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((Y/N)'s POV)

I could hear yelling downstairs from Angie and Alcian and I just held on to my mommy even if she was crazy right now. I was also tired still from what she did to me, so I don't even think I can run. My mommy just put me down and walked to the door and she left the room with a smile and I wanted her to come back, but I was catching my breath still and she closed the door. I didn't want to be alone while everyone was yelling, so I got up as soon as I could and went to the door. I looked to see my mommy was downstairs sitting in a chair and I could hear the yelling better now and it was scary. I tried to sneak downstairs to get my mommy and maybe get out of here to get my daddy and leave this place. When I made it to my mommy she didn't look at me until I touched her then when she finally looked at me she only smiled.

(Y/N)-Mom. come on. I know where dad is and we can go home.

(M/N)-Go home?... We are home and you get to be in her bed. You didn't even give being a toy a chance.

(Y/N)-Mom, it's just a doll... or a haunted doll, but it's still bad! *whisper yell*

(M/N)-*Gasp* (Y/N)! Angie is going to be very mad when-!


We both looked and I saw Alcian and that woman with the doll was behind her and Alcian looked very mad and she walked away to grab something and she came back and put it on the ground in front of her and I knew it was for me.


(Y/N)-A-Alcian, I-!

Alcian-Get in... Now.

She was tapping her foot and I was scared of what she might do if I don't listen and I turned to my mom, but I don't think she will help me right now. I slowly got in the cage by curling up inside then she closed it, put on a lock, and carried me in the cage by a handle before she turned back to the lady in the black robe.

Alcian-If you touch my pet again I will throw that piece of firewood in my wood burning oven! Understand!

Angie-He's my toy and I didn't get a chance to play with him yet! I'm not letting you take him! I'll tell mother!

Alcian-Mother already knows I claimed him. As for you, I don't want you touching him, you're lucky you left his collar on, and the same goes for the others... Stay out of my castle.

She started to walk and when we got outside it was so cold and when I turned back to the house I saw the doll and lady look at me in the window while Alcian was taking me away. I was trying not to cry because my mommy did not help me at all and soon I heard roars out here then I saw more of those monsters and they were coming close to us and were looking at me. I was slipping up and starting to cry a little and that made Alcian get mad again then her finger nails got super long and she killed one of the monsters and the rest backed up.

Alcian-Get away from my pet, NOW!!!

(Angie's POV)

Alcian's words were really getting to me and making me very, very mad that she just took my new favorite toy away before I got the chance to play with them. I couldn't see them anymore and couldn't leave the window then my old new toy came up from behind me and...

Angie-I don't want to play right now... Go to your toy box and leave me alone.



She did what I said and this just made me more angry and this won't stand.

Angie's mind-I'm going to play with my toy Alcian... and sooner or later, you won't be able to stop me.

(Alcian's POV)

We made it back to my castle and right now my daughters had our pet and should be attaching the bell to his collar right now. I was getting changed into clothes not covered in blood no thanks to those horrid pawns outside that scared my pet when he was clearly safe with me in his cage. He did ask to go back and bring his "mommy" with us and even if I somehow did want to, Mother Miranda already gave them to Donna. Next he did ask for his father and I came up with something and said...

(Flashback Start)

Alcian-How do you think I decided to keep you as my pet?


Alcian-He and I struck a deal. He said he would let me keep you in return I let him go home. He's been gone for a while now.

(Y/N)-No... You're lying!

Alcian-Think what you want, but your father left you and your mother to save himself.

(Flashback End)

He tried to argue with me again, but my silence the rest of the way home was enough to convince him of my lie and cry. Better than telling him we ate his dad for dinner while he was knocked out, so it was like a mercy and way to get him to drop the topic of his dad.

Alcian's mind-Such a waste of time and effort on such a stupid man thing, but I guess it's worth it for my pet.

When I was changed I left my chambers and went to my daughter's room and when I made it there I was greeted with the site of them playing with our pet a little rough, but not too rough and the sound of his little bell was adorable while he was thrashing around to try and defend himself.


When they saw me come in I just sat on the bed and Bela pinned our pet down on his back and undid his clothes enough to expose and rub his belly.

Alcian-Was there any fuss with putting on his bell?

Bela-No mother. We made sure he couldn't by pinning him down.

Alcian-Don't be too rough and direct with our pet girls. He needs to behave all on his own.

Cassandra-Of course mother.

Alcian-Now, come here (Y/N). Crawl to me and show some love.

Bela let him get to his hands and knees and he just fixed his clothes and I allowed it this time before he crawled over to me. He then just sat at my legs and wrapped his arms and legs around one of mine into a hug.


He took the hint and started thinking before he soon rubbed his head on my leg and my daughters came over to pet him while he cuddled with me. I even started to pet his head and it was very pleasing to see my pet so obedient after his will was most likely crushed from my lie and whatever Donna did to his mother. Not that I care.

Cassandra-Mother, may our pet sleep with us tonight?

Daniela-We promise to be gentle with him.

Alcian-Let's see how this day plays out first. I do love our little pet's cuddles.

Soon we went back to playing I found it cute that if you grab his leg and tickle his foot he would fight to get his leg back, but it was hopeless for him to win against me. My daughters joined and our chuckles, giggles, and his laughter filled the room until he was tired. His lips looked a little dry, so I picked him up and the kitchen was closer, so we left to go get our pet some water. Cassandra pouted some into a bowl and put it on the ground for him, but then he tried to pick it up with his hands and that was unacceptable, so I got down, grabbed one of his arms, and smacked his wrist hard enough to only make him whimper instead of cry.

Alcian-You know pets don't pick up their bowls to eat and drink! You only eat and drink like that when we do it for you! Now, Do it right this time!

(Y/N)-*Whimper* O-Ok.

He got back down and stuck his face in the water and he sucked it this time instead of lapping it with his tongue and I debated to spank him at first, but thought that the silence from this method was better, so I let it go and pet his head.

Alcian-Good boy.~

I stood back up and we watched him drink until his bowl was almost empty and he just sat down with his legs out front. He was in a position of a teddy bear sitting down and he was even blushing then he tried to stand up, but a glare from me and my daughters made him stay down. I was going to take him to my private chambers with my daughters while making him crawl for more play time for the rest of the day to make sure he's exhausted for bed time, but then we heard something outside and I went out there by myself to see what was making the noise. It was coming from the sky and when I looked up, I saw these things before, but never really cared to know what they were called.


Alcian's mind-What is that thing doing here?

Just to be safe I went back inside to go report to Mother Miranda and have my daughter keep our pet safe and close in their room. They are not to let him out of their sight unless he's in his cage and I do not care for how long or short that maybe.

(Chris's POV)

My "backup" came and I was still against this, but the helicopter landed and I saw a hand full in fully uniformed soldiers, but there was also some people I recognized, but mainly...


Chris's mind-Jill?... What is she doing here?


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