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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was with Foxy again and she was feeding this time while I heard all sorts of noises outside her curtain and she helped time pass by, by telling stories. I didn't understand some of the things in the stories through, like I had no idea how a pussy cat she had in a story suffocated a man that let her steal his gold. He even wanted it really bad, so I don't get why he didn't just pay to take her cat or go get his cat. She was feeding me some buffalo wings that Bonnie snuck over to us and they were spicy unless they were dipped in ranch. They were pretty good and other foods would be snuck over to us, but I really wanted to go out there and have someone get me home. I thought since we were all friends now they might help me get home now and I was getting tired of this place because sometimes it would smell funny.

(Y/N)-Foxy, do you think you can help me get home? If I go out there and tell an adult that i'm lost, they can get me back to my mom and brother.

Foxy-Ye don't wanna be out there lad. Out there is where bad people lurk and some might do something naughty to ye.

(Y/N)-What do you mean? Like punch or something?


I started to think about things like being shot or stabbed or something, but I didn't see any weapons when I peeked through the crack in the curtain. I did see Fredda dancing on a table with no shirt on and swinging her big chest around a lot earlier too and men a woman loved it. Soon Foxy brought me to the bed she had here to tell me more stories, but I thought she hated this room... Either way she was a good cuddlier, but I like cuddling with my mom a little more.

(Y/N)-Foxy, when am I going home? My mommy will get mad.

Foxy-Ah, but ask yerself this lad. If your big brother went home, why didn't he or yer mama come back her to get ye last night? Maybe brother dearest lipped his lip or-.

(Y/N)-N-No. My brother and I fight sometimes, but he wouldn't leave me here. I... I bet he has work tonight.

Foxy-Oh, does he now? Then you have nothing to worry about.

(Y/N)-Can we go back out to the stage area to see if my brother or mommy come? You hate this room anyway?

Foxy-Well, I hated the company I had before. Ye be an acceptation.

I'm sure my mom is looking for me right now, so I really wanted to go out there to at least keep a look out, but Foxy kept us back here... I'm sure the others will come get me when they see my mom is looking for me.

(Chica's POV)

I was in the middle of a lap dance with some furry cosplayer that looked a little like me, so this was beyond weird. When I was done I went off auto pilot and into free roam mode to go take a shower before I felt their greasy hands all over my legs and ass, not like management gave a shit if they put their hands on us as long as we don't need to be fixed after. During my shower I thought about that nice and cute shower with pouty little (Y/N) before I looked at the window to see grown adults drooling over me. Some of these men and woman were regulars too not to mention I was a favorite to a few of them.

Chica's mind-Do any of you ever put a thought in dating each other at least? You all have so much in common even if it's talking about me.

By the time I was done I looked at a clock in there and saw it was one hour until we close at 10 then I can be with (Y/N) again at 12. I went back out on the floor to get it over with, but I was gonna stay on stage then on my way back I saw that angry lady Fredda warned us about... (Y/N)'s mother.


She had papers with her and shoved them into the managers chest and I kept an eye on her while I was walking back on autopilot to pay more attention.

???-I'm telling you my sons were last here! This is his employment application, screenshots I found on his computer, your sign on bonus that was put into his bank account, and god dammit his car is still in the parking lot!

Manager-Ma'am we would never allow a child in here, and I won't deny (B/N)'s employment here, but after he left early during a shift, we have no idea where he is.

???-I am going to get a search warrant for this place and with the case I have given to the police this evening, there is not a damn thing you can do about it!

Chica's mind-Search warrant?!

She stormed out of here very pissed off and this was very bad... They were gonna take the best thing that has ever happened to us in years!

Chica's mind-I... "We" won't let them take him.

(Timeskip To Midnight)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Foxy woke me up from a little nap I took on her and it was very quiet outside now, so she carried me out with her then I saw the lights were off still as she went on the floor with me. She then smelled me as I looked at the stage, but the girls were talking about something and seemed kinda mad before they looked at me. I wondered if I did something bad to them and they might be mean to me again then Foxy leaned away from me again.


Foxy-Ah, ye smell sweaty. Time for a bath buster.

She looked at the girls and looked curious before she put me down in front of her then bent down to me.

Foxy-Go get ready fer yer shower, but don't start without me.

She pushed me a little and I just went off to the showers since I did feel gross, but I turned back as she went to talk to the girls. They were all upset about something and I wanted to know what, so instead of going to the showers I went to the office and down the other hall quietly then listened closely and it was quiet, so I could only hear them.

Bonnie-That won't work, they'll find him for sure. We have to put him with the others.

Chica-We are not putting him in the parts and services room. Even if we have a hallow suit in there, you know where that's been. He won't stay quiet all day.

Bonnie-That's why we knock him out and just hope it lasts long enough for the search.

Foxy-It's not like she can get a warrant over night. We have a while.

Chica-She had a pile of papers worth of evidence. Even so, we need to plan and we can't decide on one over neither.

Fredda-There's only one option... We hide him from the police and his mom under the stage. Even if they tear it apart, they won't know about the secret hatch. He'll just be with... her for the day.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They were hiding me from my mommy and the police that can really help me... They were gonna put me under a stage too, but I don't wanna go under a stage or be with those liars anymore...


I snuck back down the hall to go to the security room before I checked the tablet and saw the girls were still at the stage, but Foxy headed to the showers. They'll be coming for me soon, but I have 97% of power left. Soon I saw Foxy got back running to the girls that were just sitting on the stage like she was looking for me. Just then Chica pointed at the camera when they all looked confused then they looked at the cameras then looked a little me.


I jumped a little when I heard giggling coming from both hallways, but all the girls were still in the stage room. I put the tablet down and checked the doors then heard more giggling, so it was not just in my head... I don't think.

(Y/N)-Wh-Who's there?!

???-... It's me.~

It came from both hallways before I backed up a bit more then hit something or someone, so I turned around quickly to see someone new behind me and sitting on the floor.


(Y/N)-Who are you?!


She smiled some more and I blinked my eyes a few times and she was suddenly gone then I heard footsteps coming down the hall.

Bonnie-(Y/N), you come out here this instant!

I heard them get very close, so I closed the door then saw her in the window looking at me like she was serious.


Bonnie-Open this door. Now.

(Y/N)-N-No! You lied to me! All of you did! You let my brother leave, but kept me here to hide me from my mommy!


(Y/N)-I'm not staying here anymore! When it's morning i'm leaving and going back to my mommy, you meanie!

I blow my tongue at her and she looked mad before she soon smiled at me while looking down.

Bonnie-Alright then... Game on.

She slowly left, so I soon opened the door then checked the other door before I checked the cameras. I saw Bonnie just stood down the hall while waving at the camera, Foxy was just outside of her stage looking very mad while stretching, Chica was next to the showers, Fredda was in the party room, but I couldn't find that other girl anywhere.

(Y/N)-Where did she go?

I put the tablet down to save power, but then I heard footsteps coming fast down the hall Bonnie was in.

Foxy-(Y/N), ye naughty boy! Ye should be in the shower!

She was getting closer very fast, so I closed the door in time to see a red blur in the window then pounding on the door filled my ears. It sounded like she was very strong because I even saw the door shake a little with each it.

Foxy-When we getcha, you're in a world of trouble laddie!~

She ran off as quick as she came and I was nervous to open the door, but I didn't have a choice. I opened the door to see a empty hallway before I check the cameras and I checked a few without seeing anyone, so when I panicked I closed both doors to finish checking. When I found everyone I saw Chica and Fredda were coming down the hall and Bonnie blew me a kiss while she was in a closet then Foxy was back in her stage with the curtain closed, but I still didn't find that other girl. I opened one door while keeping the other closed.

(Y/N)'s mind-Ok, it's almost 1AM and you have 78%, that's not bad,... right?

((M/N)'s POV)

I was outside of this damn club where my oldest took my youngest and they both disappeared and this place has to know something. I read something about 5 little girls went missing from this place back when it was a place for kids. People say I could only pray, but when I get this warrant i'm doing more than that. I'm gonna make sure this place gets shut down no matter what and this manager goes to jail. Just then I drove home to get some rest before I had to go make sure that warrant was going to go through.

(M/N)'s mind-Please boys, hang on... I'm coming.

(Timeskip 4 AM)

I was doing a really bad job because I was only at 3% right now because of these stupid doors and I don't understand why putting them down uses power. Why not just get some rope or a chain to hold them up and drop them down for the night, so everything will be ok.


I turned to both of the doors since that sounded like it came from everywhere and nowhere like the last time I saw that girl.

(Y/N)-L-L-Leave me alone!

I was about to close the door, but I decided to check the lights first to see nothing then checked the cameras and saw the girls were still far away, so it can't be them...

(Y/N)-You... Who are you!... Sh-Show yourself!

I tried to sound brave, but I was very close to crying and you could hear it, but I only heard more giggling. I panicked and still couldn't find her, so I tried to make a run for it again, but I saw Fredda down the hall that looked a little blurry with tears in my eyes.


Fredda-Awwww, you look so scared. If you come to me right now, I promise your punishment won't be too bad. I little smack on the wrist would do.~

She bent down and held her arms out like she wanted me to run into her for a hug. She had a soft smile, but I know if she catches me I won't go home. I remembered I don't have a lot of power left either, so I can't keep her out if I try.

(Y/N)-... *Sniffle* *hic* *hic* Pl-Pl-Please... I-... I ju-just wanna go home! *sobbing*

Fredda-Oh, cutie pie.~

She got up and walked over to me and I just fell to ground before she picked me up, so I lost to them again. She put my head on her shoulder and rubbed my back and I just felt so tired, too tired to fight her to get down. She leaned her mouth into my ear before she gently blew on it a few times then whispered something.

Fredda-Don't you see?~ *whisper*

Just then the lights went out and she started walking away with me then kissed my cheek and ear a little.

Fredda-You are home... I'm your mommy now.~ *whisper*

My crying got weaker as I was starting to fall asleep in her arms and shoulder while she was rubbing my back some more.

(???'s POV)

I was just laying under the stage still since nobody tried to fix my body, but I don't want to be fixed because that means I just go out there with the bad people wanting to rape me. Someone tried to break me a long time ago,... so I broke him and been under here since. Recently I saw the cutest and most innocent little boy that I thought could never be here. When the plan was to hide him under here with me I decided to help and now my moment of happiness was coming. The hatch under the stage opened, so I hid in the darkness from the girls bringing food down here that I hated, but I would love to feed him.


I didn't see the little boy I want so much and if they hog him for too long they know how I can get with visitors that don't follow my rules exactly. When they were done and had (Y/N) on the old bed in here I waited until they finally left before the bell rang at 6AM. I crawled to the bed where I turned on my glowing eyes to give me some soft light to find the switch for the lamp then I saw the sight that made my heart flutter.


???-*Squeal* You're adorable. Even more cute when you sleep!~ *whisper yell*

He looked like he just had a bath, was in clean clothes, and was having a peaceful sleep until i saw him stir a little before he turned to grab my finger. As I looked into a mirror to see how happy and blushy I was I heard a sound that I never thought could give me joy.


*Stomach growl*

???'s mind-Awwwww, someone's gonna be hungry when they wake up... and i'm gonna be the one to feed you.~

I just gave him a gentle kiss as I snuck into my own bed to cuddle him as he slept and I just watched him. I couldn't wait until he wakes up and I can see those cute eyes again... He was mine now.~


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