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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in the dessert now and I knew they were hot, but not this hot and I was just following the road for a bus to come by and help me. I just wish the bus or something will come and help because I was not going back to that town. Soon I found a bunch of boxes, nails, and junk behind a few rocks and I think I saw a few bottles of wattle and just looked around to see nobody and I was so thirsty, so I think it would be ok if I leave water for them. I just took 3 bottles before I left while drinking one then I saw a box of bird seeds and there was more boxes and I ate seeds before, so maybe it's kinda the same thing and it's all I might get if I get hungry, so I took it.


I was walking down the road again then I heard an explosion coming from somewhere, so I was going to go away from that. I just kept on walking waiting for a car or bus, but soon...

*Beep beep*


I just jumped and turned to see what made the noise then I saw "who" made it and they were just looking at me with a smile.


(Y/N)-Road Runner?

Road Runner-*Beep beep*!

I saw what he was looking at the bird seeds I had and maybe he was hungry, so I poured some on the ground and he was quickly eating them and I think he can help me. He was pretty fast and can get me out of here and I have bird seeds, so when he was done eating...

(Y/N)-Hey, if you help me out of the dessert by getting to the other side, the rest is all yours... Deal?

Road Runner-... *Beep beep*!

I'll take that as a yes. He just turned around and bent down before he let me climb on his back then made that beeping noise before he took off and I was holding on tight and screamed for a bit.

(Lola's POV)

I was just crying while my wall was being fixed because my baby was gone again and I had Bugs out looking, but so far there was nothing and Penelope was crying too. I just turned on the T.V. and did some channel surfing before I saw Wile E. Coyote making a trap on T.V. before it failed by Road Runner suddenly stopping and it missed, but I saw something that surprised us both.


Lola's mind-MY BABY!!!

Just then Road Runner out smarted Wile E. and took off and I think I recognize that road and know where they're going and a train goes to the exact same place.

Lola-Penelope, get up, we're packing up and going somewhere!

I started to pack extra clothes, my baby's child wrist leash, and other things I might need incase we stay there for a few days.

Lola's mind-I know where you're going and when I find you this time, you're in "big" trouble this time!

When I was done packing for the trip I was going to make a call to see if I can my baby brought to me again.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was getting used to Road Runner's speed now and it was funny what happened before then soon we saw that coyote again and he was on a rocket.


After the rocket crashed it blew up and he was sent flying over us and we stopped at the edge of a cliff where he fell and watched him fall down making a whistle noise before...


Road Runner-Beep, beep!

Road Runner started running again and I held on tight until I was used to his speed again and this was fun, almost like a roller coaster.

(Wile E.'s POV)

My everything hurt for a few moments then I felt my phone vibrating again ringing, so I answered it and held up a sign that said "Hello" while I was leaning back to crack my back a bit.

???-I'm watching your show and I think you could use some more money to help you buy better things to catch the Road Runner.

These voice sounded familiar from somewhere, but I thought about what she said before I took out my wallet and when I opened it, all that came out was a little puff of dust. I just held up a sign that said "I'm listening".

???-Catch that boy on the Road Runner's back and i'll have a gold bar waiting for you. Think you can use it?

I have been having my eye on something that's almost guarantee to work, but I was just too short on time to get the cash, but this could solve it. I just nodded my head very fast and if she was watching, she would see this.

???-Good. Call me when you catch him then go to the next town on the other end of the dessert... Oh and one more thing... If he's hurt, i'll rip your tail off and stuff it down your throat.

Just then she hung up and shivers went up my spine and I just shrugged it off and think how I was going to catch this kid and hopefully the Road Runner at the same time. I kept on thinking until I came up with an idea and smiled.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were just running all over the place and when I told him we past a few places a couple of times all he did was hold up a sign that said "Road Runners aren't very good with directions". This was a little annoying, but it wasn't all bad because going this fast is pretty cool when you get used to it. He kept on running until he stopped when he saw a pile of bird seeds on the ground and started pecking at them really fast.

(No POV)

While Road Runner was enjoying his extra seeds and (Y/N) was waiting for him to go again Wile E. Coyote was up on a cliff and he had something to catch the boy without harming him like the girl wanted. His plan was to bungee down the cliff just above them and when the Road Runner runs, he was have this to shot and catch them both or at least the child.


A net gun was perfect and the Road Runner could barely escape him if he aims for him, but the child would be helpless if he gets lucky and the gold bar would be as his. He was satisfied with his plan and quickly gave the bungee cord a few test tugs on the huge and heavy boulder. With that he readied the gun before he jumped off the cliff and headed straight for them and the whistling of the fall alerted (Y/N) to look up.


This made Road Runner look up before he just ran, but Wile E. Coyote just took aim and shot the gun for the net to go flying and it actually worked and caught both of them and he smiled. The Road Runner kept on running with (Y/N) holding tight and nobody was letting go until Wile E. hit the ground a little hard then Road Runner dragged him back a bit using his speed then ran circles around the coyote tying him up and (Y/N) got the net off them. Soon they started to hear a whistling noise and looked up and it was the huge boulder Wile E. used for the rope  and his pupils shrank.

Road Runner-Beep, beep!

The rock was still coming down and all poor Wile E. could do now was pull out a sign from the ropes and all it said was "Have mercy".


(Timeskip 30 minutes)

Road Runner and (Y/N) finally saw the town they were looking for and little did they know that Wile E. had beaten them there and had trap set up for them. The last plan was thought to be too daring, so what more simple than a simple glue on the road trap. Nothing complicated, nothing to fall on, and nothing to tie him up. He was smiling behind a wall snickering at his idea completely unaware that Road Runner just ran behind him and stood there for a bit before...

Road Runner-Beep, beep!

He jumped from being surprised and fell into his own glue trap and was stuck and ran over again and again.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was laughing at this wolf or whatever he is getting ran aver only to be fine, but just hurt while he couldn't get up. I just looked at the town then back to Road Runner and my dad said to always make good on your promises and a deal's a deal.


I just took the bird seed from my shirt and poured it all on the ground for him to eat and soon he was finished.

Road Runner-Beep, beep!

He just quickly ran off and I went into this new town and it did look better, so maybe I can find some real help around here and soon I found a place that said "Pictures from 3D world" and if they can get pictures, that means they been there nd someone can help me! I just ran inside and it said press the button for service, so I did and a door opened in the back and soon someone came out and they were shorter than me.


???-Can I help you?

(Lola's POV)

Penelope and I just got to town only to find Wile E. being ran over by cars while he was glued to the road, but I had better things to do, so I left him there. First thing's first is to find a hotel to stay in while we're here then start looking and Penelope "borrowed" a phone from someone on the train we came in and got my number and will text me if she finds him or where we can meet since she was going to search immediately.

Lola's mind-I know you're here (Y/N) and we're going to find you and bring you back with us.


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