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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up groaning to something rubbing my feet, but it stopped soon and I waited for my eyes to open before I looked down to see nobody there and the girls were still asleep. I was trapped in this blanket still so I couldn't get away.

(Y/N)'s mind-What was that rubbing my feet?

I wiggled a bit only for Tina to grip me tighter and I looked over to she her groggy looking glare.

Tina-Where do you think you're going?


Tina-We'll go in few minutes, just let me wake up sweetie.

We waited for a bit before she finally let me go and it felt so good to move again, but I was pulled to the bathroom with Tina and she started stripping down and when she saw I wasn't she just sighed before doing it for me and when I tried to resist she got mad.

Tina-Baby, you better behave because we're going somewhere important and it's not somewhere you wanna be acting like this!

(Y/N)-Where are we going?

Tina-We're going to Chelsie's boyfriend's execution.

(Y/N)-Why do I have to go?

Tina-2 reasons. 1 I don't think you're ready to be home alone and 2 I think this might give you a good idea if you misbehave. Why do you think a lot of couples come to these?

(Y/N)-That's insane!

Tina-No arguing! I'm already being nice enough to tie your hands together when we leave, don't make me tie you to a stroller! I don't embarrass you more than I have to!

I just stopped arguing and resisting her because I can't escape if i'm tied down and also there was no way in hell I was gonna be seen in a stroller. After a quick shower and Tina not letting me clean myself we got out and she left in a towel only to come back with our clothes and we got dressed. We went to her room then saw Maria comforting Chelsie again.

Tina-Chelsie, it's time to go. You sure you want to go out there alone?

She only nodded her head and Tina grabbed some rope from under her bed and tied my wrists together leaving some for herself to make a leash. We left the house while Chelsie was still crying into Maria. As we walked through town I saw guys either holding a girls hand or tied up like me, tied to a stroller, cuffed to a girl, or worst of all... being carried over a girls shoulder. After a making it to where the what used to be our town's football stadium we went inside to get some seats while Chelsie went somewhere else. I saw a stage in the middle and I saw 2 guys were gagged and chained to poles and after getting a closer look...


Tina-Hm... Oh, your annoying friend you used to hangout with. Guess he really made his girlfriend mad.

(Y/N)-That's my friend down there!

Tina-Hey!... I would be careful of what you do and say right now.

I looked around and out of the many eyes from the crowd I also saw guards with guns and stun rods. Sat me down then sat on her lap and I felt so useless as my friend was down there waiting to die while I was surrounded by love crazy girls and guys either whipped or tied up and Maria was starring at me until the 'show' started with music.


Everyone was silent, I saw Chelsie and some other girl walk out on the field heading to the stage and on the big screen I saw that Chelsie had a gun in her hand while the other girl had a syringe.


I watched as guards surround the stage and as Chelsie stood in front of Nick and the other girl stood in front of Ronnie then we waited for the music to end and a speaker turned on.

Speaker-Nick Miller, here for attempting escape, assault of his girl, and attempted to murder her mother. Ronnie Drake, charged for attempting escape, destruction of property, terrorism for attempting to join the resistance in the town, and attempting to murder his girl. These are the charges of the 2 boys who 'reject' love, 'reject' or new world, and 'embrace' crime, but this is not an act of hatred. This is a final act of love that this 2 brave women will give them. Chelsie shall give her lover Nick and quick and painless end. Courtney shall 'put her lover to sleep' and while that is happening he shall be cremated and given back to her in a box so she can keep him 'forever'.

I felt so mad when I heard that, but I also knew I could do nothing. If I did i'd just be captured before I even make it to the field and I can even get up with Tina on my lap.

Speaker-Now show your act of love ladies!

They before said their final words that we couldn't hear and I just looked away.


Soon I looked back to see a dead man, Chelsie crying, and Ronnie being taken away then Tina got up and pulled me with her and Maria followed us. We went outside the stadium as people were leaving too then Chelsie ran through the crowd and Tina embraced her into a hug to cry into. I just lost my best friend for good and I felt like shit knowing I couldn't do anything to stop it... I feel like shit.

(Maria's POV)

Tina was busy comforting Chelsie right now and I saw something was wrong with (Y/N) so I went to his side.

Maria-Are you ok?

(Y/N)-Just leave me alone.

I gave him some space since he isn't mine, but I just wanna snuggle him and make him happy, but I don't wanna end up fighting Tina or make things complicated. We went back to Tina's house and when we got there Tina untied (Y/N) and he went to the couch depressed.

Tina-Baby i'm sorry, but you needed to see that so you know how to behave. I don't want you to end up on that stage so... It was tough love.

He just looked down and I couldn't take it anymore.

Maria-Tina, can I give you some advice.


Maria-I know what we- I mean you can do, but we need to go to my house.


Maria-Because I... have spa equipment that I added restraints to... I think a few treatments is what he needs.

Tina-Well... ok.

I felt so happy and we left her house and went down the street to mine and I lead them to my basement where I had my home made spa set up and my parents are rarely here because my mom likes to go places. They were amazed of what they found and most of this I got when people were still stealing stuff for their lovers... THEN MINE RAN AWAY!!!...

Maria's mind-Where did that come from?


I added restraints such as shackles for the massage table and metal straps for the chair to move around. My friends were impressed and (Y/N) seemed wary of this, but it looks so comfy. Why would anyone ran away from this... he's acted like ran did AND HE RAN AWAY FROM ME!!!... I got a hold of my thoughts and went on to business.

(Y/N)-You made all this?

Maria-Yeah and now uh... you need to... take off your clothes... for Tina to give you treatments.

(Y/N)-WHAT?!?!?! NO!!!

Tina-Baby, I think this might be good for you. What guy wouldn't like a cute girl taking care of him?

(Y/N)-I'm not taking my clothes off in front of all of you, i'm drawing the line there!

Tina-Baby, don't make me fight you over this!

Maria-Uh, I have something.

I opened the supplies closet and pulled something useful out.


Maria-This should uh... make him relax. If you hold him down long enough.

Tina smiled at (Y/N) and he tried to run up the stairs, but she caught his legs and tripped him before he got away and she pulled him off the stairs and pinned him down then I gently put the mask on his face and turned on the gas until he was groggy and relaxed. I loved the look on his face and Tina stripped him down while I put the tank away and we were all looking at hm and Tina was bothered by it.

Tina-Ok, enough looking! Now what?!

Maria-Oh, uh, put him on the massage table and shackle him and i'll go get some massage oil.

I reached for the massage oil and I saw Tina chaining (Y/N) to the table and as I was walking over she reached for the oil, but I pulled it back.



Maria-You know how Ryan ran away?


Maria-I'm... I'm going crazy not taking care of someone I love! Can we please share (Y/N)?!

Tina-What?! No!

Maria-Then... Then... I'LL CALL FOR A CHALLENGE!!!

She know's they'll take him while we settle it and she was angry about that.

Tina-*Grunt*... Fine,... but I do most of the work!


I gave her the oil and we put some on our hands and she got his back and I got his feet.

Tina-So how does our darlings 'feet' feel?

Maria-*Sigh* So nice.~

It felt so nice taking care of someone and I could feel a little resistance, but it just felt little a baby wiggling around and it was so cute. Tina just had a bit of a problem with it though. We finished his massage and moved onto the hot tub where we let Chelsie join too to soak in the minerals I added to the water that's really good for your skin. The 2 of us continued his massage in the hot tub and when we got out we dried off then I brought my honey to his new bed and fluffy blanket, but first I was gonna show Tina how to properly wrap him up securely and comfortably and made sure she paid attention. If we were sharing him I was not gonna let her make our honey uncomfortable when he's restrained for bed.

(Short timeskip)

Maria-Then we'll just add the buckles aaannnddd...



He looked so adorable swaddled and Tina could agree too since she was smiling and we lifted hi up onto his bed and he sunk in so I grabbed 1 last thing out of the closet and showed it to my honey.


I put it on him and gave him a goodnight kiss then Tina was up next.

Maria-Nighty night sweetie.~

Tina-We're staying here tonight, but we'll leave you alone for a bit until we're done with our 'new online school'... when we enroll and have dinner after.

Maria-And i'm gonna call the police and take Ryan off the waiting list. I have you now.~

(Chelsie's POV)

I was still depressed that Nick was really gone now and I was snapped out of my trans by my friends.

Tina-Come on, let's head upstairs. We can put on a movie for you.

Chelsie-Uh... sure.

We went upstairs and they did put a movie on, but I wanted 1 with no romance and Tina was enrolling for the new online school now and Maria left to be alone when she calls the cops to disown Ryan. I felt so alone and this just made it worse and I know what I wanted and I needed it... now.

Chelsie-Hey... i'm gonna go to the bathroom.

I got up and when I went down the hall I snuck into the basement and went down the stairs only to see (Y/N) starting to struggle so the drug must be wearing off.

Chelsie-Hey (Y/N).

(Y/N)-Untie me... right now!

Chelsie-I can't do that, but... are you angry?

(Y/N)-No shit!

I went up to him and crawled on top of him and put my finger on his lips and he bite me hard and it really hurt.

Chelsie's mind-Ohhhh, that's the stuff.~


I pulled out then leaned in and when I did he bit my ear.

Chelsie-*Moan* That really hurts, you animal.~

He stopped and if he could look at me he would be looking at me weird.

(Y/N)-What is wrong with you?

Chelsie-Nothing uh... I was thinking on giving Tina idea for love classes... which is like uh... pet training!

That wasn't totally true, it just teaches the girl which way is best for her boyfriend to learn.

(Y/N)-Get away from me,... but untie me first!

Chelsie-I... no... No! I'm gonna stay here and since you can't move your arms or legs, you're gonna bite me or i'm really gonna hurt you!


I shoved my ear into his mouth and it seemed to shut him up.

Chelsie-Bite me.

He did what I said and it hurt so much. It wasn't much of what I would prefer, but beggars can't be choosers. This went on for a while until I felt tired and I was so comfy that I didn't bother getting up and ended up falling asleep on top of (Y/N).


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