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(Star's POV)

When we woke up my mom tried to get us to stay, but (Y/N) really wanted to come home, so we were back on earth now with his parents. They were angry until I convinced them that I didn't mean to worry them and just went to the bunker without ratting out my mom... I didn't even know she had it in her to lie about something like that, but I didn't even know she could turn into a half butterfly or I could. My mewberty phase didn't even hit yet, so my mom doesn't even know how it was possible, but now I had tiny little wings on my back. Right now I had (Y/N) watching me as I was trying to transform again.

Star-*Grunt* A-Anything?


I tried to focus harder and thought about what my mom told me about "dipping down" to use magic without a wand which is the key to that form. I tried doing a Narwhale blast with my hand or any spell. Soon I just gave up and wanted to be my little brother for the day since Glossaryck won't give me any more tips on how to do this. Later I saw a picture of Pony head and I at our first visit to the bounce lounge before (Y/N) got my attention from getting up.

(Y/N)-Star, i'm gonna go to the bathroom.

Star-Oh, we can take a bath together again! Do you want the whirlpool or just relax in the tub?

(Y/N)-I mean I gotta go... alone.

He just left to go to the bathroom and i'll give him 10 minutes tops before I check on him because after I don't care where we are, he's gonna be on my lap when he's done. During this time my best friend Pony Head was on my mind and I remember how she helped him out a little and wished she was here to spend time with us too. It would be nice to have a 3 way snuggle again even when we did it with my mom, it was nice. She was at Olga's school for Wayward Princesses and that is the worst place in the universe to be for us...

Star's mind-... Oh, we are busting her out.

(Pony's POV)


I hit the door again because I have been so angry lately, like I have never been angry before, so these creepy guards and Olga had me on lockdown after I broke 4 of their guards. My heart just ached and I just wanted to see (Y/N) again and there was not a chance for resting until I get what I want. When I was on the floor again, getting nowhere I realized that hitting the door was not helping, so I needed a plan...


Just then I heard the stupid guards doing checks on the rooms and I tried fighting, but they have numbers... I guess there was only one thing left to do, but really put on an act and say those stupid slogans and stuff.

Pony's mind-There ain't no place that can hold me for long... and this place is gonna pay for trying and keeping me away from (Y/N) and my bestie.

(Star's POV)

I feel kinda bad for bringing (Y/N) to this dimension to help Pony Head, but the thought of leaving him alone with those parents sounds reasonable, but also made me sick to my stomach with worry. Besides, he wasn't come in with me. I gave him a beanbag to rest in with a blanket on a mountain and he had a game with him then told him I would be right back. It's a good distance from the school, so hell be hidden.

Star-Just wait here sweetie and we'll be out of here with Pony before you know it. Don't talk to anyone or go anywhere.

(Y/N)-There's nobody else here... Also that castle looks scary.

Star-Then you'll have no problem staying here like a good boy.

(Y/N)-Why couldn't I just stay at home?

Star-Because... you have an important job. You're... my eyes on the outside and if anything goes wrong... Use this.

I used my wand to bring out one of the cool earth things I found before I met him on my first day on earth and gave it to him.


Star-If you see anything bad, this will warn me. You're look out to help me save Pony. I bet she misses you too.~

Before he could say anything else I just gave him a few kisses on his cheeks and as nice as a lookout sounds, I don't need one. I just need to get in which should be the easy part and my wand should be a big help to get out. I had the perfect plan to get in too.

(Heinous's POV)

I was getting ready for another day of watching over the correction of these wayward princesses that do not know their place. My second in command Gemini was by my side handing me my make up and when I was done I headed for my office. It was another proud day at my marvelous institution and when I passed by the tea room, I heard something that was music to my ears.

Girls-Keep your pinkies at 90 degrees, more tea, please. Keep your pinkies at 90 degrees, more tea, please. Keep your pinkies at 90 degrees, more tea, please.

Heinous-Ah, nothing pleases me more than the sound of new students being broken.

Gemini-Speaking of which, you were right about the floating pony head princess. She has seemed to burn herself out and is starting to succumb.

Heinous-It was never a matter of if, only when.

Gemini-Shall we go see her, my lady?

Heinous-Later. Right now I have mattes to tend to in my office. You know how I like my morning tea.

I sent him on his way and I made it to my office then I saw I must've finished last night without me knowing. There was no harm in some alone time, so I walked to my mirror and saw how perfect I was.


Everything was going swell today, but just as I was about to sit and relax I heard an explosion and it hit our walls to make it crumble. I went from a good mood to being furious as I saw a lone girl walk out from the dust cloud.


My guards were heading for her, but she fought them off as she made a run for it into the building. Just then my door swung open and I saw Gemini come in running.


Gemini-My lady, there has been a breach!

Heinous-I can see that you dolt! I want the girl in a cell immediately!

He was about to leave, but I thought that this sudden attack was too reckless to pull off alone unless they were just a fool. There was still a chance that this was only a distraction and I won't chance it and I have inside covered, so...

Heinous-Send a group of guards to search the outer walls in a 5 mile radius! If you find any friends of hers, bring them to my office!

Gemini-Yes my lady.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was having a hard time playing since this place was scary and I saw an explosion at the castle which must be Star. The only thing I could do is hope she comes back with Pony, so we can leave before something bad happens... then a few carts came out with one heading this way. I just grabbed the flare gun and pointed it up before I pulled the trigger and something else came out in a big cloud not high enough for Star to see and it was...

(Y/N)-Glitter?! Where's the flare?!

I just tried to hide the stuff behind rocks and hid with them before soon a cart showed up and stopped at the glitter on the ground. I was scared when I saw big men or maybe the weren't even people. They all looked the same unless they were costumes then without talking they searched around, so I stayed very quiet. Soon I thought they were going to leave, but a wind came and blew dust, dirt, and glitter which tickled my nose before...


They all looked over to me then walked over and I was so scared that I tried to make a run for it, but they quickly surround me, so all I could do now was close my eyes and wait.


(Heinous's POV)

I have no idea how it was so hard to capture one girl, but I saw a carriage come back in then I waited for the soldiers to come in with a prisoner or at least a report. When there was a knock on the door I gave permission to enter then they came in... with a little boy.



Soldier-We found him northeast of the perimeter. There was even a setup.

Heinous-... Leave us.

They all left while closing the door since I was sure I could handle a magicless child that looked scared and defenseless. I walked up to him which was enough for him to tear up and back away on the floor then I saw his body shaking like a leaf.

Heinous-Who are you?

???-I-I'm (Y/N), ma'am.

Heinous-Stand up.

He did what I said and he do so straight with his hands together in front of him for some comfort habit. I do not believe he was a prince, so he was fairly behaved considering then I walked circles around him and he was very still.

Heinous-For a commoner, you seem very well behaved. What brings you here?

(Y/N)-Um... I-I followed a girl through a portal... then I was stuck here.

I don't know if that was a lie or not, but I shall find out soon enough, so I pulled out a chair to put it in front of my desk.

Heinous-Have a seat, (Y/N).

(Pony's POV)

I had no idea what made this place go on high alert because I haven't done anything else, yet. Now we were on lockdown and I still had to keep up this stupid act while I looked out the door to see what was going on in the hall and the guards weren't even sticking around to watch us. I had a few questions knocking around in my head, like what was so important that they would leave us unguarded like this. Soon I heard explosions down the hall as they were getting closer, so I backed up from my door then when the explosions were just a few doors down mine was the next to be blown down and dust got in my face.

Pony-*Cough* *cough* *cough* Huh?

I saw someone run in to look around and when I saw who it was I couldn't tell you how relieved I was.



(Heinous's POV)

This child's company is actually mildly pleasant, and he does know basic table manners. His cute looks were also nice to look at given he was still nervous a little, but easing into this. I can't remember the last time I had an actual pleasant tea time with company I "actually" enjoy. (Y/N) asked for some crumpets to be passed to him when all the sudden my door opened with Gemini came in which made me remember the problem we had that led (Y/N) to being here.


Heinous's mind-How did I forget that?... I should've interrogating this child! Not having teatime with him!

Genimi-My lady, We have princesses missing or on the loose! We suspect it might be our intruder breaking them out!

Heinous-Round them back to their cells and when you find the intruder, have her and whoever seems too wild be scheduled for the correction room!

He took off then I looked back to (Y/N) with rage, but for some reason it faded almost instantly and I couldn't bring myself to raise my voice at him.


With yelling off the table I gently cleared my throat which got his attention a little more then thought of my words carefully before speaking.

Heinous-(Y/N), are you positive you have nothing to do with this uninvited guest of ours? You know to tell the truth to those of authority, correct?

(Y/N)-I don't know her, I swear.

It was hard to tell because he was still frightened by the sight of me, then I remembered that "a princess that can calm others, her people will see her as a mother". I tried to think of my happiest childhood memory, but... I don't really have any since my mother was a robot and I was forced to hide my monster and magic traits in public and in front of her. With nothing to go off of in ways I deem honorable to my name I had no other choice... I made sure my curtains were closed and my door was locked with a "do not disturb" sign out. Nobody must see what I am about to do, but this made (Y/N) more scared and even get out of his chair.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are you going to do to me?

(Star's POV)

I made it out with Pony in the chaos and she was just happy to see (Y/N) again, so while I was on Cloudy she was flying next to me. We should be close to the camp, but since it was straight ahead she dashed off.

Pony-See ya ahead girl! I'll try not to hog him too much!

Star-Oh yeah?!

The race was on, so I made Cloudy go faster to catch up with her, but she had speed on us then made it to where the camp was before she stopped in mid air which made me almost crash into her while she was just looking down.


Star-Pony, what the heck?! I almost hit you!

She was still looking down, so I looked then saw the little campout I had for him was wrecked and tracked came through and circled around. I felt my heart sink as I turned back to the prison school which has just become even more dangerous at the moment.

Star's mind-They... have him?... They... have him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Ms. Heinous had me on her lap and was holding me close to her and at first she acted like it was something gross before she started to like it and hold me tight. She even played with my hair and I was still scared because if she finds out that I know the girl was Star and she lives with me, she might turn even more mean. My thoughts stopped when I felt something a little fuzzy rubbing my leg before I looked down to she had a tail that wrapped around my leg. I tried to move my leg out of it, but she wrapped her tail tighter around my leg.

Heinous-Hold still! It's very rude to reject someone's affections so recklessly!


She got kinda mad and held me tighter before she took me to a couch to lay down with her holding me on top of her.

Heinous-Wrap your arms around my waist, face in my neck turned to the said, and nuzzle into me... Now!

The way she said it made my body act on its own and when I was done she was rubbing my back. It was slow and almost relaxing then she used her tail to rub my back to use her hands to scratch my head.

Heinous-*Sigh* After a bit, a bath is in order. If you are to stay then we can't have you being filthy. Just like a good gentleman, you must always keep up on hygiene.


Heinous-Why yes, That girl's portal was closed, so you can't make it back home... Unless you were... lying to me about something.

I had no idea what to say because if I stay with my lie, she'll keep me in this scary place, but if I tell the truth, she'll get mad and I have no idea what she will do to me.

(Y/N)'s mind-What do I do?!

(Heinous's POV)

It was clear he was lying and that means a punishment was in order. Usually I would escort the guilty to the correction room, but it was my choice and i'll let him keep himself trapped in his lie and he will just belong to me rather if he tells the truth later or not. I never had this feeling before in all my life and I was not going to let it slip through my fingers. Besides, i'm not laying a harmful finger upon him, nor do I tend to harm that cute little face of his.

Heinous's mind-Your a new light in my life. I simply can't wait to smother you in my love and do all the things I could never do as a child. Maybe tonight you'll have a special spot next to my in my bed to cuddle as I see fit.~

He soon gave me a little sneeze and it sounded like that it belonged to a puppy or something, so I wanted to awe at him, but that was unlike me, so I caught myself in time. Everything was going so well as he will begin his new life her before...


A huge hole was in my office wall with a cloud of dust coming in and with my habit of hiding my tail it retracted back into my dress to wrap around my waist. I regretted this when...

???-Raspberry licorice lasso!

We were both wrapped in a glowing piece of candy, but (Y/N) was pulled into the cloud then when the cloud went away I saw the girl holding what was mine now as well as my most troubled student.


This blonde girl had the nerve to be angry at me as she held (Y/N) tighter and my body was frozen not from this spell, but from the pure shock, rage, anger, and all sorts of emotions I didn't know how to process.

???-Don't you "ever" touch him AGAIN!!!

She blasted a hole in my ceiling to make it come down on me as she left and even while the rubble was coming down on me... I only had one thing on my mind.

(Gemini's POV)

I heard a loud explosion that came from my lady's office, so I ran there with a few guards as fast as i could. There was a sign on the door, but I ignored it and swung the door open to find nothing, but a pile of rubble.

Gemini-M-My lady, are you in here?!... Hold on, we're-!


We were all sent flying back as the pile just scattered and we were hit by the rubble. I was the first to recover and make it back to the office where I saw Ms. Heinous in the middle of the room, but she looked... different and angrier than I have ever seen her.


Gemini-M-My lady?


Gemini-Are you alright?

I walked up to her and was about to reach for her arm to comfort her.

Gemini-Let us see if you are hurt. We can even take you to a salon aft-.

I was suddenly pierced through my metal heart and short circuiting before she turned at me with such rage in her eyes as they started glowing green.

Heinous-*Slow and heavy breathing*.

Gemini-M-... My la-?

(No POV)

Just then Heinous ripped him in half as she went back to staring out the hole where she last saw (Y/N). The feeling she had for a brief moment had left a void she couldn't bear. It was the worst thing she even felt, but she knew how to fix it and she was going to do whatever it takes to have him and keep him. She turned back down the hall where there was plenty of wayward princesses there for the taking.

Heinous's mind-You girls are going to help me... Rather if you like it or not.~

Her eyes glowed brighter as she took a deep breath.



((Y/N)'s POV)

Star and Pony brought me home to Star's room and were checking me for boo-boos from Ms. Heinous, but I told them she didn't hurt me. They didn't want to listen and Star even snuck me to the bathroom with my parents noticing us being dirty then took my clothes off while Pony Head was watching.

(Y/N)-Star, i'm fine!

Star-Do you have any idea who that was or what she does?! *whisper yell*

Pony-That place was like and is a real prison! You better believe you are not fine, or we just saved you! *whisper yell*

Star-What did she do to you?! *whisper yell*


I tried to tell them what happened as best as I could and how I felt which made Star hold me and carry me into a bath with her while being annoyed or something. Pony was the same, but she was more open about as she paced around while Star was scrubbing me down in the bath before Pony head came in then turned it to a shower. I was so embarrassed that Pony was watching while she was watching herself by using her tongue to hold a scrub brush.

Star-When we're done here, we'll go play games in the living room and we don't tell you mom or dad about this. Ok?

I really didn't know if they would believe that a monster lady running a prison school had tea with me, cuddled me, and wanted me to stay with her. I also don't want to risk scaring them more than they were after what happened after we went to see Star's home... Video games sounded nice anyway after all the stuff I have been through. We even went to get my Nintendo Switch back. After we got out of the shower then we took a portal into Star's room she went into her wardrobe where he clothes were, but I also saw my clothes in there now too and not just a few... I think it was all of them.

(Y/N)-Why are my clothes in your room?

Star-Well you sleep in here a lot now, so it makes sense.

Pony-Yo girl, I get to stay the night, right? My dad is gonna need some time to cool down after he here's what happened.

Star-*Gasp* Sleepovvvveeeeer!~

They both hugged with me in the middle as they jumped in place for a bit before Star and I got dressed then went out to play games on my Switch like Marioparty. Pony didn't play because she couldn't and didn't want to... She just cuddled with me and Star under a blanket.

(Y/N)'s mind-This is much better than a scary dimension. I know Ms. Heinous can't get me here.

(Moon's POV)

I was really irratated and just needed time to myself, but what I really wanted was to have Star come over and bring (Y/N) with her or at least see if he is properly taken care of still... Or needed to be watched while she went on a crazy adventure or to go partying, or just anything. The thought of him being alone with those parents of his made me almost transform again to open a portal and check on him myself. I will not hesitate to bring him here if Star is not watching him correctly then have her move back with him with her to show her what to do... Maybe even have him stay on Mewni for a while after.

Moon's mind-Would a few years be enough... I certianly can't leave him with his parents in case monsters come from him.

I know my daughter could handle her own, but... I made up my mind and later today when i calm down a bit more I will go see him and decide if he comes back with me or not. I went to the garden to clear my head, but when I opened the gates I saw someone that I completely over looked and wondered how long she has been free.


Eclipsa-Oh hello Moon. How did that spell work out for you?



So why can’t y/n care about star getting caught, I mean he does like star right? After all she did save his life and he dosent know she is a yandere.


Be honest here. Someone with a magic wand, sword training, and a great fighter against monsters with a pair of dimensional scissors goes into… well anywhere and you’re a child that saw her in action… Would you really be worried about her?


He wasn’t in trouble when he didn’t care and I think he was just caught up with the scary scenery he was looking at. A misty mountain can be eerie as hell and you just feel like you’re being watched the whole time


Ok, you got me there. but I have a question Does y/n like star at least as a friend?