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(Seinna's POV)

I was looking down at this child just trying to find some faunas feature, but it was clear that this child was a human who made this situation worse. Not only is that grounds for execution, now I have the media to deal with if so much as one press member catches wind of this then humans will not only have a reason to justify their claims, but cause a panic and they might make accusations of kidnapping others. Considering what we actually do, false claims is the last thing we need because it could ruin the image I want to create exactly. I just glared daggers at Adam as he stood there like nothing was wrong, but it didn't set in that he crossed a line until I stood up and walked down the stairs from my throne.

Seinna-What were you thinking bringing a human here and a child at that?! Are you trying to give the humans a reason to show up at our doorstep!

Adam-I didn't bring them here. We found them tied up and knocked out on the ship. I don't know who had this idea, but I plan to find them. For now, it's up to you where we go from here.

Just then the child started to stir awake and when his eyes opened I guess his vision must be kinda blurry because he wasn't freaking out. He had to be drugged, but that's gonna wear off and we have a whole new problem to deal with and it was too late to get him on a ship and back to Vale even if that should've happened in the first place.

Seinna-All of you, give us the room! I want to speak and interrogate this human "alone".

They all obeyed, but Adam gave me a look before he left the room as well and just in time because now the boy was looking around more when I looked back down to him.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to think clearly again, but now I had no idea where I was and I was tied up too with only one woman in the room, but I remember I was taken by Neo. This lady went to her big chair in what looked like a throne room in a castle from a movie while I struggled to sit up and tried to stand.

???-Stay seated.

I did what she said and fell back on my butt and tried to look around to see if Neo was here, but I couldn't see her unless maybe she can look like things too. The lady snapped her fingers made me look at her again and she looked mean.


???-Tell me what happened. What was the last thing you remember before you woke up here?

I tried to tell her everything, but she made me skip to the part where Neo kidnapped me then she wanted to know who she was and what she looked like, so I told her about her power, but...

???-Do you honestly believe I would believe such a ridiculous story?! It sounds like you're trying to protect someone or maybe you being here was no accident!

(Y/N)-I-It's true, I swear!

???-Tell me your name and don't you "dare" lie to me again!

(Y/N)-(Y-Y/N)!... Wh-What's your-?

???-Alright (Y/N), we are going to try this again by bringing you to the crew and you are going to point out suspects or the punishment for you will be far worse.

She came over and threw me over her shoulder before she walked out of the room with me then down the hall while pulling out her scroll to call a meeting.

(Winter's POV)

I had droids doing a sweep in the city, so if the kidnappers poke their heads out, i'll catch them.  It doesn't make me feel better that Tai is going to find out that the kidnappers have his son again under my watch. The guilt was eating away at me and I just wanted him back so bad and this time take him to Atlas with me.

Winter's mind-What are you talking about?! Atlas isn't enough!... Ugh, why did I take my eyes of him even for a second or even put him down... No, that's not even enough!

I even had thoughts about strapping him to my side or having him in a harness on my front side to carry him 24/7, but it still didn't feel like enough.

Winter's mind-What is enough?!

After many other thoughts I realized one clear answer I have been over looking.

Winter's mind-If anyone knows I have him, he'll be in danger... Nobody needs to know I have him. He'll be safer that way. Locked in a nice room where only I can see him... Why didn't I think of this before?!

Just then I had a thought about even the general finding out and that thought made me so angry, I imagined myself killing him for laying eyes on him. I know I wouldn't do that, but maybe something close to it would suffice... Point being...

Winter's mind-They have no business even looking at him anymore! HE'S MINE, MINE, ALL MINE!!!

(Glynda's POV)

I was briefed that Special Operative Schnee has lost (Y/N) and that was 2 hours ago and since then I blamed myself for not asserting myself there. Ozpin told me everything will be "ok",... so I believe we have a misunderstanding that I need to clear up with him. When I arrived at his office I saw him sitting at his desk and the sight of him now... makes me sick.


Ozpin-Ms. Goodwitch, I thought you had a class around this time.

Glynda-I had to cancel today's lesson to make room for a little chat between us. It's very urgent.

Ozpin-I think I know what this is about. It is a shame that Tai's son is missing again. Our caretaker was very worried on the scroll and-.

Glynda-It should've been "me".

Ozpin-Hm?... I... beg your pardon.

Glynda-I stated clearly that I should've been the caretaker, I even had a set plan, and now look what happened.

Ozpin-This is nobody's fault.

Glynda-I have a few to "rightfully blame". There is of course Operative Schnee, the general, and not to mention... you.

Before he could answer back, I pinned him against the glass with his own desk a chair while take is special cane from him. The glass was very strong, so he'll be crushed before it's even cracked and my sudden attack made his aura flicker until it broke under the pressure. He can't even use his magic since he can't reach his cane.

Ozpin-*Grunt* G-Glynda?

Glynda-I had everything under control, he was happy with me, but every time he was taken from me, he was kidnapped! EVERY TIME!!!... And you're not going to keep me from him anymore. I am finding him and I am "keeping" him.

Ozpin-You can't!

Glynda-I can and I will, in fact... you authorized it.

While he was trapped I saw he was still logged in his computer, so I sent a message to James Ironwood saying...

Message-Due to failure of your second in command, we shall put the role of caretaker under my second in command, Glynda Goodwitch. I also give her full authority over the project, so what she says regarding the child is law in this jurisdiction.

With a quick sign of his name and pushing the send button, it was done and he just watched. When I turned back to him I saw the angry look on his face, but if anyone had a right to be angry it would be me and certainly not him.

Ozpin-Glynda, what has gotten into you?!


There was no need to talk to him right now, so i'll just send him on his way to his next body. I did so by lifting his body up in the air and put his head where the teeth of the gears will crush him.

Glynda-Take your time coming back... Just "don't" show your new face to me again. As a mother and professor... I will be very busy.

His last act was trying to speak to me, but the teeth of the gear did its job and now I had to stage the scene and clean the blood on the gears. As for the body, I just left it alone and felt bad that a poor man had to deal with having his body taken over by an arrogant ancient soul. When I was done with cleaning my mess and fingerprints to the crime along with security footage, I just went to go join the search and that will be my alibi.

Glynda's mind-When I get you back, i'll even make it so that your "family" will have to make an appointment with me to see you!

(Ruby's POV)

Something was wrong after combat class was canceled today because now both (Y/N) and Winter and not responding to us. We wanted to go back to our house even if it is just to check on him, but just the sight of Vale said it all when droids were everywhere. We tried calling Ozpin, but now he won't answer and Weiss called the CTE to try and get them to get us the general, but they said he was busy. Nobody is answering, so we hurried back to our home in Patch just to see that nobody was home which meant...

(No POV)

RWBY's mind-(Y/N) IS GONE?!?!?!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Seinna was trying to make me point at who took me on the ship and anyone of them could be Neo in disguise. They all looked scary with those masks and some even showed their teeth at me like they were about to bit. I tried to tell her that none of them were Neo if it gets me out here, but she only got annoyed and gave everyone a warning. I covered my ears a little when she got to the violent parts then she took me with her to where other ships were and got in one.

Seinna-Can't believe I can't trust a crew to bring a child to Vale... And now there's not enough gas to make it there and back!

She looked even more angry and maybe that's why she was mean, she was just mad and annoyed. I get that way sometimes and I think I know how to make her feel better. I just went up to her and gave her a little hug and tried to snuggle with her as best as I could while standing up. She jumped a little and looked at me in the eye while looking angry, but just like even when my big sister Yang is angry, all it takes is a little kiss and nobody nice be mad anymore.

(Sienna's POV)

I was trying to fight this nagging feeling all day, but after what (Y/N) just did, it over came me. I could even be mad that the ship wouldn't make it anymore as he nuzzled into my side before he helped himself to my lap. There was no way I could let this happen, but now it was hard to push him away, so I have to act cold.

Sienna-What are doing?

(Y/N)-I thought you could use a hug... Being the leader is a hard job.

He has no idea.

Sienna-I don't need your pity. Just... I don't know, just got off.

(Y/N)-But don't you like this?

Now it was hard for me to even say no and what made it harder is when he held me tighter.

Sienna's mind-Don't let a human get the better of you! Be the enemy of humans and strong for your people who need you as a leader. Push him off!

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Y/N)-You sure i'm not pressing too hard on your shoulders. I don't wanna hurt you.

Sienna-Just do it.

His little hands could never hurt me and they weren't good for massages either, but they did feel adorable as I relaxed. This felt nice and my stress was just melting away and when I heard a few noises outside I snapped out of my thoughts. This was a problem if others see that he's still here after this long and my leadership will come into question. I should just send him out to Menagerie to fend for himself and protect my face as leader, but...

Sienna's mind-I... I don't... He's not leaving!

I had to think of something and it has to look like i'm not getting soft, but what can work like that. Enslavement sounds very hypocritical and everyone will treat him like one and expect him to do hard labor... For some reason I hated the thought of that then I thought of something related to enslavement that lines up with him always being with me and under my will.

Sienna-(Y/N), I need to make a little call... It's a surprise for you.

(Y/N)-Oh, ok.

He stopped and I pulled out my scroll to have a new member run an arrand for me and made him a list. This was full proof because while I get to keep him, humans and faunas will see this as a power move. When I was finished I just looked at him spinning in a swivel chair to have some fun with what he had and I could already see what it will be like.


He soon noticed I was staring at him and slowly stopped when i got up and walked to him.

(Y/N)-Not that this isn't fun, but when can I go home?

Seinna-We'll talk about that later, but how about I do something as a sorry for being scary earlier. I can get some candy to my room.

(Y/N)-*Gasp* Do you have (F/C)?!

Seinna-I do now.~

He was happy to go now and was even about to take my hand, but his role needed to be made clear to others now. I just rook out my weapon and took the blades off then added a metal ring after I wrapped it around his neck to make a leash.

(Y/N)-Um, what are you doing?

Seinna-Sweetie, you might now this, but a lot of the faunas here really hate humans. This is going to make them know not to mess with you.

(Y/N)-But... this looks like a leash now. Those are for pets.

Seinna-Can we talk about this over some candy? I'll get you a bowl full of it.

He seemed unsure at first, but it just took a little tug to not even hurt him at all and he submitted to it. He was following me and even stayed close to avoid others that looked at us. Some even laughed a little at him and I remembered their features, so now I can have a talk with them if this happens again.

Seinna's mind-You just look so cute! Maybe a new name will help you and others understand your new role around here... I think I like... Munchkin.~


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