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((Y/N)'s POV)

Rosaline still had me in my new clothes while we were back at her place for her to get changed into something else even if I thought she looked fine before. I just hope we don't take too long, and Peach just thinks we left without telling her. Rosaline just told me to play with the lumas and star rabbits out here and they were pretty cute, but I just wish the rabbits would run away still like in the games because for some reason when I sit down, they like to slowly gang up and dogpile me. It's easy to get out, but it's a bit annoying now, but just then Rosalina came out and... she looked so pretty.


Rosalina-So, what do you think?

(Y/N)-... Are we just having a small lunch with Peach?

Rosalina-She's still a princess sweetie, so it would be a time to dress up a little.

(Y/N)-I guess.

Just then she held me close and took me back down to earth with her to the guest room we were in. We left the room to go to the dining room to wait and this place looked so much smaller in the video games... This dining room alone was huge. She sat at the table with me on her lap while we waited and soon the doors opened, and we saw Peach come in and she had a new dress on too rather than what she usually wears, and she was holding a turnip before she let it down to run around the room.


Peach-Oh, I was just about send someone to fetch the both of you.

Rosalina-I just thought we come a little early after we got dressed.

Peach-I guess we think alike. I haven't worn this in years. Glad to see it still fits.

It still felt weird having lunch with video game characters, but at least they weren't one of the crazy ones. Peach said that salads were coming first, and everyone gets their own bowl then we'll have ham and potatoes after. When the salads came out, Rosalina put me in a chair next to her, so I could have mine, but I only have salad with some dressing on it. During lunch Peach and Rosalina talked about princess stuff until...

Rosalina-Do you have any hobbies?

Peach-Well... I do enjoy a few sports here and there as well as traveling. Gymastics and beach volleyball are my personal favorites.

Rosalina-I never really played many sports or games, but I do love to travel as well.

I know exactly what they meant, and I saw them do it... well I played the games and saw them as computers doing it. Soon the better part of lunch came and I was thinking on how to ask Peach to help me get him, but then Rosalina started to not look so good and even held her stomach a little.

Peach-Is everything alright?

Rosalina-I'm fine.

Peach-Are you sure? You look like you're in some pain... I'll check with my chefs to see if anything has gone bad, but we should get you checked by a doctor and maybe they'll have something for you.

Rosalina-Thank you, but this is only a thing that will pass.

Peach-Nonsense. I can't just let a guest of mine suffer. What kind of host will that make me? Guards, see to it that our sick guest is taken to the hospital.

(Peach's POV)

A few Toads came in and helped Rosalina out from her seat to take her to the hospital, but I gave them orders to make sure it was the small clinic just out the kingdom and she was not allowed here anymore. I went over to (Y/N) and even if these new clothes were made from great material, I had copies of his old clothes all lined up for him, so I picked him up and took him to my room.

(Y/N)-Is Rosalina gonna be, ok?

Peach-She'll be fine... I've been so worried about you after Bowsette took you and I am so sorry that I let it happen.

(Y/N)-Oh um... I-It's ok.

Peach-No, it's not. This time I will be extra careful with you. I even have your new room setup.~...

It's just a room inside my room, but I don't want to worry about the small details. We made it to my room, and I wanted these clothes off of him and had the ones I had made for him put on, so I might've knocked over a plant from the desert and the sand got on us a little. Needless to say, we did get changed and when I was done with him, it was like he never left my side.


I gave him some kisses before I took him to his room behind mine while servants came in to clean the mess I made. His room had a queen-sized bed, a rocking chair, a fireplace, and a fair amount of lighting and vents. This was made that there was only one way in and out of his room and the only one with a key to his door will be me. It looked nice and cozy in here without a hint of darkness, but he did have one complaint about his room.

(Y/N)-Actually... Rosalina was helping me get home and... I wondered if you would still help. We actually had an idea that-.

I tuned him out as my heart shattered from the thought of (Y/N) wanting to go back to his father instead of staying with me. My hatred for that man didn't change at all and I still plan to throw him in the dungeons if I do manage to meet him. Telling him the truth of what is going to happen to his life now was going to be hard even if I try to do it gently, so I was going to tell him to show some tough love.





(No POV)

Just at the entrance of the castle the door was busted down by what many believed to be a bullet bill or a bomb, but soon they saw what or in this case, who it was.



Many Toads tried to stop her, but she rammed herself through them and started to head upstairs. She was so excited to get (y/N) and head home, but Peach heard the noises getting closer and left her room with (Y/N) to try and run then as she ran past a window, she saw something outside.


On the ship heading for the castle was a very rushed crew trying to keep up with orders of their very angry queen. Last guy who tried to "stand up" to her ending up being fired... out of a cannon. Bowsette came out of the captain's room and onto the dock to look at the castle with rage in her eyes.



Koopa-Um, your majesty... We aren't really there, yet. Not all of us have wings, but we should be there and ready to go in-.

(Timeskip 1 Minute)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We could hear all sorts of things being crashed into and it was only getting closer, but just as we were making it to the balcony where there was nowhere left to run, we saw something heading for us. I thought it was a cannonball at first... until we heard screaming and soon, I saw what it was.




He flew into the railing and falling down and soon we saw more koopas without wings coming this way. This was weird and scary then something busted threw wall down the hallway and we both looked and I never saw this girl before.


???-It's you! (Y/N)!!!~

She bounced in place a few times like she was really excited then ran to us before she stopped right in front of us, and Peach turned me away from her and held me tighter.

???-Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

We were both confused by this, and Peach just put me down, but kept me behind her and I tried to only peek out.

Peach-Pardon me, but... Thank me for what?

???-For finding my mistresses boy, so I can take him home! She'll be happy and give me extra treats, and let me in the house, and be on the furniture, and I won't be on that mean leash anymore!

Just then I thought I had a pretty good idea about who she was now because of the strawberry thing then looked at her crown as well as her chains then teeth... She was that mega chain chomp... Chain Chompette.

Peach-I'm not giving him to you. He's staying with me.

Chain Chompette-Huh? Then why was he at Mistress Booette's mansion? She said he needs to come back.

Peach-I don't care. You need to leave.

Chain Chompette-I can't leave without him.

Peach-You will. If you excuse us, i'm putting him back in his room and you can show yourself out.

(Chain Chompette's POV)

She was walking away with him, and Mistress Booette will be sad if I don't bring him home and I don't like it when she's sad. He also looked so cute, and I was so happy to see him again that I could just remember his taste and thought of all the fun we could have... I want him... I tracked him, I want him, I found him, I OWN HIM!!!

Chain Chompette-*Growl* STOP!!!

I stomped my foot, and it went into the ground, and I was so made at her that when I felt a turtle person hit me in the back, I didn't even care to look at him. They both turned to me, and I ran to them and they couldn't outrun me, so I easily caught them and held each in one hand. This princess only made it to my belly, so I was bigger, faster, and stronger, so that makes me have power over her to do what I want.

???-Put us down!

Chain Chompette-I'm taking (Y/N) and I don't like you anymore pink lady, so if you try to stop me, I will squash you!

I threw her through a hole in the wall I made and put (Y/N) held (Y/N) in my new chest, so I could run off the balcony and get out of here quicker. He screamed into my chest, and it was good at making him quiet and seeing as he was trying to get me to let go as best as he could, I might need to do this a lot until he calms down. As we were leaving a flying ship got her and someone jumped down and made a crater bigger than mine and when the dust cleared, she looked at me.


???-You... Give me the boy.

She wants to take him too and when he looked at her, he got scared, so she was worse than the pink lady. I just held him tighter and used my chest to cover his eyes.

Chain Chompette-... Move. *growl*

I charged at her and was going the throw my whole side body into her, but she stopped my attack almost completely. All I did was push her back until she tripped on something, and I ran over her by stepping on her belly and face to push off and go faster. She was yelling, but it was getting farther away since I was faster than her. The only screams, I could hear where (Y/N)'s into my chest until I let him out.

(Y/N)-*Gasp* P-Put *panting* me *pant* d-down!

He was catching his breath after I guess I held him in my chest for too long and I just smiled as I ran. Maybe I can use this as a punishment if he thinks about the pink lady too much, but right now, I can't wait to see how happy Mistress Booette is going to be. He asked me to put him down again and I guess he wanted the pink lady, so I put his face back in my chest.

Chain Chompette-Don't worry. You'll like Mistress Booette a lot better.


(Booette's POV)

I was in my garden crying and my Boos were trying their best to make me feel better, but I only wanted one thing and it breaks my heart to not have it. Soon though I heard something like footsteps coming from around the house and they were fast then i soon saw who it was. The pure happiness made my heart skip a few beats and she held him out while he looked tired and adorable.


Chain Chompette-I got him! I got him back!

Booette-My baby!


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