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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was getting close to being dark out and we were all having crackers, cheese, other snacks for dinner, but Sophie made my mommy eat outside in Isabella's cage that my mommy got for her. I didn't want my mommy to stay in there, but when I tried to let her out earlier, Sophie just smacked my hand away from the look. My mommy could fit in the little house in the cage, but it still had to be cold with no blanket in there, but Misty said After dinner my mommy gets to come back outside. Sophie wanted her to stay outside, but Misty said my mommy and I need a bath and they do too. After dinner Misty, Sophie, and I went outside and I saw my mommy was in the cage and was looking happy to see us and crawled to the door and to me.


Mommy-Temba judpie ba ba ba yeap!

I had no idea what she was saying, but when Misty opened the cage my mommy was crawling to me, but Sophie picked me up before my mommy could make it to me.

Sophie-No touching! You're dirty!

My mommy just whined a little before Misty pet her and we went inside and the others followed us to the bathroom and even came inside with us. The bathroom was full of girls now and I was nervous when Sophie was getting my clothes off and Misty was doing the same to my mom in front of everyone.

Grace-What's this?

Jessica-It was on T.V., it's a bath.

Betsy-I want a bath.

Misty-Our baby and (M/N) first.

Sophie-They get separate baths.

Misty-Use the other bath then.


Faith-I wanna come too!

Jessica-Me, me!

Sophie left with me while Misty put my mom in a bath and Grace, Faith and Jessica came with us to my mommy's room and went into her bigger bath room.


Sophie turned on the water and she saw my mommy give me baths before and so did Misty and they got baths before too, so I think she knows how to do it, but I wanted to do it myself. When she put me in the bath she was getting her clothes off in front of the others and got in.

(Y/N)-Sophie, I want to take a bath by myself.


She just started with shampoo since she might know my mom starts with it and they all have different colors. Everyone was just watching us as Sophie was scrubbing my hair and I closed my eyes.

Jessica-Oh, bubbles.

Grace-*Sniff* *sniff* Smells good.

Faith-I wanna help.

Sophie-Next time, he's mine.

She kept on going and poured water on my head to get the soap off of me then did the next part a little wrong when she scrubbed my body with soap under the water and my mommy said it doesn't work as good. When she was done with me she made me stay in the bath while she got herself and Jessica got on the side of the tub before she took her tiny clothes off and jumped in the water to swim to me and splashed a little water on my belly and rubbed it. I don't know if she was trying to give me a bath too, but I got a little bit of shampoo and and scrubbed her hair and she just closed her eyes. After a while I finally got out of bath with Sophie and Jessica and holding her while she was giving me a hug as best as she can then Grace and Faith got their clothes off and copied us and what we did. Soon they were and I showed them something to help us dry off under the sink.



(Y/N)-What? No, it's a hair dryer.

I just plugged it in and turned it on and Sophie likes it before I used it on her before a lot and when they saw it was ok, they gave it a try.

Faith-Mmmm, warm.~

I just grabbed a towel and dried off and went to my room to get dressed and the others came with me and watched me get dressed, but they got back in their old clothes. I was about to tell them they needed new clothes, but suddenly...

Misty-Bad girl!





We all went to the hall bathroom to see my mommy crying naked in a corner trying to hide, but I saw her butt was a little red now. I saw a puddle on the floor and I could start to smell it and I knew what it was, but I didn't know what to think... My mom just peed on the floor?!


Misty-That is a bad girl!


(Y/N)-Don't hurt my mommy!

I tried to run in and protect her, but Faith caught me and held me up. Misty was mad and got a towel wet before she cleaned up my mom's pee and put it in the dirty basket before she grabbed my mommy and I remember what happens when Misty or Sophie peed or pooped in the house.


She was taking my mommy outside and I tried to yell and stop her, but Faith put my face it her neck and tried shushing me.

(Misty's POV)

I was going to do the same she did to us when Sophie or me peed in the house and I even have a place to put her. She was going to sleep outside and in the cage tonight and I will be nice enough to give her a blanket. I could tell (Y/N) didn't like me taking his human mom outside, but she did something very bad and I can't let that happen since she would punish us, I have to punish her. When we made it to the cage I pushed her into the house up the ramp and when she tried to back out, I just spanked her again to make her go in. Next, I got a blanket from out here and brought it to her before I closed and locked the cage and went back inside to see the others just looking at me and Sophie was smiling like she was happy.


Misty-Alright bed time. Sophie, help me make beds.

Sophie-I sleep with (Y/N).

Betsy-I want to sleep with too.

Jessica-Me too.

Everyone wanted to and all (Y/N) was doing was looking outside and I know what he does when we got looked outside for the night. He would let us back in and I liked it before, but I won't let him and I know a way to be sure.

Misty-We all sleep with him... The mom's old room has a big bed and we can all fit.

Everyone was ok with that and I never got to sleep on that big bed before since (M/N) was in charge, but since she's not and we are... I guess she can't go on that big bed anymore. When we got to the room we looked at the bed and I think it was bigger than it was before.


We grabbed extra blankets and if we piled up a bit, it was cozy and me, Isabella, and Sophie we on top of our baby, so now he won't be getting up to let his mom back in the house.

(Y/N)-M-Misty, my mommy might get cold outside. Can we just let her back in? It was only an accident.

Sophie-She sleeps outside.

Betsy-Misty gave the mommy a blanket. She fine?

(Y/N)-But she-.

Misty-(Y/N) no. She can come back in, in the morning.

(Y/N)-... C-Can you at least see if she's ok?

I don't want him to worry all night, so I got up and he tried to get up too, but Betsy took my place and kept him in bed. I just left the room and went to the backyard and to the cage to go inside and peak inside and saw the mom under the blanket and she was looking at me.


She was fine, but I gave her a little pet before I left and locked her in the cage again. When I made it in the house I wasn't tired at all anymore, but I still wanted my baby and spot back. Suddenly I stepped on the remote Jessica left on the ground and it turned on the T.V. and the channel and I saw something good on T.V. being made by a human lady.


Woman-Wow, look how good they came out. Remember, my YouTube channel has all my recipes and videos to show you how to do them. Anyone can make these delicious, healthy, but simple and cheap recipes at home.

Misty's mind-Anyone?

I just looked at the food and it's better than the stuff (M/N) used to make for (Y/N) and if I can make better food, (Y/N) will love me even more. I lost my spot on the bed anyway, so I just sat on the couch to watch.

Woman-Alright, now for you late night watchers, let's get you ready for breakfast in the morning for a good and happy start of the day. This one is for you mom and dad's out there with kids and a big family. We're gonna learn how to make homemade and crispy breakfast croissants.

As she kept on going I think I saw all the stuff I needed in the kitchen and this all looked so easy to do and delicious.

Misty's mind-My baby is going to love this tomorrow, I just know it!~


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