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(Sarita's POV)

I was looking at these two skanks and the purple one definitely looked like a sleep paralysis demon since that hellhound told us about her and it did match and the other was a either a mistress or just someone's bitch. Either way it doesn't matter because she was holding my property and I don't like others touching my shit I care about without my permission. We had the hellhounds closing in until the sleep demon blew mist and they backed away to where it didn't reach them then the succubus holding my toy just smiled while looking at me/

???-Hey Sarita, hope you don't mind, but since you drop this, you don't mind that I take it.

I was already mad enough, but when she lifted his shirt to show me her mark on my baby... I felt my blood boil and knew exactly who she was now.



She branded what she "had" to know what was mine and now she was rubbing it in then she shifted him in her arms and made him look at her and away from his before she deeply kissed him like I do to him and he tried to push away, but she was keeping him there... Something in me snapped, but just then Kalma charged for them and howled to have the others follow her and she was in her alpha form.



Blair spread her wings and flew at her only for the mist to come out again and thankfully I came prepared. I had some of my followers to fire warning shots out of catapults when they see things kick off and when I saw fireballs in the air they were right on time. They weren't that close to my baby and the shockwaves from the impact blew the mist away a bit to make openings and the two demons just ran into the house.

Sarita's mind-Oh no they don't.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was scared even before it was raining fire balls outside and now there was scary dogs and Kalma clawing at the walls before one of them smashed through a window, but before they could touch the floor Andria used her tail to sting them in the chest and all they did was fall to the floor.

(Y/N)-Wh-What did do to them?!

Andria-He's not getting up for a couple of days... Let's go!

Tanya ran with me and they got to a basement where I saw a lot of whips, things to tie you up on, and a bunch of weird rubber toys on the walls and stuff. At the end of the room was a door that lead to outside and just then we heard more glass breaking upstairs and went outside then Andria closed the door. If I can't get home right now, I at least don't want to see others fighting.

(Y/N)-Um, they looked pretty mad... D-Do you think you can-?

Tanya-I'm gonna stop you right there.

???-So am I!

We heard wings flapping and looked up to see Blair and when she landed really fast I felt the ground shake and she looked really mad.


Blair-Give him to me and i'll rip off your tails!

I think she made a mistake and was supposed to say or, but Andria brought her tail out in front of her to show her stinger and I... I...


She ignored me and Blair rushed to her and she was about to get stung, but she grabbed her tail and punched her so hard she was sent flying into us and Tanya dropped me while we we fell and I went down a little hill. Blair was about to come get me, but Andria grabbed her leg.

Andria-He's mine now!

She pulled her down and Tanya got up and was running to me and I only backed away a bit before another scary monster dog got in the middle of us and growled at her.


I crawled back some more while Tanya backed up from the dog, but then I fell back a on a bigger hill and rolled down until I finally stopped and was very hurt and dizzy. I cried a little before I got up and I was gonna get out of here, but when I ran around a rock I saw Sarita yelling at other demons to go help before she saw me and looked happy.


Sarita-*Gasp* My little boy toy!~

She ran to me and snatched me up before she hugged me and gave me kisses too then held me like a baby.

Sarita-Did she do anything other than kiss you, use her toys, or sucked you off?!


I had no idea what she meant and she just sighed and looked happy before she gave me a kiss with her tongue in my mouth again before she pulled away.

Sarita-Good, you're still mine to take when you're older.~

I don't know what she meant by that either before she just started to walk off with me and I asked her about Blair, Kalma, Andria, and Tanya and if we can go back and stop the fighting, but all she did was look mad at me.

Sarita-You care about that bitch Tanya?! You like her tail or something?!

(Y/N)-N-No, I-.

Sarita-I don't wanna hear it. You were going to have cuddles when we got back, but if you bring her up again, i'm changing it into spankings!

I almost cried again, but she just gave me a deep kiss before she moved me in her arms and put my face in her boobs again. She ran off with me then later we made it back to her home and she took me straight to her room and I saw a some things on her bed and she picked one of them up and I knew what they were.


She just laid me on the bed and I held my hands close to my chest to keep them from her and she only gave me a look.

Sarita-Sweetie, this is not choice. Nobody is taking you from my bed and by nobody, I mean Tanya. It's bad enough I have to deal with that mark of hers on you now.

(Y/N)-Please, I-I won't do anything.

Sarita-It's not you i'm worried about.

She took my hand and cuffed it to the edge of the bed and did the same thing to my other hand and I tried begging and pulling until...

(Y/N)-*Whimper* *sobbing*.

Sarita-Awww, my poor baby boy.~

She only wrapped me in a hug and held the back of my head and gave me a few kisses while looking into my eyes and wiping my tears.

(Sarita's POV)

Honestly, he's lucky that he's not tall enough for me to cuff his legs down too. This was not a punishment, but just to make sure that bitch Tanya doesn't come for him and it's not a surprise that a lower mistress wants my best toy that i'm saving after his training and i's making sure to move most of my servants close by the house to make sure Tanya or her sluts get close to us. I was just comforting him until he got tired of crying and I gave him kisses on his neck while forcing him to keep it open and his hopeless struggling was just adorable.


He should be grateful he's back because my bitches hear and see from other servants or what their mistresses or masters like to call them and I heard Tanya to be a total sadist and leaves ugly marks on her property by punishing them for fun.

Sarita's mind-I know how to keep my shit in line with fear, respect, and rewards.~

I just got out of bed and I had a long day and the girls should be back soon since they have all this help with them and are tough as hell. I just stripped before I got back in bed and snuggled with him until he feel asleep, but I couldn't because I don't think he's safe from abduction...

Sarita's mind-That's it, i'm making a few changes.

(Kalma's POV)

That sleep demon bitch almost took my eye when I had the others regroup with me and Blair while they were tired and i'm moving them all to the den closet to my house and anyone so much as shaking hands with someone who is working with Tanya are not allowed anywhere near us and will be ripped to shreds if they so much as try. I was in my normal form picking meat out of my teeth that got stuck and when we got inside we heard something down the hall and when we made it we saw Sarita with one of her demons putting in a door like her old one, but I saw the inside had metal.


Kalma-What's this?

Sarita-Making sure my toy stays in my room and that whip happy cherry can't get to him.

Blair-Where's (Y/N)?

Sarita-Cuffed him to my bed for a nap. After, i'm training him again.

Kalma-And Tanya's mark?

She just stayed calm and took a deep breath before the door was on then she just walked in, closed, and locked it without saying a word, so i'm taking she's pissed about it and so am I. Makes it unfair others can't die here. I was just gonna get in a shower and wash this blood off because if she's training him later, i'm doing it too.

(Blair's POV)

I was relieved to have our baby back home, but how long until those 2 try to come back for him or another guest of ours attacks my baby, my gift from god. Hell is no place for him to be at all, it's no place for any baby like him, but this is a test from god to prove I can protect him. After a while of stressing and thinking I thought of something. I just need to give him a nice home and care for him there where it's safe and if no such place truly exists in hell...

Blair's mind-The living world!

I just need to take us to the living world where there are no demons to hurt or harass my baby and we can live in peace. It's so obvious when you ignore the rules of which god set, but sometimes he expects you to break them for the great or good. I won't take him to a neighbor hood where other nasty people doomed to go to hell will be, I need some place secluded... I just went to my room to wash up first, but afterwards, i'm going house hunting on the surface and if Kalma and Sarita want to come too, I don't care as long as they don't cause trouble, but right now I was going alone.

Blair's mind-I'll find a nice house for us to live in where nobody can hurt, touch, or even look at you with their impure eye ever again... It'll be more than our home... it'll be our heaven.~


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