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(Tina's POV)

Chelsie, Maria, (Y/N), and I were in my room right now and it was night time and we all ordered a pizza for dinner. (Y/N) was a little resistant when I tried to feed him, but after some 'encouragement' he let me feed him and he's being very well behaved right now. We had to be quiet since it was getting late now and my mom had work tomorrow so we all tried playing a game on (Y/N)'s (F/GC) and we played 'Call of Duty BO2' and a free for all match.

Chelsie-So after this you guys wanna do something for desert?

Tina-We have cookie mix and they're snicker doodles.

Maria-I can uh... help cook them after this game if you want.

Tina-Knock yourself out.

Chelsie-What about (Y/N), does he cook?

(Y/N)-Not tonight.

Tina-Baby... stop giving my friends attitude.

He just shrugged it off and he's lucky I love feeding him or he would get no cookies tonight. After the match I got up and so did Maria and Chelsie, but (Y/N) just laid down on my bed.

Tina-Come on, we're going downstairs to make cookies.

(Y/N)-I'm staying up here 'alone'.

Tina-No you're not mister. You might run away and I don't feel like calling the cops 'just' to bring you back and wait everyone else up, but I will if I have to and don't think there won't be a punishment.

He wouldn't budge, but he just turned over and it was embarrassing that he was acting like this in front of my friends. I went over to him to pull him out of bed, but he grabbed my bed frame and held on being so stubborn. Soon I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was Chelsie.

Chelsie-I can watch him and make sure he doesn't escape and later I can show you what I did with Nick, but in exchange I want some extra cookies.

I didn't like the thought of (Y/N) being alone with another girl even if it was 1 of my best friends, but on the other hand she's going through having to execute Nick soon so I doubt she's ready for another relationship.

Tina-Fine,... but if you mess with him-.

Chelsie-I won't, i'm still hurt over Nick.

Tina-*Sigh* Sorry I just...

Chelsie-I get it... also your the only 1 who knows your way around the kitchen so...

Tina-Yeah, yeah, i'm going to make the cookies.

I left my room with Maria looking back only to see my pouty boyfriend on my bed refusing to look at any of us.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This just felt so frustrating and humiliating being forced into something like this and even the cops won't be able to help. I miss my old life with my dad and just a normal school life... well some of it more than others, but still this new life is degrading. I looked over and saw Chelsie on her phone then she looked at me before going back to her phone then looked back to me putting her phone down while trying to look intimidating or something.

Chelsie-If I were you I would start listening.

(Y/N)-Or what?

Chelsie-You know we talked about my boyfriends execution!

She started to have tears coming out of her eyes, but I didn't care because she was about to have a guy killed because he didn't wanna be with her. She started to come over to me and stood right next to me with her arms crossed.

Chelsie-You better start loving Tina. She's my best friend and I don't want her to have her heart broken like me. I tried to kill myself when they took Nick away and it hurt so much!

I felt so mad at the bullshit she was blurting out and made body acted on it's own when I sat up then...


Her her went off to the side and it felt so good before I finally thought this through a little too late.

(Y/N)'s mind-Crap!

She just held her cheek and I noticed it was red from what I saw and I felt there was gonna be hell to pay. Her breathing got a little and I think she was gonna cry then Tina was gonna come in then do god knows what.

(Chelsie's POV)

It felt just like Nick, this stinging on my cheek and he was the only he knew about my secret... I like this kind of pain. I thought this feeling was gonna go away forever after tomorrow and the execution... I want more... I need more.


(Maria's POV)

The cookies were done and Tina was being skeptical about leaving her boyfriend and i'm still searching for that special someone, but whenever I try the holding cells are full of manipulative boys that just wanna get out and escape and the first time... it actually worked. They took my emotions for a joy ride then in the night when I was asleep he left and when I called the police, but they still haven't found him. It hurts me to not know where he is or if he's even alive anymore, but I hide them so others won't worry about me since everyone has their own problems right now.

Tina-Here's the cookies. Take them upstairs while I get the milk.


I took the cookies and went upstairs while Tina poured the milk and when I made it to the room I saw (Y/N) looking weird at Chelsie and she was rubbing her cheek with a smile on her face until she saw me. I put the cookies down then soon Tina came in with the milk and put 3 cups down and 1 of them was very big and for some reason (Y/N) looked a little shaken and I was the only 1 who noticed.

Tina-Did he behave?

Chelsie-Oh uh, yeah.

Tina-Good. Now come here baby.~

She went to (Y/N) with some cookies and the big cup of milk and snuggled with him and he let it happened and was being feed, but she got a little mad when he kept on looking at Chelsie.

Tina-Hey baby, eyes on me.

She forced him to look at her and shoved a cookie in his mouth and I just turned to Chelsie.

Maria-So Chelsie... at the execution tomorrow... what are you gonna do?

Chelsie-*Sniffle* I'm gonna do what I think is best... and in front of the crowd i'm gonna put him down *sniffle* *hic* *hic* myself.

Tina-How are you gonna do it?

Chelsie-I'm gonna ask we a gun... then shot him in the head... quick and painless for him. It's what he deserves. *sobbing*

I went up to her then gave her a hug and she let it all out into my chest and I just patted her back while closing the door with my foot so Tina's family won't hear us.

Maria-I know you still love him.

She just nodded into me and I felt my shirt getting wet from her tears.

Tina-You want us to go out on stage with you?

She shook her head 'no' and this was kinda understandable.

Chelsie-I wanh le uo be yhe wast herson Mick sees. *muffled*

I sat down with her and after a while all the milk and cookies were gone and I was watching Tina taking care of (Y/N) and there was some things I would've done differently and when she wrapped him up in the blanket the technique was wrong. She just wrapped it around so now cold air can get to his feet and his has almost no room to move so he won't be has comfy then to top it all off he had almost no support to his head. I don't have a say in this since he isn't mine, but after my last boyfriend Ryan ran away from my love and care I gave him I just needed to let out these urges to take care of someone... maybe I can tell how to take care of him... No, I just wanna take care of someone sometime soon... even if it's him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Tina was snuggling me and now I think we're gonna go watch Chelsie kill someone tomorrow. I need to get out of here and I think tomorrow might be my chance with all the attention being on someone else. I just have to make it until then and when the time is right i'll make a run for it so i'll play Tina's and this fucked up societies little game... for now.


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