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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 5

I was alone in my room at the orphanage I was at and I was watching other kids play and I wanted to join them, but they make fun of me now when I said I like the idea of monsters coming here one day. They would make cool friends... That's when the bullies here started to pick on me and others would just laugh. Soon I went to the lobby to stay close to an adult, so no bullies would pick on me and I even brought a toy yo-yo to play with next to the desk. Mrs. Mulder was watching me and she would try to push me to the other kids, but it never works out, so I think it's better to stay away from them and not be next to mean people. I do still want a friend or someone who is nice to me no matter what.

Mrs. Mulder-(Y/N), do you wanna try playing with the other children today?

(Y/N)-But Joe is out there. He hates me.

Mrs. Mulder-I'm sure you both can bury the hatchet.

I didn't believe her at all, but before I could say anything back the door opened and a woman came in and it looked like she was from the big kind of buildings with lots of business people.


She had papers with her and I wonder if she was here to adopt someone, but I don't think anyone dressed like that would come here to adopt. She might want to talk to someone in charge here. When she walked to desk I tried to hide behind the desk again.

Mrs. Mulder-Good morning. How may I help you?

???-You can call me Ms. Smith. I'm here on behalf of the Interspecies business and will need to speak to a few children about wanting to see if they are willing to live with a monster.

(Ms. Smith's POV)

Just when I said that, the little boy trying to look smaller behind the side of the desk perked up a little. I took a look at him, but couldn't see his whole body, but he did look promising. I had to be careful to not pick some brat that will cause trouble for this bill and Miia said she wanted someone sweet as well. The front desk receptionist read my papers and saw that I was the real deal and was about to go off the list of children with good records that also stand out, but...

Ms. Smith-Excuse me little boy. Can you come out and tell me your name?

???-U-Um... ok.

He was shy about it, but he slowly came out and he did look adorable, but I would need to examine him a little more. I bent down to his level and he shrunk back a little still, but his gaze never left my eyes with that curious look unlike some who would have there eyes run a little wild around my body.


Ms. Smith-Well hello there. What's your name?

???-... (Y/N).

Ms. Smith-You look like a nice boy. You even heard what I just said, right?

He just nodded his head at me to say yes.

(Y/N)-Most kids here make fun of me for trying to be friends with monsters and others just laugh.

Ms. Smith-Well I think you have the right idea.

He blushed a little when I said that and suddenly a bell went off and he looked kind of nervous for some reason now.

Mrs. Mulder-That's for lunch. Go eat.

(Y/N)-Can I just stay here?

They went back and forth a few times about this which did rise a red flag because not only is a child refusing to eat, but he also seems uncomfortable around the other kids. When he did leave, I was hooked on this topic and went into an office with this staff member.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was not gonna sit down and get bullied, so I just took some food I could carry and snuck out into the hall to head to a place to eat alone. It was just fruit snacks, a small tray of chicken nuggets, and some juice. When I was done eating I just went back to my room that I share with 7 other boys and got on my bed. I thought about that lady again and thought it would be nice to leave this place, but there are so many other kids, so I tried to stop thinking like that. Later the door opened and when I looked I saw that lady again and she was smiling at me.


Ms. Smith-Hey there. They said you might be here.


She sat on the side of my bed and put a hand on my shoulder and what she said next...

Ms. Smith-You're not happy here, are you?... How would you like to go home to a mother who's waiting for you right now?~

I thought she was joking for a second, but then I saw that she was serious and I didn't know how to feel or what I was feeling. Suddenly a tear came of my eye and she wiped it away with her thumb.

Ms. Smith-I'll take that as a yes. I already have a few people getting you brand new clothes your size, but how would you like to go see your new mommy?~

(Ms. Smith's POV)

He was in awe that he was suddenly leaving today and so was the front desk lady when she didn't believe I had the authority at first, but things were already taken care of. When we got to the limo and started the drive to the house he didn't even look back to the orphanage, but around the limo and at me like he was still taking all of this in. I don't blame him since Mrs. Mulder did say he was not on good terms with some of the kids, but claims it was just "teasing", but it was bullying and tormenting, plain and simple. This was also what this program was made for to take sad kids who want a family and give them a loving home and judging on Miia... he's gonna be loved.

Ms. Smith-There's some trail mix in the bowl on the small table if you want some. Just to snack on.

He was still a little nervous, but he did help himself to the trail mix in here and it had peanut butter chips, E&M's, and pretzels mixed in. I went over some of the basic rules he has to follow and they were all pretty much there for his safety and common laws other than the ones there for the parent to actually be able to parent. When we finally made it to the house he just looked at it in awe since it was a nice house.


Ms. Smith-Now remember to be good for your new mommy, ok. She's very excited to meet you.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I don't wanna screw this up and go back to the orphanage, but I've never been in a family before and didn't know what to do. Just then Ms. Smith opened the front door and this house was really nice on the inside too. It was like you could fit 10 kids in here and it feels weird that i'm really the only kid here.

Ms. Smith-Oh Miia, your new son is here!

Just then I heard something that wasn't footsteps and wondered what kinda of monster she was and when I finally saw her she looked so happy to see me and I couldn't look away from her tail unless I really tried until she slithered to me very fast and scooped me up.


Miia-*Gasp* He's so adorable! I can't stand it!~

She hugged me kinda tight that it was hard to breath for a second then she let go a little to look at me.

Miia-What's your name?~

(Y/N)-... (Y/N).

Ms. Smith-Take it easy Miia. He'll need time to adjust to his first home... I'll leave you 2 be to bond and check on you from time to time.

She smiled at us and waved before she left us alone and Miia just carried me to the living room and I think this was the first time I was carried without being hurt that I could remember. She felt so soft and warm and when she sat on the couch, her lap felt as warm as this room and it felt... so good.

Miia-What do you wanna do first?

I had no idea on what we should do and I didn't feel like playing much of anything right now, but then I looked at her pointy ears. I wanted to touch them to see how they feel and when I did they felt scaley and soft when I gently brushed my finger to the tip of her ear.

Miia-*Giggles* Awwww, you like my ears? I think you just wanna cuddle.~

(Miia's POV)

I just laid on the couch and i'll show him his room in a little bit. I just wanna enjoy my time with my new baby boy and I already felt so happy. At first, I wanted to join the cultural exchange program, but when I was told about an adoption program, I was nervous, but the thought of a tiny little child of my own came into my head, I couldn't resist. It was easy to see that I made the right choice now and (Y/N) still played gently with my ears while nuzzling into me.

Miia's mind-So cute!~

I wrapped my tail around him and he turned back to look at his legs and waist were being wrapped up, but I just stroked his head.

Miia-You're ok. This is just who Lamia cuddle... You also feel so warm and soft.~

I kissed his head and helped him ease himself back to laying at me to relax and it soon worked. I soon reached for the remote and turned the T.V. on and we had a few news channels along side a countless selection of movies and shows. I just put on a cartoon for him that also looked to me called (F/C) and he was tranced by the show until I cupped his ears a little which got his attention. He wasn't even trying to hide that he liked the feeling, so I kept on going.

(Y/N)-Um ma'am... C-Can I see my... new room... Just for a second then come back out here?

Miia-Well of course. Also you don't have to call me ma'am. I'm your mommy now.

(Y/N)-I never had a mommy before.

Miia-Well I can tell you love the feeling so far. Come on, let's go see your room.

(Y/N)-And... C-Can you... carry me. If you want.

My heart fluttered that he just asked me to hold him, so I did what he asked and even asked him about what the orphanage was like and from what little I heard, it didn't sound like they were well taken care of, felt loved, or well watched. When we made it to his room he looked amazed and I just smiled as I put him down to let him explore.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This room was smaller, but it had more than just beds and dressers for clothes. It had a desk, an empty toy box that I think they might get me some later, and there was even a big window that wasn't covered in stickers and stuff... It looked so clean. I turned back to Miia and started to think if this was a dream, but I don't think it was.


Miia-Do you like it? We're going shopping for toys and stuff later tonight when Ms. Smith has a few men escort us. I bet we can even get you a few more decorations for your room that you might like.

I felt tears coming out of my eyes from feeling so happy and I just walked up to her for a hug and she picked me up and held me again. I never thought having a home would feel this good.

(Y/N)-I... I don't even know what to say.

Miia-Awwww... How about we go back to cartoons and cuddling while this sinks in... I can even make a cake after!~

I just nodded my head and she me back down stairs to go back to the way we were before... and I liked it so much I just wish i could stay like this forever.

(Ms. Smith)

I have a few men that should almost be finished with clothes shopping for (Y/N) and some more that will help with more food, decor, and toys for their new home. When I made it back to my business on the Cultural Exchange Program I got a call from a host family about a runaway and I knew who it was... needless to say, they won't be able to handle her and to be honest this family was a bit dull and calm for someone like here.

Ms. Smith's mind-Ugh, where to you get off too this time?


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