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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was morning and my parents were still in bed completely tired, so Star and I just had breakfast alone. I remember waking up in her room and trying to sneak away from her, but she woke up the second she wasn't touching me anymore then "got scared when she woke up from a nightmare", so I was tied up in red Licorish. I was able to eat my way out no problem with her help, but when I tried to break free on the last line, it was still kinda hard to get out. I didn't have much cereal for breakfast because of that and she somehow finished a bowl bigger than mine. I was still kinda tired, but I was afraid if I wanted to relax, she might notice and go for my spots again. I just had to be more awake then the spots wouldn't work anymore, but then someone rang the doorbell.

(Y/N)-I got it.

I got up to go get the door, but then I heard a knock on the... backdoor? I turned to go answer it and when I did, at first I saw nothing. I was about to close the door, but then I finally saw something come down and it was a horse,... BUT ONLY IT'S HEAD!!!



I slammed the door shut and locked it before I ran away to hide under a table then Star bent down and looked kinda worried.

Star-What's wrong?

(Y/N)-Th-Th-Th-There's a m-m-m-m-mon-monster outside!

She looked at the door before she grabbed her wand and maybe she can shoot a flaming rainbow at it since she's really good at making those. She got closer to the door with her wand glowing to get ready to blast it, but when she opened the door...


Just then the flying horse head flew in and leaned against Star while she gave it a hug and that thing about your jaw dropping was true. I was so confused on to what was going on as they acted like they were friends.

Pony Head-Hey girl! How have you been?!

Star-It's so amazing here! I live here now and-.!

Pony Head-Yeah, that's great, but how about we blow this universe and go out to party!

Star-*Gasp* (Y/N) can come with us!

Pony Head-Who?

Just then Star ran over here and pulled me out from under the table when I tried to stay hidden, but she ended up holding me in her arms against her. Pony Head looked at me again before she gave me a blank look.

Pony Head-Oh, the little screamer... Is he a little young to hang with us?

Star-Awwww, but just look at him. He's like my little brother.~

Pony Head-Well... If you say so girl. Now let's get going! There's a party dance floor with our names on it!

Just then she opened her mouth wide before she spit out a pair of scissors she held with her tongue and I don't think that was very safe, but what made them more dangerous was that when she lifted them up, it cut a portal open out of nothing. I was scared to go in it, but Star carried me in with her while I tried to tell her I wanted to stay home, but she didn't listen.

(Pony's POV)

Star's "little brother" was gonna trample over a lot of our fun tonight, I could already tell that right now. I had to start out big while the getting was good and before "they" find me. The Bounce Lounge was a great first start and the first thing I did was scan for hotties and there was a good pick, but just then I saw a few other girls looking over here. I turned to Star and saw she was carrying (Y/N) on her shoulders while he nuzzled his face in her hair a bit in a sorry excuse of a hiding spot.


Star-Awww, don't be scared. They won't do anything.~

He only whined a little before I rolled my eyes and bolted to the dance floor to get this party started. I busted out some mad dance moves and Star joined me on the floor with her new brother or whatever still on her shoulders to almost swung him around a little and he was getting more attention which soon came on to us too. As long as I got some attention too, it wasn't that bad, but soon Star put him down and he just kinda shut down and stayed close to her.

Pony's mind-Great, I let Star bring some earth shrimp and he can't even party.

She took him off the dance floor and sat down with him on her lap, so I went up to them, not happy about this, but before I could make it, Star wasn't happy when some other girl came up to her and gave her a hint to get lost. I have no idea what's the deal with this squirt, but he is seriously killing my last day of freedom. When I made it to them Star was giving them kisses on his head and I never saw her act like this except with puppies and other small animals she thought were cute.

Pony-Hey girl, you wanna like, drop him back off at home if he can't handle it here?

Star-Is there a chance we can go somewhere else that he would enjoy? How about that arcade we went to before?

Pony-*Sigh* Girl-.

I was about to tell her off, but just then I saw a portal open up with a few goons sticking out... We had to get out of here.

Pony-Great idea! Let's go!

I opened another portal quickly before I pushed them through and went in after, but I panicked and we weren't at an arcade... We were at some amusement park and this was doable. The portal closed and I was relieved that I bought myself some time as we went on a few rides, but while we were on the spinning teacups, Star went a little nuts with the magic wand she got and spun us so fast we couldn't lea forward, but (Y/N)'s head was pushed under my chin when he tried to lay down instead of his head being over the edge. Even with him pressed so hard against me, his hair...

Pony's mind-Well... I'll give him this. He knows how to make it soft.

It didn't hurt and when the ride was over Star carried her dizzy brother, but we dealt with much worse and while we were dizzy, we could still move. I kept my eyes on him as we went to a few more rides then sat down.

Star-Hey Pony, watch him for a bit. I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick.

Pony-Yeah, sure, whatever.

She left and it was just us now it was just me and him and he looked exhausted and nervous with others passing by since I guess his world was kinda boring. Just then a balloon popped at a game near by and that made him jump and get a little closer to me which was kinda cute. I ain't ever gonna say that to his face probably ever, but it was.


Pony-... *Sigh* Hey squirt, if you feel this scared then... just lean on me or something.

(Y/N)-Huh... Wh-What's the catch?

Pony-The catch is you're gonna do before I change my mind and probably make you do it. Ok?

I froze for a second at what I just said and checked it over time and time again to make sure i did say it until I broke the trance when I felt (Y/N)'s head press against me. Instead of pressing super hard to be a little soft, this felt leagues soft and cuter... I was actually kinda enjoying this, but it was interrupted by some guy with tattoos sitting on the same bench as us which made (Y/N) tense up and not as soft and cozy anymore. I was suddenly enraged by this and there was no way this was gonna stand, so I got up in the guys face.

Pony-Now woah, woahwoahwoahwoah! What do you think you're doing?! You see this bench is occupied or do those shades make you blind?! Cause I just saw you walk over here and sit down like you didn't have a problem seeing where you were walk and sitting!

Guy-I just wanted to sit down for a bit. There's not a lot of benches to-.

Pony-So keep searching! We were hear first and if you wanna mess with the pony head, you gonna be getting the horn!

Guy-J-Just calm down!

I was furious he tried to tell me what to do, so I pointed my sharp horn at him and gave him a glare, but this part was unintentional.

Pony-You better leave us alone... NOW!!!

This scared him off and I forced (Y/N) to lay back on me and he looked very surprised by this, but at least his softness was back.

(Star's POV)

I just got done in the bathroom and was heading back to Pony Head and (Y/N), but when I got back I saw then cuddling on the bench together.


Before I could make it them I saw 3 portals open up with men coming out of them and I knew where they were from... The school for wayward princess!

Star's mind-What are they doing here?!

They were running towards them and scaring my little brother, so I pulled out my wand.


They were quickly trampled by my spell and I quickly ran to (Y/N) to grab him while Pony was knocked to the ground and dropped her scissors. I picked them up in an attempt to get us out of here, but just then... Pony Head's father came out of a portal to yell for us to stop which proved to be too much for (Y/N) to handle, so he struggled free and ran.

Star-(Y/N), wait!

(Pony's POV)

Star chased after (Y/n) and I wanted to go after them too, but I was surrounded and my daddy got right in front of me to block my sight of them.


Daddy-There you are! You have caused a lot of trouble young lady.

Pony-Daddy, move!

Daddy-You know where this is going. Don't make it any harder.

Pony-Daddy... I need him!

Daddy-Not another boyfriend. Guards!

Just then I was jumped before I could say another word and dragged through the portal thrashing and screaming for (Y/N) to come back. When I ended up at the entrance of the school I was filled with so much rage at not only these guards, but my daddy. I was actually starting to cry a little.

Pony's mind-Mark my words daddy... I will find a way out of here... and (Y/N) will be mine.

(No POV)

After Star had a talk with King Pony Head while her "little brother" was back in her room curled up in a ball from the craziness he couldn't handle, she had a smile on her face, but behind it, she had fantasies about torturing King Pony Head to slowly kill him and was inches away from doing it.

King Pony Head-So no hard feelings about scaring your little friend, right?

Star-... None what so ever. I'll just be heading back. Bye.~

She went back through the portal and when it closed and she was in her closet to hide herself from (Y/N) to keep him from seeing her blast a statue of King Pony Head with a basic heat spell to watch the stone turn into a puddle of lava then put cold water on it to stop it from spreading. Her rage ran wild in her heart in mind with the memory of seeing (Y/N) cry when she caught him earlier.

Star's mind-So help me if you even make him flinch again, I will stop a nothing to make sure you end up like this!


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