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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in the store sitting on a chair and told this alien guy Marvin and told him I liked his pictures and I needed his help. He did tell me he had a spaceship that could take me back home, but he also said his delivery dog got sick today and had a delivery to make today, so... he wanted to make a deal.

Marvin-If you make this one delivery for me 14 blocks away, I will give you a ride back to the 3D world from that golf hole you fell in.

(Y/N)-Just one delivery?... Deal!

Marvin-I will give you a GPS to get you there and back with the package. It's nothing heavy, and an easy walk.

He left to go get the stuff and this sounded really easy. No Lola, no coyote, no Penelope, no Bugs Bunny, no problem.

(No POV)

Soon (Y/N) was got the package and started to head off with the small package Marvin wanted him to deliver to a store across town. While the little delivery boy was on his way, little did he know that there was Penelope and now Lola out looking for him since they know he was here.

(Timeskip 1 hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just made the delivery, now I just need to walk back and I get to go home to my mom and dad and forget any of this ever happened. I still didn't have to worry about anything and i'll tell my mommy and daddy everything that happened and it's like my mommy said, it can't be wrong if it's the truth. While I was walking back I waited at a crosswalk for it to say it was ok to walk, but I saw someone down the street talking to someone and giving them a paper and I looked closer to only see I wasn't wrong... it was her.


I just left the crosswalk and think it might be better to go around, but now I was scared because I was so close to getting home, and how did she even know I was here?! I went from walking to fast walking and to the next light I got to cross without waiting, but when I got to the other side I felt something soft touching my leg and when I looked down, I saw Penelope hugging me.


(Y/N)-Ah, P-Penelope?!

I just tried to back away, but when she let got she reached behind her back and pulled something out and with Lola not far away and having those big long ears... Uh oh.


(Y/N)-No, no, no, don't do it!

Penelope-Hmmmm... *deep inhale* *BLOWS WHISTLE*

I just started to run now and Penelope was following me, so Lola will come right us. I just need to make it back to Marvin, but I need to lose Penelope first before Lola finds us. I saw a sushi place and cat's like fish, so I ran inside only to have people yell something that I didn't know what it was and they did the same when Penelope came in. She saw the fish and sushi in here and I think she loved the smell because she floated in the air for a bit and to the food. I just snuck past her and it did work, but I wasn't gonna guess for how long before I left and when I did, I started running again.

(Lola's POV)

I went to where I last heard that whistle Penelope got earlier to tell me if she found him, but soon I made it to a sushi place where I heard it last... Don't tell me. I just went inside and saw Penelope staring at the food until she saw me and snapped out of it to look around and face palmed herself.


I wanted to hit her, but soon she ran past me and outside to look around before she gritted her teeth and threw the whistle to the ground. I was pissed off now too, but if he's wondering around aimlessly maybe we can find him on T.V., so I grabbed her and crossed the street where there was store and broke into a break room where there was a few employees watching T.V. and I took the remote from them.

Employee-Hey, you can't be here!


Employee-... Um, c-carry on.

I thought so and flipped through the channels until I found my baby walk into a 3D photo shop owned by Marvin the Martian.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I made it back and I think I lost Penelope, so I rang the bell for service and soon I saw Marvin come out and he saw I didn't have the box and put his hands together.


Marvin-I just received the call from my costumer. You done well.

(Y/N)-So... you'll get me home, right?

Marvin-A deal is a deal. Follow me.

He took me into back where I saw a green dog with a helmet looking like he was sick, but I focused on was the spaceship we were going on. I felt so excited and happy that all of this was finally over and I could be with my mommy and daddy again.

(Y/N)'s mind-I'm going home!~

We got on the space ship and I just ran to a seat to buckle in before he could even tell me to and I was ready to go before he was. When I felt the ship start it soon started to float before the garage door in here opened and he started to fly us out of here. We made it to the sky and looked around until we saw something and I think I saw it before... it was a hole in the sky I came in!

(Y/N)-That's it, right there!

Marvin-Ok. Hold on, this can be a little bumpy.

I just held on to my seat and he flew into the hole and he was right when he said it was a little bumpy and by little, I mean I was starting to feel sick. Soon we made it out of the hole and I saw the sky... THE NORMAL SKY!!! When we landed and he opened the door I ran out of the spaceship I just jumped on the ground and laid on it with my belly.

(Y/N)-Oh non-cartoon grass, I missed you!

It was a little itchy, but I was too happy before I got up and I saw Marvin come out of his ship with a camera.



I just smiled for his picture and after he took it, he left to go find other things to take a picture of, but I just ran off to go home and I was never coming back here again! When I made it back to my neighborhood I saw 2 cop cars parked outside of the woods. I know I was gone a long time, so people might be looking for me and I just headed home and when I got there, I saw both cars were home and when I got to the door it was unlocked, so I just went inside and saw the house was a little messy.

(Y/N)-Mom, dad, i'm home!... Anyone here?!

Just then I heard a door swing open down the hall and I jumped a little before I saw my mommy and daddy down the hall surprised to see me, but happy too.


(Y/N)-Mom, dad!

We just ran to each other and they both hugged me and spoke to me and making sure I wasn't hurt and I was fine. I wanted to tell them what happened to me, but right now I wanted to enjoy this... i'm home.

(Timeskip 3 hours)

(Lola's POV)

I was waiting with Penelope at the photo shop we saw on T.V. and I looked at the prices, but I think some "gold" will persuade him to give me a ride. After a long time I saw the ship Marvin took (Y/N) in before they went through that portal and since then saw nothing, but I was going to find him, even if that means I would go house to house. Soon the door opened for business and I went inside and before he could say a work, I took my fake gold bar and put it on the counter and he looked at it in disbelief.


Lola-So,... I hear you're giving rides today. Would this take me to the 3D world?

He was about to take it, but I had something else to ask, so I stopped him from taking it.

Lola-I also want to know which way that little boy went. I want to talk to his parents.

Marvin-I will need to refuel first.

With that I let go of the fake gold and the chump thought it was real and he just needs to believe that until I get to my baby's world and points me to where he went.

Lola's mind-You wanna live in the 3D world again?... Fine,... but you still belong to me.


Isaiah Weeb

Oh no.... 3D world lola bunny... 10x as strong as 2D world Lola bunny!!!