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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 6

3 days ago was the last day of school and I got to start my summer by going to my uncle's work for a whole week. What was so cool was that he said he helps make dinosaurs. My mommy and daddy helped get me packed up last night and I was so excited to go, but I had to take a shower and brush my teeth. When I was done I just looked in the mirror and saw that I looked ready to go, so I went downstairs to get my back and be ready to leave.


(Y/N)-Mom, Dad, when are going?!

Dad-The boat doesn't leave for another 3 hours kiddo. Watch a cartoon or something.

I didn't want to wait anymore because I knew about this trip. Last month for a birthday present and it was the best one by infinity and a half!

((M/N)'s POV)

I was still a little nervous about this, but my brother said he'd be in a little room by himself and have someone waiting to pick him up at the entrance. I'm just worried about my baby getting lost on the way there, so I was on the phone with my brother right now to double-check everything.

(M/N)-I'm just saying-.

Felix-And I'm telling you everything is going to be fine. My assistant will be there to pick him up and bring him to me then it'll be a wonderland for him all week long.

(M/N)-Don't pull a dad.

Felix-Don't pull a mom. Look, he's going to be in the break room on the way there where nobody, but the staff can get in without a keycard. Relax.

(M/N)-Just make sure he doesn't get himself hurt or something.

Felix-Yes, because I was just "dying" to throw him in the T-Rex exhibit for funsies.


I hung up the phone and I know my brother can keep an eye on him for the most part, but my so was not good at sitting still for long.

(Timeskip 5 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in a room and some of the workers on this boat would come in and relax and sometimes try to talk to me. It was hard to do that, but my mommy and daddy would say it was not nice to ignore people unless they were strangers and my uncle Felix works with them kind of, so I guess it's ok. I could look out the window and soon I saw the island now and I tried to stay calm in front of everyone, but I just wanted to be there right now. When we could finally leave I just grabbed my suitcase with wheels and slowly got off the boat with everyone else and I remembered that my mommy told me to look for a guy holding a sign with my name on it and soon I did. I went over to him and he took his phone out to look at something and when I got a peak, it was a picture of me.

Man-Alright kid, let's go see your uncle. He's at the lab right now finishing up work.

(Y/N)-My mommy said my uncle would let me go in there.

Man-Sure kid, but until you're with your uncle when you do that, I'm just taking you to the lobby area. Let's just go and I'll be giving you a quick tour on the way.

We got in the car and put my suitcase in the back before I got a quick tour. I saw regular dinosaurs for the most part, but then I saw one part where it was a half-human one.


(Y/N)-Woah... Hey, why did they make dinosaurs part human?

Man-Something about not being able to tell from some dinosaurs doing surprise attacks and let's just say something happened that made others want to quit if we could not make it safer.


Man-... We can tell what they might do better now.

(Felix's POV)


I was done with storing the Y chromosomes and the extract of concentrated dino egg extract in the gas chamber and we should have a test subject from one of the carnivore exhibits come in later to see what it does. Human nature being thrown in with dino DNA makes them a little easier to understand, but they get more testy now when it's that time of month. That led to 3 and almost 7 deaths and some of them thought they couldn't do much now that they were part human and looked cute at times, but they were still just as vicious and kept their teeth and some still had claws too. If this works then it should calm them down to where they won't be too hell-bent on trying to kill people. Just then another scientist came in and she was impossible to be friends with since she's not... fun.


Val-Felix, how are our samples? You did make sure they were stable, right?

Felix-Yes Val, I made sure they were stable.

Val-I said to drop that nickname. It's Valore to you.

Felix-Yeah, yeah. How long until our subject gets here?

Val-She's far too angry to transfer right now, so that will have to wait until she calms down. We can't use sedatives on her for this.

Felix-Pain in the ass... Oh shit, what time is it?!

Val-A little past 2. Got somewhere to be?

Felix-Be back in a bit, not leaving the lab, so let's call it a break.

I just left the lab and headed up front to where I told my assistant to go until I met up with them and I shouldn't be too late since the boat was not scheduled to come back not too long ago. When I made it to the lobby I saw they were already there and my nephew smiled and ran to me.


(Y/N)-Uncle Felix!

Felix-Sup squirt. Haven't seen you since Christmas.

(Y/N)-Do I get to see the dinosaurs in the lab like you promised?!

Felix-Woah, woah, slow your role there. Can't run in there unless we lay down some ground rules.

(Y/N)-Awe, rules?

Felix-Yes rules. Don't touch anything unless I say it's ok, don't push any buttons, and if anything happens just listen to what I say and everything will be fine.

With that, I brought him with me into the lab just like I promised and granted it was while I was drunk on the phone a few weeks back. It should be safe considering we don't have our test subject coming in anytime soon. When we got in he was by my side and my assistant went on his break since I told him he could take it when he got back. I didn't take him in any of the rooms, but showed him through the glass before we made it back to the lab I came from and Val looked over and looked surprised.


Val-Felix... Who is this?

Felix-This my nephew. My sister's kid and I agreed to watch him for a week.

Val-And you thought it was a good idea to bring a child in here?

Felix-I don't see the harm. No test subject in sight.

Val-Let me rephrase this... I have to watch you and sometimes so does this assistant of yours. You have a bright mind, but you're not a person I would put in charge of a kid.

Felix-Excuse me, I take care of dinosaurs both part human and regular, and don't have a scratch on me while getting the work done. I think I can handle a kid.

((Y/N)'s POV)

My uncle and this lady were talking and there were no dinosaurs back here, so this was boring now. I just looked around to see if there was somewhere to sit down and I saw a small room with something like a chair. My legs were starting to hurt, so I went to the small room.

(Felix's POV)

I was just getting back to work while Val and I were arguing and after I get the last of my work all done then the rest of the week will be with my nephew. Val was the kind of girl that gave off the vibe she hates some men just for being men or some shit, but this was just getting irritating.

Val-Honestly, now I have 2 children in here to wat-!... Where did the kid go?

Felix-What are you talking about? He's right-... Uhhh...

Val-Damn it Felix!

She got up and he could not have gotten far or even left this lab. I was about to leave the room, but then I caught something in the corner of my eye. I looked at the gas chamber and this made Val look and I panicked inside to see (Y/N) in there.


Felix-(Y/N),... step out of that small room and watch your step.

That room was designed so that the cage was not hooked up when the motion censors were tripped and the subject would very highly step on a panel to close the door and the gas would spray again. He just got up and I just reached for him slowly and took steps to try and keep him as calm as possible.


(Y/N)-What's this room?... Is it bad?

He started to get scared of the room and he went from being careful to trying to run out. He stepped on a panel and the door closed and the room was soundproof, but I could tell he was screaming and the gas was spraying in.


Val and I rushed to the controls to shut it off, and opened the door manually. Only crying filled the room as well as a horrible smell.

Felix-*Gags* Oh-! *cough* *cough*

I got (Y/N) away from the gas and he even got sick in a trashcan in here and he was kinda damp from the gas on his body. If my sister finds out this happened, I'll be lucky if she doesn't pay to come here with the sole purpose of kicking my ass.

Felix-*Gag* Y-You're good (Y/N). Y-You *cough* *cough* just need a shower.

Val-Felix, you get them to the showers then out of here before I drop-kick you!

I did what she said,... but not because she told me to.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was fine, but I think I could still smell that stuff a bit on me, my uncle said I was fine and even took me out for ice cream and to a show where there was a huge dinosaur in the water and it ate a shark. This was fun and we were not in the splash zone and that was fine because I was tired of being wet from 3 showers.

Felix-Hey, we don't need to tell your mom about the gas episode, right?

(Y/N)-Umm... No... What was that stuff?

Felix-Just something that was supposed to make you smell different and help dino-girls here.

(Y/N)-... Can I see some? I saw one that was called a Galli-something.

Felix-Hmmm... How about something cooler? Something nobody else in this park can see right now except for the workers.

(Y/N)-What is it?

Felix-I'm gonna take you... to see some humanoid raptors.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(No POV)

The 2 left the show to go off to a better place which Felix hoped would help (Y/N) not to tell his mother to feel her wrath. When they were 5 miles away from the raptor girls exhibit the humanoid raptors smiled something that made them a little curious and even broke their gaze on a worker who they wanted as a meal. Same case for other humanoid dinosaurs that were in the range of the smell.


Raptor Girls-*Sniff* *sniff*.


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