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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 6

Today was a good day, but there were a few bad parts. The first good part is... NO SCHOOL!!! There was a blizzard outside and the heater wasn't working too great, so I just took a nice warm bubble bath then threw on my normal clothes with 2 layers of socks, put on a jacket and went under a heated blanket to keep warm while I was watching cartoons. My mommy called me earlier and said to do what I can to stay warm and fed while she was stuck at work since the roads closed last night. I just made some hot pockets to eat and everything was going good for the day.

(Y/N)'s mind-This is the best. No school, no hard first grader homework, and the big T.V. is all mine. Nothing can go wrong.

During a movie on Netflix, the connection was lost and I tried again and again to get it back, but I think the blizzard made the internet go out.

(Y/N)-No, come on!

After 7 more times I gave up then thought about what else I could do then I looked at the Blu-ray player we have and opened the drawer to the movies we got as a disc. We had a lot and most were old since we usually get stuff online when you need internet to watch it. Some of the movies looked like boring adult stuff, but a few movies looked kinda good. I found Cars, Ice Age, Chicken little, and Monsters Inc. and I just play any meenie miney moe to pick and Ice Age won, so I put it in. It started glitching at the beginning of the movie, so I took it up and got some spray out next to the Blu-ray player that mom uses to clean her disc movies sometimes in case she dropped them and they got scratched. I tried spraying it, but it wouldn't go down to squirt, so I tried press harder and harder until it broke and slipped out of my hand then got all over the Blu-ray player. It was soaked, but there were a few drops on the disc, so I wiped it with a rag before I got a towel to clean up my mess and put the movie back in. This time it did work and I made it to the first few seconds where you can see a squirrel climbin an ice wall.


I just got back under the blanket, but went I did the movie acted up again and I just got mad before I got scared when I saw sparks flying out of the Blu-ray player. I quickly got up to go unplug it, but before I could make it the T.V. flashed white and even pushed me back like it exploded then everything went black.

(Timeskip ???)

I was waking up, but I was just so cold and when I opened my eyes, I saw I was outside in the snow, so I got up to look how far I must've flown to get here, but I couldn't even see my house. I didn't even see it snowing like it just stopped, but there were some clouds out. I brushed all the snow off me before I looked around for any house while I was getting more scared and confused.

(Y/N)-Hello!... Is anyone there!

There was my echo to answer me and I started to cry before I just started to run and look for people. I didn't see any houses or buildings out here anymore then soon I fell to my knees to cry some more until I thought of something that makes since.

(Y/N)-Hey, hey, calm down. This is not happening. You probably fell asleep during the movie... Yeah. You're on the couch, under a warm blanket, on a snow day away from school.

I looked around and saw a puddle of water before I looked into it and saw my reflection.


(Y/N)-It's just a dream... I should... tell a joke. Nothing bad ever happens when you're telling jokes. That's why they're jokes.

I calmed down a little bit, but I was still pretty scared, so this might be a nightmare at the worst, but no matter what, I will wake up in my home. I tried telling jokes to myself while I was walking, but after 15 jokes, I ran out.

(Peaches's POV)

I was out on my own for some me time until I saw a trail coming from underground and I knew who it was. He always has his head in the ground, but better than those idiots that almost got me killed once and soon he popped his head out from the ground.


Peaches-Are you following me?

Louis-What?! No!... I just happened to see you alone and thought we could just hang out.

Peaches-Well, i'm just out for a walk.

Louis-Did something happen?

Peaches-No, just thought I could use some time to myself. What about you?

Louis-Well nothing really. Still trying to get used to this new island.

Peaches-*Giggles* We've been here for 3 months and explored most of this place on the first day. How long do you need?

Louis-Hey, when you can travel underground, there's a lot of things you can find and not to mention that something always happens here.

He was talking about what others do and while sometimes it's fun or interesting to watch, nothing really as bad or surprising happened since we all got here. We just kept on walking and soon just went silent to enjoy the peace I was looking for at least for a bit before we both froze when we saw something and it kinda reminded me of a story dad told me a few times when i was little.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was just walking and looking at the ground while i was shivering and holding my ears, wishing I had beanie or hood to put on. I needed to pop my back, so I was going to lean back a little, but when I was looking straight ahead, I froze when I saw 2 animals looking at me, but they looked very surprised, like they were scared.


It was so quiet that it was creepy as we all just looked at each other and to see a furry elephant and a gopher or whatever looking at you like that made me think that this had to be a nightmare and soon they will attack me. I took a step back then...



I just started running away when I saw that gopher jump underground then that elephant did something, but before I could tell what it was, I was already running away without looking away. I was scared they would be chasing me because that's what they would do in a nightmare and I had no idea where I was going, but it was better than being food or killed, dream or no dream.

(Ellie's POV)

I was just relaxing with the others from my family while my daughter went out for a walk by herself and I knew Manny would have a problem with it, but thankfully, he was asleep. Sid was going on about some story until Granny hit him over the head with her cane to make him stop.

Sid-Ow, hey! What was that for?!

Granny-For that never ending story that I was there for that only lasted 5 minutes!

Sid-But you were only there until you left.

Granny-Because it was boring then and it's boring now!

She hit him over the head again and again.

Sid-Wait! Ow! I was just-! Ow! Getting to the good-! Ow!

Granny-Nobody cares about falling tree and you finding some stupid rock!

Sid-But it looked like my face! Ow!

Granny-At least it knows how to stay quiet!

We were all kinda laughing at this, some more than others then I saw Deigo and Shira getting up to stretch before they started walking together.

Deigo-Not that i'm not enjoying this, but I think i'm gonna head out.

Shiva-Me too. Peaches got the right idea for a walk... Maybe even a chase.

Ellie-Don't stay out too long love birds. I'll be getting some food for us soon.

Just as they were about to leave, we all saw Peaches come up from the hill she left on and she was running back down and this got all of our attention, but I nudged my sleeping husband to wake him up.


She looked scared and Manny woke right up then got on his feet to go to our daughter and I was right behind him.

Manny-Hey what happened?!

Peaches-Mom, daddy, I saw something out there! It kinda looked like that baby from that story you told me! The one about Pinky!

Deigo-Huh?... You saw a human? There are no humans here.

Manny-Are you sure you just didn't see things?

Peaches-Dad, I know what I saw and they ran away screaming!

I heard this story about a human baby they named Pinky before Manny met me then I started to think about the possibility of her seeing something else. If there was a human here, we would've saw a village here long ago.

Sid-Hey, if it's that bad and we got nothing to do, we can just go to where she saw it and-. Ow! Hey, that was a good idea!

Granny-Where do you think you're going?! It's almost lunch time, so find my teeth!

She hit him again before we all just looked at Deigo and Shira since they were our best trackers we got and Sid had the right idea. We all just followed Peaches back to where she saw this human then we stopped in the middle of the path.

Peaches-This is where we saw them.


Peaches-Louis must've run off somewhere else.

Diego and Shira sniffed around for a bit up ahead before Shira reached it first before she looked off somewhere up ahead.

Shira-She's not lying and the scent is still strong, but it smells kinda different from the last humans I ever saw.

Ellie-Different like how?

Shira-... Not sure, but it just is. What do we do now?

Manny-Umm... Alright, for now we just need to make sure that humans didn't just find their way here to set camp and stay. We drive them off before they can get settled in. You 2 go on up ahead and tell us if you find a camp.

Ellie-What if it's just one?

Deigo-Human's travel in packs too. If there's one, there's most likely going to be more.

I never saw a human before in my life and if we're just looking for a camp then it could be the most interesting thing to happen in months and i'm not going to miss it. When I started walking ahead Manny and the others saw this.

Manny-Wait, where are you going?!

Ellie-To go search with Shira and Deigo.

Manny-What?! No! You have no idea humans can be when they're fully grown!

Ellie-Talk to the trunk.

Manny-Ellie, i'm serious!

Ellie-I've been through this before, but with dinosaurs. What's a few humans that we're only looking for to see a camp.

(Manny's POV)

I love her, but she just drives me insane sometimes and I don't care if she survived giving birth while dealing with dinosaurs. Humans can be just as dangerous if she's not careful or showing them that you are not a threat, like I did when I gave Pinky back to his herd before we got killed! I was about to run to her to make her stop, but Deigo got in the way.

Deigo-Trust me Manny, she's not going to take no for an answer. We'll turn back if it's too dangerous.

Manny-... Fine. Come on everyone, we're heading back.

Crash, Eddie, and Peaches followed back to where Granny and Sid where and I looked back to see Ellie going with Shira and Deigo.

Manny's mind-Please, just be careful.


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