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((Y/N)'s POV)

Last night my new moms got to meet Rachnera and I was happy to help her after everything she's been through, but I guess Miia and Centorea were still kinda mad about what she did. I can understand why, but I just hope this morning will be different because Suu and Papi kinda liked her. I was waking up in my room and tried to get up without falling back asleep then left my room to go downstairs then saw I was the only one down here, so I just turned on the T.V. to watch a cartoon for a bit before I go take a bath. During my first episode I heard someone coming and it was Centorea and she came to pick me up.


Centorea-There you are. Come on, I see you haven't had your morning bath, yet.

(Y/N)-Can it wait until after the show?

Centorea-I'll pause it and you can finish after. We already let you skip your bath last night.

I didn't want to bring up my newest mom to make her mad already, but I wondered what I could do to get them to see that Rachnera isn't that bad. During our bath we heard others getting up and Suu tried to slip under the door, but I guess the construction workers slid something on the bottom of the door, so she couldn't do that, be we show her shadow through the glass a little. By the time we were done she wrapped me in a towel then opened the door and we saw Rachnera just waiting to get in next but looked a little surprised.


Rachnera-Well good morning cutie pie. Didn't know you like taking baths with your mommies or maybe it's the other way around. ~

Just then Centorea held me tighter, and I saw her face get pink a little before she just looked away from her and Rachnera smiled a little bigger.

Centorea-For your information, he used group showers, so he doesn't see anything wrong with it! There is also nothing wrong with a mother bathing their young for bonding!

Rachnera-Of course, of course. Just teasing a little.

Rachnera just kissed head before she went into the bathroom and Centorea took me to my room to get me dressed for the morning, but then... we smiled something burning a little when she opened my door.

Centorea-*Sigh* Miia.

She just went to her room to go get dressed and I headed downstairs.

(Miia's POV)

I was doing my best to cook breakfast since my dearest son is already loves the very spider woman that kidnapped him in the middle of the night after some sob story! She has another thing coming if she thinks she can even compete to be his favorite mother because that is me and she will learn that by the end of the day along with everyone else. When I saw my son come in and joined Papi and Suu in the living room to finish his cartoon that was paused I saw him looking at me food like he was surprised.


Miia's mind-He must be drooling over my cooking.

I felt proud until the moment my food caught on fire, and I had to use the fire extinguisher to keep the house from burning down and there was no way Centorea was going to let me feed him this.

Miia's mind-Stupid fire. This is why I wanted the stove with heating pads.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Papi had me wrapped in her wings and they were so warm, and Suu almost make me need another bath since she wanted my wet hair, but Centorea just came in with Mero and Suu jumped on Mero to start licking the water off her and Centore tried to get Suu off her, but nothing she did worked, and it was actually kinda funny to watch.


Centorea-Suu, you are setting a bad example by this!

Suu-Suu, example.


Mero-How tragic this is all happening just on my second day!

Papi-Hey, I wanna play too!

Papi went to join the pile, and nobody was fight, fighting, so this made it better than the cartoon I was watching, but I was getting cold now. The fighting all stopped when a bunch of webs shot out and covered them all until Suu slipped out. Just then I saw Rachnera walk in, and she had different clothes on.


Rachnera-Isn't it a little too early to be making so much noise and burning food?


Just then Rachnera saw me curled up on the couch then picked me up and saw me shivering a little from the cold air hitting me again after I was so warm with Papi.

Rachnera-You cold out here?

(Y/N)-A little.

Rachnera-Well then... My webs are pretty warm in a cocoon. If you want, I can wrap you up until the house warms up.



Miia-Wait, you can't just tie him in a spider web again! That's against the rules of this program! You'll get us in trouble!

Rachnera-He can ask me to let him out when he wishes. You can't get in trouble if you aren't caught or hurting anyone.

Miia-I won't let you and i'll take him from you if I-!

(3 Minutes Later)

Miia was tied up in a weird way and even had her mouth covered in webs and I was slowly being spun around in a web and it did feel sticky, but also cozy. I looked at the others and Rachnera helped them out of her webs, but left Miia tied up while Centorea got to work on cleaning the kitchen then Miia bit through the web in mouth to spit it out.

Miia-A little help here!

Centorea-Consider it punishment for setting fire in the kitchen and no doubt refusing follow instructions from the cookbook.

Miia-Are you just going to let that spider lady tie up our son?!

Centorea-... *Sigh* As long as she doesn't do anything funny and stays true to her word then there shouldn't be too much of a problem.

(Centorea's POV)

It does burn me up inside that after I said that to stay in line with the rules, she gave my son a quick kiss on the cheek while cradling him. What she did last night to kidnap him was unforgivable in my eyes, but she no longer possesses ill will towards us. When I finished cleaning the mess Miia made, but when I turned back, I saw her treating our son like a toy to cuddle with.


I just got a knife to cut Miia loose from the web and she had that look from when she gets territorial and diabolical. I think Papi and Suu are playing in the back yard while Mero found a spot in the living room for her to watch the cartoon (Y/N) was watching. Just then I heard a stomach growl and I just looked at the trash where the burnt breakfast was.

(Y/N)-So... what's for breakfast?

Miia-I'll cook!

Centorea-No! You'll burn it again!... I'll make French toast.

While I got to cooking Miia went to the others and tried to slowly take (Y/N) from Rachnera, but stuff like this will only provoke her. I don't like her that much either, but it's not like we can do much about it now. When I was done with breakfast and called everyone over to the table, she finally let him out of that web and relief hit me... Until...

(Y/N)-Can we do something fun today? Like a game or something we can all play?

Mero-Oh, I suppose we hardly got to bond much.


Rachnera-What did you have in mind Cutie Pie? ~

(Y/N)-How about we go to the park and play with a frisbee or something? Centorea is allowed to come and watch us, right?

There were no objections, and this could be a good thing to help break tensions, so after breakfast I needed another bath no thanks to Suu and while the others got one as well, I just saw Rachnera tossing (Y/N) in the air to catch him until she quickly made a web hammock to catch him and let him bounce.

Centorea's mind-Calm down. She's just playing with him. She has done nothing... Only this morning.

(No POV)

It took a while for everyone to get ready, but once they were ready and brought a frisbee to play with Papi ended up trying to fly off ahead after snatching (y/N) out from Miia's arms but seeing as this would get them in trouble Rachnera spun a web and caught her.

Miia-Give him back!

Papi-Hey, let go!

Rachnera-*Sigh* Can you just settle down? We're not in a rush or anything.

Papi-I wanna get there now!

That didn't happen and Rachnera only tied Papi and put her on her back which gave many a show to watch until they made it to the park to play.

(Mero's POV)

I saw a nice lake that would be excellent to swim in, so I got off my chair and into the water and it felt good to swim in a bigger body of water, so I swam all the way to the bottom only to shoot myself back up and launch into the air and even did a flip. When I landed back in the water i heard someone clapping and I came back up to see it was my new son and he took off his socks and shoes before he came in up to his knees and I went up to him.


(Y/N)-That was amazing! How did you get up so high in the air?!

Mero-It was nothing, really. Maybe next time I can do the trick with you. We'll go super high.

(Y/N)-Can we do it now?!

Mero-We don't have any spare clothes. You might get... sick.

(Fantasy Start)

(Y/N)-M-Mommy, it hurts, and my nose is so plug I can hardly breathe. *sneeze*

My poor child was lying in bed with a fever, joint pains, cold sweats, runny nose, dry mouth, and has been this way for 4 days now. If something doesn't change soon this can become more life threatening by the second. The others were grieving and praying for the health of our son to return and there was nobody to blame other than me.

Mero-I'm sorry sweetie... I was careless. I understand if you hate me.

(Y/N)-But... I love you mommy.

He held out his hand for me to take and hold it and while he forgives me, i can never forgive myself. Such a tragedy that a mother who is supposed to care for him has him on the verge of death.

(Fantasy End)

((Y/N)'s POV)

(Y/N)-Mero?... Mommy?

I tried clapping my hands, but she still had her eyes closed while smiling like she was having a very good daydream. I just got out of the water to go play catch with everyone else and she even snapped out of it when I tried to throw it the water for her. Just then Suu tackled me and while i was laughing she was looking at my legs and started to rub her hands on them to get the water off, but then got sprayed by a sprinkler that just turned on and she got bigger.


I knew she could do this, but I wonder how big she can get. Maybe she could be a giant that's as big as a sky scrapper. When she got off of me, she picked me looked around until we both saw a lady holding a baby to her chest and her shirt was opened a little. She brought me a little closer to her, but just then Miia took me away from her.

Miia-Don't you dare!


She looked confused until we got back to our game, but then Miia threw it too hard, and it went over me.

(Y/N)-I got it, I got it!

I ran into the trees to try and catch in, but it bumped off a tree and went down a hill next to a shed, so I went to some stairs to go get it. When I made it down, I saw 2 adults looking at me as they were coming over and I tried to go back to my moms, but they got in the way.


Woman-Hey kid.

(Y/N)-Um... H-Hi.

Man-You looked like you were having fun over there with the monsters. What's your deal with them?

(Y/N)-... Th-There... my n-new moms. *mumbles*

Woman-Huh? Moms, eh?

Man-Those freaks can't be adopting humans. Not only is that against nature, it's against the law!

I tried to leave since they were smiling at me a little weird, but they wouldn't let me go and the man took the frisbee and held it high to where I couldn't reach it. I still tried to jump up to reach it and these adults were reminding me of the bullies at the orphanage.

(Y/N)-Hey, that's mine!

Man-What are you gonna do it about it? Cry to one of your mommies?~

Woman-They can't do a thing to us or else they will get deported, and you'll go back to where you were before too!

They both laughed at me, and I thought about what they just said and i don't wanna go back there. Just then the man threw my frisbee onto the roof of a shed and pushed one finger back on my head and I started to cry.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* St-Stop it.

Man-Or what? Come on, try to call for one of your freakshows!

Woman-I'd love to see them do something!

???-If you insist!~


We were confused and I tried to turn to where the voice came from and I think it was Rachnera, but a web shot past me and stuck the man's hand and he was yanked into the trees so fast he couldn't scream then the same happened to the woman before I saw Rachnera come out and I just ran to her to grab one of her legs.


Rachnera-Sweetie, where those mean adults picking on you?~

I just nodded my head and tried not to cry while she got the frisbee on the roof then picked me up and put my head on her chest to listen to her heart and her shushing me while rubbing my head. On the way back, I saw the man and woman were hanging by their feet from a tree and were tied together and there were even webs between their legs where their private areas were. We soon made it back to the others, but I had my eyes closed since it made listening easier and Rachnera told them what happened. They decided we should go home early and just watch a movie or something and that sounded nice.

(No POV)

On the way home Rachnera let someone else hold (Y/N) as long as he got the spot, he wanted to listen to a calm heartbeat to calm him down. She figured someone will find the couple soon and they didn't see her do it and had no proof since there were other species of her kind in the state. When they made it home Miia was holding him and laid on the couch with him and wrapped him in her coils like he liked as they got ready for a nice movie...

Centorea's mind-I guess this makes up for what she did... More or less.


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