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((Y/N)'s POV)

Mangle finally left her cove but would not put me down and would kinda play with me as we were heading back to the others. On the way there something was knocked over in the party room and when we looked, it was a bowl full of empty balloons. The girls only continued walking then I swore I saw something move in the darkness and it was starting to scare me a little, so I tried to get down and make a run for it back to the security office since to get to the front door, I would have to run towards the place where i saw something move... I know someone was in here, but Mangle would not let go of me.

Mangle-St-Stop it... Please... I-I said STOP!!!

Just then I flinched, and Bonnie looked kinda surprised then so did Mangle.

Bonnie-Woah, where did "that" come from?

Mangle-I... I don't-.



She jumped off the ground and held me very tight before she turned around and we saw who made her jump while she was kinda laughing.


She was laughing a little before she looked up and saw me and I have no idea who she was, but I could tell from her neck and way she dressed that she was from here too.

Mangle-D-D-D-Don't do that.

???-Sorry. Never know you could yell at someone. What's with this small guard?

Toy Bonnie-He's not a guard. He's a child. You know those things we have in our database for if an adult stalk them we alert police.

???-I thought they weren't allowed here.

Toy Bonnie-Some guard brought them in. Mangle can't even put them down.

???-I wanna see him!

Just then this new girl took me from mangle by surprise and Mangle tried to take me back, but the new girl spun me around.

???-Wow, it's like lifting a doll! He's just so tiny and adorable that you just wanna stuff him in a bag and carrying him around!

When she said that I felt my face getting warm and that's when she laughed and gave me a few kisses.

???-Hey there little cutie. Just accessed Fredda's file and found out your name is (Y/N). I'm Balloon Girl!

Mangle-G-Give him back!

Mangle took me back from Balloon Girl and even wrapped her tail around my legs while she held me kinda tight. They both looked at her kinda surprised again and she just whimpered before it was completely dark in her all of the sudden then I suddenly felt like I was grabbed again.

Mangle-Marionette, st-stop! He's not a g-g-guard!


Suddenly the lights came on just a little like before, so the room was still kinda dark, but now I can see who it was that has me.


I had no idea how she moved so quiet and nobody heard her, but right now she just gave me a look.

Marionette-Hmmm... How old are you?


Marionette-And "how" did you get in here?

Before I could answer Toy Bonnie took me from her and turned me away from her and Marionette had a look on her face.

Toy Bonnie-Woah, woah, woah, let's not do something we might regret. He's not an adult.

Marionette-He will be.

Toy Bonnie-Just look at how small and adorable he is. Can you do anything to this innocent little face besides play with it?~

Marionette-You've seen what "grown children" are like. Did you not see that one group of teens before we had to kick them out of here or did you feel their gaze on your ass too?

Just then Toy Bonnie shivered a little before Marionette got close and Toy Bonnie held me tighter. They were in a staring contest now before Marionette closed her eyes, but then smiled.

Marionette-Alright, keep the child, but when he slips up, he goes with the others. Understood?

Toy Bonnie only stuck her tongue at her before the lights flickered and Marionette was suddenly gone. I was kinda scared that she might be watching because of what she said, but just then Balloon Girl grabbed me and ran, so the others chased after her and we were heading to the office. Just when we go back, Balloon Girl jumped over the desk and Toy Fredda and Toy Chica were surprised to see this.


Mangle-Balloon Girl, gi-give h-h-him back!

The others came in and started fighting over me before Fredda came over and took me from them.

Balloon-Hey, I had him first!

Toy Bonnie-Dream on! I found him!

Toy Fredda-That's enough! His first time here is not gonna be you three and-... Wait, you too Mangle?

(Fredda's POV)

I was surprised to see Mangle act like this after the last I saw her and even know what she's like since those men gangbanged her. I was about to continue with talking, but then I felt something on him that was wet and had glitter then looked to see our last security guard left us some make-up and now it was on him.

Fredda-I'm getting this make-up off him. All of you just figure something out.

I left the others, and they knew I was in charge around here and I did want some alone time with this adorable child instead of just having my only human contact being perverted adults. He looked nervous and wiggled to want to be put down, but I kept him in my arms until we reached the showers which should be fine because nobody was here and I turned the water on.

(Marionette's POV)

My little trap I planted worked perfectly and now Fredda was stripping him and did so herself next, but he wouldn't look. I know he'll look during the shower, but he did try to run over to an empty one and it was a cute attempt before Fredda grabbed him and dragged him back to the shower then left to go get some more soap. When she came back he still refused to look, but based on her body that made so many men and women hard or wet, he will be no different.


Marionette's mind-Just one look will be enough. I'll be sure to smother him myself.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I heard Fredda come in over the running water and soon she started to spray and scrub me in the water while sitting down. This reminded me about the older girls and I tried to scoot away from her, but she always pulled me back to her.

Fredda-Just relax sweetie. This is like an older woman giving a young child a bath. Isn't that something all woman do with kids?

(Y/N)-No, not all grown women do that to all kids... Do you mean a mommy?

Fredda-That nickname?... Does it mean something else?

(Fredda's POV)

He started to explain to me what a mommy is and what his mommy does and until now I thought "mommy" was just another word for a dominatrix, like how some adults call me "Dommy Mommy", but this version of that word... It sounds... nice. He went on about some men and women adopt kids to have families then...

Fredda-Your mommy sounds nice... What kinda of stuff do you do with her?

(Y/N)-Well we cuddle, play some games together on my Switch sometimes, she takes me places to eat and have fun.

Fredda-Do you sleep together? What do you do then?

(Y/N)-I mean... when I have a nightmare or lately, she likes me sleeping with her, so she can hold me close at night... She rubs my back too.

Fredda-Can you show me how?

I think he was opening up to me a little because he turned to me finally and it was weird to see a naked male that wasn't hard for me at first, but then he put his face against my belly and wrapped his small arms around my waist then rubbed my back a little while laying on my lap. This feeling... it felt so warm, but familiar in a way...

Fredda's mind-When did I feel this before? I don't want to lose this again!

He was just too good to let go and i'm sure his mom can easily adopt another child and I can just have him. There are way too many reckless and stupid sex addicts in this world for there to be no children wanting to be adopted... I just want him though and I was going to tell him the good news right now.

Fredda-Hey, cutie pie. I just got an idea and I think you're gonna love it and it will really help us here.


Fredda-I'm gonna adopt you!~

My heart felt so good and beating really fast at the thoughts of me cuddling him on days we are closed or after hours. Just then all that was destroyed when...

(Y/N)-I already have a mom and family. I'm going back home in the morning... Actually... Wh-Where's th-th-the man I c-came with?

He was starting to get scared of me and I don't want him to be scared of me. He's supposed to think of me as his mommy now. He backed away from me different this time, so I stood up and tried to calm him down.

Fredda-N-Now you should be scared of your mommy, that's just crazy. I'm not scary, am I?

(Y/N)-Y-You can't be my mom. It doesn't work like that because I already have a mom!

Fredda-Well... You'll still have a mom. Me and you'll have aunties too. Doesn't that sound nice.

Just then he ran out of the shower and grabbed a towel to dry off while running, but too bad for him... I locked the door with the latch on top he can't reach. My friends and I have been in this disgusting sex pit for weeks now and I was not going to lose the one shoot of happiness we have. I walked out to see him cowering at the door and that's just him being silly.


(Y/N)-Stay away from me! Th-Their cops outside and they'll know somethings wrong if Kyle and I go missing! You'll be in big trouble and turn you off too!

Fredda-*Giggles* Oh, you're just so adorable. I think you're just nervous about being adopted, but it's all just in your head. I can think of a few good places here for to take a little nap and calm down.~

He had a few other attempts to try and reach the latch while I walked up to him and did a little technique built into my programing after Mangle's attack. It was just I little push to the neck and head to knock him out without hurting him.

Fredda-*Shhhh* It's gonna be alright.~


I turned to see who it was that giggled and when I did I saw the look she was giving my new son, almost like she was excited, but also curious. She probably watched everything from the moment we got in here or at the least most of it or she would not even bother to come down.


Marionette-So, I heard you need a place to hide him.~


((M/N)'s POV)

I was almost at my limit because my son was not answering and it was 4AM now, but just then I got a text from him saying "Everything is fine mommy" "Just busy right now". I tried to call him instantly after, but still no answer and the second that place opens even to morning employees, i'm going in with cops if my son and Kyle don't come out.

(M/N)'s mind-I lost one son, i'm not losing another!

(No POV)

While (Y/N) was out cold in the big wind-up box with Marionette, so she can observe the child more effectively, Toy Fredda told everyone the good news about what she learned and what she did. They had (Y/N)'s new phone and texted his mom to try and come up with a plan to make (Y/N) accept being adopted and that was...

Toy Fredda's mind-If you don't want to be adopted because of her... We'll just have to get rid of her without causing a scene.~