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(Giava's POV)

Earlier I did get a little show of the gnomes Carta trusts mating in "passionate" way with the human and a small part of me regrets watching, but i'm keeping that secret to myself. I did love the barrier they had enchanted on them where they and whoever is in contact with them can only pass through and they would keep him safe, but I got my guards ready for the trip back. Right now we were all getting ready to head off back to my people and see how the car is doing. On the way back I saw that he was still a little groggy from just waking up and he did make it look a little cute before the walk made him wake up a little more. There was no attacks of any kind so far, so it was an easy stroll back to the village then when we got there we saw the car and my people did a great job. All the moss seemed to be gone, the outside was a little shiny, and they fixed or replaced some if the stuff that was clearly broken last time. Just then one of the fairies working on this thing flew up to me and bowed.

Fairy-My queen, we apologize, but there are some things we can't fix. We even found a book about this car in there and it was a great help, but are pieces that were not fixable. It will be longer, but we are trying to make new ones based on the book.

Giava-Excellent. You all done well while we were gone... (Y/N), what do you think?

Hey only walked up to the car and sat in one of the chairs inside and it made me so happy that I was soon going to see this machine working. Carta, Wentri, and Opal got inside with him and sat down and Leona, Kianna, my husband, and I got in too. This was certainly amazing to see this clean and (Y/N) did something and lights just turned on in here and I felt a little fan blowing cold air even when it was warmer outside and nobody was using magic. I just flew up and sat on (Y/N)'s shoulder feeling better right here and even had a thought or 2 about me "having fun" with him.

(Y/N)-What are you doing?

Giava-Oh nothing. Just enjoying the show.

Wentri-What else can this thing do?!

(Y/N)-Um... when we get to my people we'll be able to play music on it.

Opal-This thing is an instrument?

((Y/N)'s POV)

After a while of answering questions that were like a little kid asking why to every little thing which was getting on my nerves. I tried to see if I could feel anything wrong and so far it was a little of everything, but I think if these fairies can really fix this thing and put it back where they found it, I can just come up with a small plan to distract them just for a little, I can ditch them then later I can come back with help for my parents, like the guard or some police, as long as they have guns and real weapons, i'm fucking good.

Leona-Hey, what's this?

Kianna-Let me see.

I turned to Leona and Kianna and I saw her holding my dad's lighter and it did look in good shape still.


(Y/N)-That's a lighter... Let me have it.

I took it from them, but Carta grabbed my hand and got a look at it and looked curious about it.

Carta-This is a lighter? Where's the flint and steel?

(Y/N)-It uses something else. Look.

I lit it for them to see and they looked amazed and I now it's new to them, but it was like teaching newborn monkeys. I just put it out and put the lighter in my pocket then took the kinda rusted keys out then got out of the car. These fairies were still working and they were taking pieces of metal and used some magic to try and copy the pictures of the broken pieces. I don't know if that's gonna work since they don't know anything about cars and then again, I don't know much either. Just then Carta was about to grab me, but Giava got between us to stop her.


Giava-I will be borrowing your human. I need to ask about his world some more. We... need to know more about his military and security.

I could hear bullshit in her voice and even so, she has no idea what our military and shit is like. Mostly corrupted, flawed, and unfair for most people, but no doubt that it's strong and wild. Carta just looked at Giava and gave Giava a look before they broke when when the king of fairies got in my face.


Sinjin-Forget them. Why don't we talk business while they sort things out?

Just then Giava grabbed him by his hair and yanked on it to pull him away and she was really angry now.

Giava-Sinjin, I said no!

Does this douche think I would work for him and more to that, how does he think just because i'm a human, I know how to make shit like this he's most likely after? Giava just pulled him away from me and Giava blew a very strong gust of wind like someone my size was pushing me a little.


Random fairy-AAAHHHHH!!!

Just then we all looked to see a huge tree branch come down and smashed the car, really crushing it beyond repair and it was a close shave for a couple of fairies. I felt my heart sink since that was probably my best and only chance to get out of here and now it's broken junk. It looked like the branch just broke off on it's own and it just "had" to be the one over the car!

(???'s POV)

The fairies were still scared a bit and just going to the very thing that is trying to take what is mine away. If this new human creature doesn't want to be apart of our home and collection of beautiful and unique children... i'll just have to teach him NOBODY LEAVES ME!!!

(Timeskip 2 hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was just sitting on a log just watching the fairies trying to fix what was completely broken for good and Carta, Wentri, and Opal were talking to the queen while looking over to me to check on me like I was a fucking child. I just felt, so stressed, depressed, and maybe this was the world just giving me the middle finger or some shit...

(Y/N)'s mind-Should I just give up?... Just be a husband or boyfriend to 3 gnomes or just be fought over for the rest of my life? Everyone wants to feel wanted anyway.

I just leaned back on a tree and cried to myself a bit about ready to give up and just let them have me since I won't be able to get out of here... Wonder if Nisha is still mad enough to kill me or the centaurs are looking for me again.

Voice-Oh little one... this way.~ *echo*

I heard that voice again, but if it wants me so bad, why not just come get me itself? I was done giving a fuck now.

Voice-Little one. Did I break your toy?~ *echo*

(Y/N)-Wait... That was you?!

Voice-Come on little one, you want to meet me?~

She took my only chance on getting out of here, so I was at least going to see who the fuck she was and she started to laugh a little when I got up and I ran, following her laughter and on my way I was picking up rocks and a big stick since if I was going to see her, I was gonna wipe that fucking smirk off her fucking face for wrecking my car and my last chance to get out of here!

(No POV)

While he was on his was a few other girls, such of Celia, Carta, Giava, Thora, Olivia, Chisu, and Kaida started to hear the voice and manipulated them by telling them how to find the human they want so badly. Carta and Giava were confused until they saw that (Y/N) walking off in the forest and they were trying to stop him, but he started to run, but little did they know that this was not the real (YN), but just an illusion of (Y/N). The forest knew what her beautiful children wanted most and an illusion of their beloved human was going to lure them into her plan to teach her new human child a lesson and this was only phase one of that lesson.


Voice's mind-Come, my children. If my human doesn't like his new home... We'll make him "love" it.~

As they were all heading exactly to where she wanted them to go, she would be at a safe distance since none will be anywhere close to the real her... Somewhere in the forest lays the heart of it all and the very "being" that keeps all her lovely children here where she wants them.


Voice's mind-The times come to play.~


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