my mistress that was crying too. We just got him back and now he's gone again. My first thought was to comfort her but that's when I thought about something...

Chain Chompette's mind-If she cared about him so much... Why didn't she stop them herself?

My heart felt so heavy, and I was confused on what to do because I do care about her too. She looked at me with teary eyes and I looked back to where that Koopa flew off to and I think they went into the clouds... I can't follow the scent... I lost them.

Booette-Please, hurry! You can still follow them, can't you!

I thought about while I was playing with them, and they were safe, and I would have been able to save them. I wasted no more time and ran off to go look for them and if I really do lose them, I just need to find where more Koopas live. My mind was also made up.

Chain Chompette's mind-I will bring them back again but this time they will be under 'my care and rules'... Not yours.

(Bowsette's POV)

I was holding my face into my hands while grieving for my lost pet when all the sudden my door opened. My first thought was to incinerate the moron who opened the door to disturb me, but that washed away when I saw what they had in tow.

Bowsette-MY PET!!!



I’m calling it Booette is gonna possess chain chompette.