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(Mrs. Doling's POV)

I was waiting for (M/N) to answer the door since I wanted to discuss some of these activities others were talking about. They won't listen to me, but they listen to her for some reason and it was urgent that she knows about the Winchesters idea to attach a giant slingshot to a truck and shot out t-shirts. Simply barbaric and a high chance t cause damage to property. When the door opened I was certainly surprised to see ladies in costumes here and I never saw them around her before or see a car parked out front.


Dog girl-Boring lady?

Mrs. Doling-I beg your pardon?

Cat girl-Boring lady.

Mrs. Doling-... I want to speak with (M/N), the lady of the house. Is she home?

Dog girl-(M/N)?... The mom?

Mrs. Doling-Yes, yes, just let me see her.

They only looked at each other before they moved out of the way to let me in and I was very uncomfortable, like I was going to one of those gatherings of grown adults in animal costumes. When I made it to the living room I saw (M/N)'s son in here and there was more of this women out here and (Y/N) had a very realistic doll in his hand of a girl with a mouse tail and ears.


(Y/N) looked worried and he was pointing what I assumed was for me to leave or something, but i'm not leaving until I speak to his mother.

Mrs. Doling-(M/N)!... It's Mrs. Doling, we need to talk!

Hoping she could hear me soon something bumped into the back of my leg which almost made me fall then when I turned around I was surprised to see (M/N) on her hands and knees smiling at me.


(Y/N)-Mrs. Doling, you need to get out of here.

He said that while only moving his lips, but not his teeth like he was nervous and it was clear that whatever is going on is wrong and no place for a young mind to be influenced.

Mrs. Doling-I will return when you come back to your senses, but your son will be coming with me until then.

I just walked away from her to her son, but then some of the girls held him tighter and squishing their boobs on his face and body while others were getting mad, but one girl got in front of me and...


Tiger girl-No touching *growl*

Just then I saw the doll or at least what I thought was a doll move on it's own and I couldn't process all of this, but I know people, so if they touch me there will be hell to pay later on and with an environment like this the first to be called is CPS for an investigation.

Mrs. Doling-You will not lay so much as a finger on me!

Just then I turned back to (M/N) who was still acting like a literal animal and to think she was one of the most reliable ones in this neighborhood.


Mrs. Doling-I demand you stop and explain this before I take your son somewhere away from whatever this is!

She only titled her head and looked confused and that was it, so I turned back to her son and walked to him past the girl and he held his arms out and waved his hands a bit trying to stop me.

(Y/N)-Mrs. Doling, don't! I don't think the girls will like it!

Mrs. Doling-I'm not concerned if they do or not as long as you're anywhere near this nasty party of theirs!

Just then I reached out for him to pull him away from this girl with fake horns to get out of here before things get any more crazy and I will not be taking that fancy robotic mouse girl doll with us. The girls looked very mad and just as I was very close to grabbing the boy's arm...

(Y/N)-No, don't!

Just then I saw he wasn't looking at me then I was grabbed and thrown back hitting the wall and I had the wind knocked out of me before I was coughing and looking up very mad to the girl that was walking to me.


Tiger girl-*Growl* No. Touching!

(Y/N)-Grace, stop!

Mrs. Doling-H-How dare you be rough with me! (M/N), I will have your friends arrested!

She only stared at me before she tried to stand up, but fell back on her hands and knees then crawled off somewhere while this girl named Grace was getting closer and I was getting scared.

Mrs. Doling-Get back! Stay away!... I... I said-!

She was coming closer, but then I grabbed something small and hard and this counts as self defense.

Mrs. Doling-STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!

I threw it and it was a plastic trophy with a bowling ball on it from her son's junior league and it missed her, but then...


(Y/N)-*Whimpering*... *sobbing*.

I didn't mean to hit him, but now the girls were completely mad and the mom crawled back to lick her son's cheek while Grace grabbed me by my shirt and I saw how sharp her teeth were now and 2 more girls were behind her.


Grace-You hurt us... I hurt you.

((Y/N)'s POV)

My mommy was licking and kinda kissing my face while I was crying then I could hear Grace going crying, but I couldn't even open my eyes from crying so hard. My trophy she threw hit me in the head hard and Faith, Isabella, Jessica, and Betsy were trying to comfort me too, but I was scared of the fighting I know was happening. The screaming was loud and like it was from a scary movie when someone is killed then Isabella ripped me from the others and ran with me screaming and crying herself. She just got in a corner while holding me and soon things got quiet and when I looked... I saw Mrs. Doling laying on the ground and her neck looked weird a little then Misty and Grace dragged her into the backyard with her, but I heard Mrs. Doling making noises, so she wasn't dead. I don't know what they were going to do, but Isabella won't let go of me and Betsy came up to me and started to lick my head where I was hit.


Betsy-Better?... Boring lady is gone.

She kept on licking me and Isabella calmed down, but when I was almost up, she quickly pulled me back down to her.

Isabella-No, stay with me!

She held me tighter before she took me to the couch and my mom took the last spot and Sophie didn't like that and my mom whimper when she saw Sophie was made at her then she pointed at the dog bed in the corner of the room.

Sophie-Down! My spot!

My mom went to where Sophie was pointing and even tried to stand up, but fell again before Sophie sat on the couch and I thought it was mean, but then my mom suddenly went outside while the door was still opened.

(Y/N)'s mind-What is she doing?

(Misty's POV)

Grace and I were at my one of my favorite spots to go to the bathroom and it was a little harder now, but I was digging a big hole now while Grace was watching the mean lady. I was still so mad that she hurt my sweet little boy like that, so i'm making sure she was not coming back to hurt him again and digging a hole helped me with a lot of stuff, so why not this?

Mrs. Doling-G-... Get off-.

Grace-SHUT UP!!! *growl*

Mrs. Doling got scared and was still dizzy after I hit her head with something hard since I saw it on T.V., but she didn't make the funny face when I did it, but I didn't care. Grace just punched her in the stomach to keep her down then soon I was finished and this hole looked big enough, so I got out of the hole then I saw (M/N) crawling and looking around before she just looked at us, but I was too busy with this for her.


Misty-Ok, put her in.

Grace dragged Mrs. Doling into the hole and it was perfect and she couldn't get up and the hole was too deep for her now if she can't stand. Just then we heard a deep breath come from (M/N) and we both looked to see she was peeing, but it was coming out weird and I wondered if she was hurt or something if it was coming out like that and she was nice to us before all this happened, so I help and be nice to her.

Misty-Hold on.

I went up to her and pulled up her dress and it was still a little dry, but I saw what was wrong and her underwear was wet and it smelled nasty. I remember one time she yelled at a person watching (Y/N) when he was a little baby and how she said he got a rash because they didn't take the dirty diaper off him and this can be the same thing. I just took off her dirty underwear and she stayed still when I cleaned her with the dry spots of it still before I threw them in the hole with Mrs. Doling since I was about to fill. After I just lifted her dress up to her belly and back, so her clothes she loves don't get dirty.

Misty-... You nice to me, i'm nice to you.

I pet her for a bit before she went to crawl around some more then I saw Mrs. Doling trying to crawl out, but Grace kicked her in the face and some blood came out too.

Misty-Help me fill it.

I showed her by pushing the dirt back in the hole and she copied me and we could hear how scared Mrs. Doling was and she was trying to beg to us, but I just went into the hole with her then...


Misty-No begging.

I got back out then we finished filling the hole and she was finally quiet now, so we went back to the house, but just when we made it to the open backyard (M/N) came out of the trees and I saw how dirty she was with dirt on her and in her fur... or hair and her dress was covering her again bottom again, but had leaves and stuff on it.


I hated it when dirt and stuff was in my fur and she always gave me a bath, so I think I have to give her one now then I thought about (Y/N) never getting a bath today and maybe we should skip this one for now, but they also take one at night...

Misty's mind-My baby gets bath tonight first then her,... but she stays outside until it gets dark when it gets cold.



Ok I gotta say it the mom’s hot