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(Lin's POV)

I woke up to somehow hugging this human close to me and I backed up a bit without waking him up before I just got out of the bed to see the time and I panicked that someone might find me like this. I just left the room to just see my family sleeping in the living room and it looked like Joe was rough housing with them in his sleep again. Thankfully nobody was going to be on to me and I doubt that kid will even have the guts to make a peep to the others about this. I jut got a head start on the day by making breakfast, but I was accidently thinking about that boy again and how the fuck I woke up cuddling him like that. I was just lucky nobody caught me with him. Soon the whole family was starting to wake up one at a time and by the time, breakfast was almost done then my husband Joe came in ang kissed my cheek from behind me.


Joe-Smells good... Where were you last night? You missed some good fights.

Lin-Oh, um... I just felt drained and went to bed early. I didn't need to watch t know you kicked some ass last night.

Joe-7 wins before I fell to one of our boys.

Lin-Tough bastards, get it from their pa.

He kissed me again then I started to make plates and when others came in I saw Millie was holding that kid in the living room while her husband came to grab a plate for them, but I didn't pay attention.


I just looked at them and I tried not to think about what happened, but now the kid was looking at me for a bit before Millie turned him back to her to play with his face. I should just ignore them and look away, but I always find myself stealing looks at them and the need to go over there was bothering me then I saw someone walk up to them.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Millie was feeding me some of her breakfast since she said she wasn't very hungry then soon I saw the mean girl from last night and she was looking at me. Millie wondered what I was looking at then turned to see her mean sister.


Millie-What do ya want Sallie?

Sallie-I need a reason to come over to my sister?

Millie-You're looking at my kid.

(Y/N)'s mind-What?

Sallie-I was just wondering if ya wanted to lend me hand. Catch up and shit like that since ya left. Bring the kid too if ya want.

Millie-What are we doing?

Loona-Giving him to me.

We all turned to see Loona fixing her hair a bit while finishing her bacon then she took me from Millie to hold me in her arms.


Millie-Hey, I didn't have him last night!

Loona-Kiss the furriest part of my ass, i'm taking him for the day.

Millie was a little mad and Loona just took me outside and just sat in a log with me on her lap and she just rubbed my head until...

Loona-*Sniff* *sniff* What the hell?

She started to smell me some more and I didn't have a bath yet, but she just gave me a look and I didn't think she would care that much because Millie wanted to give me one after breakfast.

Loona-Was someone with you last night?

(Y/N)-Um... No.

Loona-Don't. Lie to me.

She got more angry with me a little and I was nervous to say this, but I don't want anyone to be mad at me.

(Y/N)-... M-Millie's mom.


(Y/N)-She helped me when Sallie was gonna do something mean last night.

Loona-*Growl* Come on.

She took me to the van with her and opened the door to shotgun and opened something else to grabbed the collar she got me and put it on my neck.

Loona-I don't want you anywhere near them without me. Understand?

I just nodded my head again and she just sat in the back with the door open to have her feet up and I was on her lap.

(Y/N)-Um, I need a bath and Millie was-.

Loona-I'll give you one later. You're staying right here.

She pulled me closer by my collar and now I was laying on her with my face in her neck and her chin was on top of my head. She just went on her phone and I tried to lift my head, but she flicked me and pushed it back, so I just stayed there and she rubbed and scratched my back.

(Lin's POV)

It's been a while after breakfast and I was doing work outside trying to get my mind off that kid still and it was actually starting to get pissed at myself. During my working I just looked back at the house and I saw that hellhound walking past Blitz and heading inside the house and I tried to fight it,... but I went back inside.


I saw her go upstairs then snuck up there a bit to peak and saw them going into the bathroom and I just got a hold of myself before I just thought I need to splash some cold water in my face in the kitchen. When I did that I just went back to working outside, but now I can't even focus until...

Lin's mind-That's it.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Loona was in the shower with me and the smell of her wet fur was kinda bad until she got soap on it and it was a little better. Now she was washing my hair while we sat down and turned the shower into a bath and I was on her lap. Next she got my body before she rinsed me off and we got out of the bath, so I turned to look at her while she was coming to me with a towel.


Loona-Come here.

I did what she said and she started to dry me off first before she got herself. Next, she got our new clothes in here and dressed me then herself before she took us out of the bathroom. When we got downstairs we saw some of the devils having some drinks and acting really happy and dizzy and Blitz came up to us.


Blitz-Loony, have I ever told you how much I love you.~ *hic* Hahahaha!~

Loona-How did you get drunk this fast?

Blitz-Oh, Millie's fam *hic* went into a cellar and took out what they say can "kick" anyone's ass with a few glasses. Here, try it.~

He got a glass of the kind of stuff my dad drinks to get like this and gave it to Loona before he went to go talk with the other guys. Loona gave it a sip before she looked like she liked it and drank the whole thing. She took me with her to get another and sat down to drink some more.

Loona-Few can't hurt that bad.

(Timeskip 3 Cups)

Loona was now almost like the others, but just laying on the chair and looked like she was ready to go back to sleep for a moment before she put me on her side and got up.

Loona-Stay here, i'm... gonna get 1 more.

She just left me, but on her way there Blitz pulled her in with the others to talk and laugh again. I actually felt nervous that I was alone in here and wonder if I should just go outside, but when I reached the front door...

Lin-Where do ya think you're going?

I turned to see Lin and she just smiled at me before she came over to pick me up and took me outside with her and I wanted to get down, but she wrapped her tail around me and it was kinda strong.


(Y/N)-Wh-Where are we going?

Lin-I'm just gonna take ya out for a walk. We'll be back in no time.

(Y/N)-What about Loona? She'll get mad if i'm gone.

Lin-Not as long as she's drinking my great grandpa's special brew she won't. You're gonna be with me for a while, rather if you like it or not, I don't care.

She took me around the back if the house before she got some rope that was hanging on a hook outside before she put me down, but still used her tail to hold my legs together before she quickly tied them together and I was getting scared then fell backwards. Before I could scream for help she used her tail again to cover my mouth then started to tie my arms behind my back.

Lin-Now don't worry that little head of yours, I won't hurt ya, but I am gonna decide what I do with you later.

When she done she picked me up again before she walked into the fields with me and held me close to her before she finally took her tail off my mouth, but I stayed quiet and scared of what she might do to me if I get loud. My daddy's friend says bad things happen if you're to loud sometimes.

(Millie's POV)

Moxxie was with my sister and I to help with farm work since he still wants to at least try to get stronger, but I just took his third splinter out of his hand. Sallie was giving him shit about it and I would jut glare at her, but soon we were finally done and heading back to house, but soon I saw something through the tall grass at the corner of my eye. I tried to get a better look and soon I saw it was my mom holding (Y/N) tied up in her arms.


Millie's mind-Da fuck?! HE SHOULD BE WITH LOONA!!!

(Lin's POV)

I was actually feeling much better and his helpless look on his face was actually adorable when he was scared of me. I don't think i'll hurt him, but maybe I can get reactions out of him by faking it, like dropping him a bit to chase him and his sharp breath was kinda funny. I think I could get used to this.


I stiffed up a little before I turned to see my daughters and Millie's husband and while Sallie had a smug smile on her face, Millie just looked at me kinda mad.


Millie-Hey ma. Loona give them to you?

Lin-... You're father brought out the good drinks and everyone got drunk, so I brought him out here.

Millie-So why is he tied up?

Lin-Oh, you know your brothers.

Millie-Is this true (Y/N), did my drunk brothers do this to you?

We all looked at him and he looked a little frozen between us until he finally shook his head no and felt mad at him, but when Millie ripped him out of my arms I saw a little bit of red in my vision as I looked at her glaring at me.

Millie-I'll be taking him ma and I know you have a thing for this, but "don't" do this again... Come on Moxxie.

The 3 of them left by walking past me and I had a fantasy of me brutally beating my daughter and taking the child back with me. I snapped out of it when Sallie put her hand on my shoulder and I was still seeing red, so if she provokes me, even a little... I don't know what i'll do.


Sallie-You seem pissed off. I tried to get close to them too, but... how about ya help me out with something?

I knew what she might do, but... I just wanted that kid back.

(Timeskip To Dinner)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Millie had me all day while Loona and the others all had headaches or slept most of the time, but Lin, Sallie, and Moxxie were the only ones ok since they didn't drink. Lin made chili and the 5 of us were sitting at the dinner table. During dinner Millie and Moxxie added salt to our chili bowls, but Lin and Sallie didn't.

Lin-About earlier-.

Millie-It won't be happening again.

Sallie-Why so uptight like your square husband?


Lin-As I was saying. I know you want to stay here for a bit to keep your human safe, but... I think they should stay.

Millie-Not. Happening. He's coming back with us.

They went silent and we all just ate, but the salt made the chili taste a little funny and soon I felt really tired and so did Millie and Moxxie. Lin and Sallie got up and Sallie took me from Millie and all she did was reach for me until she and Moxxie fell to the ground and only made a whisper before they fell asleep and just then, so did I.

(Sallie's POV)

How old is this kid? Seriously, my baby brother was heavier when he was 3 years old, but then again, he was always a bit of a fat ass. I just took him with me while ma gave the others chili with real salt this time and took Millie and her husband to their room while I made it to my room with him. Just then my ma came in and was about to take him, but I turned away from her and she got mad.


Mom-Give him to me "now" young lady.

Sallie-We used my drugs, you held him earlier and slept with him. I'm taking him now.

All she did was grunt before she pushed me on my bed and got on and laid in bed with us and (Y/N) was in the middle while she cuddled him and I did the same. My sis and her hubby should be out for a while and I had an alarm set and I was gonna leave with (Y/N) first thing in the morning and ma will be right behind me to tell Pa she has business with someone regarding the farm and that should buy us a few days. We just went to sleep with (Y/N) and I can't wait to play with him in the hotel room tomorrow and ma isn't the only one into bondage play.

(Timeskip To 3am)

(Blitzo's POV)

I could hear my fucking phone ring and it made my head fucking hurt, so I just answered it.

Blitzo-What? *groan*

Stolas-Well good morning my big red toy.~


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