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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was told that we were going to a town called Wrath like Millie and Moxxie talked about last night and Millie just said to stay close to her when we get there whenever I try to ask a question about it. We were in a van and I think it's been a few hours and Millie's lap was a little comfy, but when I saw a lot of dead fields and a town full of demons and some of them looked big, mean, and scary then she just hugged me.

Moxxie-Millie, do you really think this is a good idea?

Millie-It's the perfect place where those cherub fucks won't be able to get near him until they give up.

Moxxie-But this place doesn't seem the safest for a living human.

Millie-Which is why he's staying close to us the "entire time". He's even gonna be staying in my old room with us.

Loona-Don't forget, i'm taking him with me too.

Millie-My home, we get first night.

Blitzo-What the fuck is with all this sharing?

Loona-Do hope you know we're sleeping in separate guest bedroom like last time.

Soon we stopped the car and I was just looking at the ground when Millie took me out with her and carried me with my head on her shoulder looking back at the others while Millie was running with me to something or someone.

Millie-MAMA, DADDY!!!

She soon stopped and I saw shadows, but I didn't want to look because I was scared of what I was going to see.

Millie's mom-Oh Satan, you actually have a living human kid.

Millie's dad-I thought that was some kind of a code thing city folk or free lancers use.

Millie-Nope, he's the deal pa. Come on (Y/N), say hi.

Millie made me turn my head and I looked a little to see her parents and they were looking at me a little weird while Millie just rubbed my head.


Millie-Ma, pa, this is (Y/N). The little orphan boy we took after a job. You both already meet my husband, my boss, and his daughter.

They were still just looking at me for a bit and I just curled up a bit on Millie and they just looked at her.

Millie's mom-Well we still letting you stay until this heat dies down back at the city. Go on and get settled in.

Millie-Alright ma, thanks again!

(Lin's POV)

I had no idea how to respond to this as my daughter was heading in the house with a living human boy and Joe was confused himself. Even Blitz, the imp that gets paid to slaughter humans is acting like this shit is normal. That boy also looked more spineless than Moxxie last time he was hear and I didn't even think that was possible. When we got in the house I saw Millie cooing this human kid a bit with her husband watching and carrying "all" their stuff upstairs.

Blitz-Moxxie, I have my camera in one of those bags! You brake it, you buy it.


Millie jut took one of her bags to make it easier for Moxxie while still holding the kid with one arm. Even by looking at him, I can tell by the take all my kids were that age, they were killing snakes in the fields for fun.

Lin's mind-What's so special about this kid?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Millie took me to her old room with Moxxie and she just made me sit on the bed while they unpack and soon I saw Moxxie digging through things like he was missing something.

Moxxie-Hey, I think I forgot something in the van, be right back.

He left and just then Millie finished unpacking her knives and stuff before she sat down and pulled me on her lap.

Millie-I saw how shy you were out there. Don't worry, my family won't bite... as long as i'm around.

???-Knock, knock.

Just then we looked and saw some girl walk in and Millie just moved me a bit closer to her on her lap while this girl just walked in.


Millie-Hey sis. (Y/N), this is my sister Sallie Mai.

Sallie-You bringing humans back from the living world now?

Millie-If ya gotta know, he's an orphan after a job.

Sallie-What, you killed his ma and pa then adopted him.

Millie-Just his shitty pa.

I didn't like them talking about that in front of me and after a bit more of talking Sallie just leaned in and showed me her sharp teeth.

Sallie-What's like living with devils little boy?

Her teeth were scaring me enough and Millie just pulled me away from her and got a little mad while Sallie just laughed a little.

Sallie-Oh, I get it. Is this supposed to make your husband feel more manly after the last harvest moon games?

Millie just got more made at her, but she just smiled before left using her tail to close the door and Millie just held me close and she was still kinda scary, but her family was more scary... I think should stay close to her, just in case.

(Timeskip To Dinner)

I was next to Millie and Loona in the living room while we were eating and some of the demons were outside, but some were in here and looking at me then Loona pulled me to her and wrapped her tail around me. Just then I saw Millie's mom come up to us and she looked at me a bit, so I tried to hid into Loona before she looked at Millie.


Millie's mom-So Mildred, what made you want to adopt this child. Your sister is already spreading rumors to the family.

Millie-Well at first it was boring at the office and I was just gonna mess with him, but then it was more fun and cute than I expected. He even doesn't do much to stop you.

Millie's mom-I see you have a thing for weaker men.



Millie's mom-Well can they do farm work or do they help you kill on job?


This made her mom look back at me again before...

Millie's mom-Do you mind if I were to borrow him for some work?

Just then Loona stopped laughing and wrapped her arm around me to keep me and I didn't want to go either, so I just stayed.

Loona-I mind. He's staying with us.

Millie-What she means is that he's not built for Wrath. Me or Moxxie will be happy to help though.

I just hid my face into Loona a little more and now I could only see with one eye while she was looking at me and told Millie she'll get another boy to do it before she just left us.

(Lin's POV)

I was really curious about that boy and now I saw how protective of they were of him and now it was getting on my nerves not knowing... I'll just borrow that kid later and see what's so special about him myself if I have too.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Millie was taking me upstairs because I was starting to get tired and I couldn't fall asleep because of these other demons around here, but when we made it up to her room, we were alone since Moxxie was downstairs and he was talking about guns with tech or something like that, but I don't think the others cared.

Millie-Just look at you. You're eyes are so cute and droopy. You look like you're ready to pass out.~

(Y/N)-*Groan*... I don't think I can sleep here.

Millie-Aw hush, I know you're nervous around a bunch of new devils, but right now it's just me and you.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

Blitz-Hey Mills, your dad is doing family mud pit fight at midnight. All of us, 1 on 1 against him, you coming?!

Millie-*Gasp* HOG PIT KING TUMBLING?!?!?! Um... just give me while! I'll be out before midnight!


He left and Millie just pulled me into a hug and just rubbed my head and wrapped her leg and tail around me and kept on shushing me. When I closed to my eyes and didn't think this was demon holding,... it felt nice. I never knew my mommy and daddy was mean a lot, so I never had this at home and now I was too tired to care that she wasn't a human.

Millie-Fall asleep for mommy, sweetie. When I win tonight, i'll split my prize with you in the morning.~

I thought about when she kept on wanting me to call her mommy and it just makes me feel weird, but I couldn't think about it for long because I finally went to sleep while I felt her leaving.

(Timeskip To Midnight)

(Lin's POV)

The family was getting started on our game that I got Joe to start and Millie was eager to go first and hold the king spot against the others, but one of her brothers took on their old man first and she was a little pissed. I'm sitting this one out and snuck back into the house and went to Millie's room, but the door was locked.

Lin's mind-Think I don't have a key Mildred. You know your mother will always sniff out your secrets.

I went to where I keep a hidden set of keys from everyone behind our family picture and went back to the door and unlocked it and found the kid on my daughters bed sleeping.


I took a closer look and saw how weak he looked, almost no muscles compared to my boys, I just took the blanket off him slowly and all he did was stir and accidently bumped his hand into my arm and he just slowly wrapped it into a hug to cuddle with it.

Lin's mind-What the fuck does a company that murders your kind want with you, use you as bait?

I tried pulling my arm away, but he just held it a little tighter while he whimpered a little then took a deep breath to calm down in his sleep. He looked hella tired earlier, so he must be out cold. Other than this, I don't see what my daughter sees in him other than just being a weak and shy city boy.

Lin's mind-Not worth my time.

I just pulled my arm away from him and was about to leave, but he just woke up and stared at me and one look while he was waking up was enough to make him scoot away from me. He looked like I was going to hurt him, but if I did, Millie would be pissed and that girl knows how to fight dirty.



I just turned to leave, but then I heard his whimpers turn into little cries and that's when I saw someone else come in and it was my other daughter.


Sallie-Hey ma. Watcha doin in here? Messing with Millie's human kid?

Lin-I thought you were playing with the others?

Sallie-I saw you were gone before I went up and I thought of one place you might go.

Just then she walked past me and headed to the kid before she sat on the bed and the human boy backed up against the wall. All he did other than that was cry into that blanket.

Lin-Your sister ain't gonna like you missing with that human.

Sallie-Says the one that broke into her room first and even woke them up.

She just tried to grab him and I think that was going to set him off and having Millie come running in. I was about to stop her, but then she put her hand on his head before she she covered his mouth and now he was kicking and screaming into her hand trying to get away, but she pulled him into a full body hold and kept him there until he quickly got tired again and stopped, too tired to even scream.

Sallie-There. That was way too easy.

She just took him out of the bed with her and was about to leave with him, but I stopped here.

Lin-Where do you think you're going young lady?

Sallie-My room. I'm gonna see what my sister's toy can do.

Lin-No you're not. You're putting him back where you found him.

All she did was give me that smirk and I just acted out and snatched the boy from her arms and she was surprised for a second before she just snickered.

Sallie-Fine ma, but you wanna know what pa's gonna notice when he steps out of that pit... You. Missing. Would be a shame if he were to find you in here with this human and that means Millie is gonna find out.

Lin-You think you only have dirt on me. I can tell about your hiding place for the bodies and make sure you don't compete in the games next year.

This made her a little mad and she knows i'm dead serious, but she looked at the kid and back to me and smiled.

Sallie-I'm gonna have him soon enough for some play time. You'll have to leave before Millie comes back soon and when that happens, i'm taking him and if you rat on me, i'm tell them about the family painting.

She lifted her tail and showed me the copied keys just hanging there and I used one hand to fell my pocket and they were gone. If I was so proud, yet angry my daughter was blackmailing me.

Sallie-You gonna give him?

Lin-... *Tch*.

I just put the kid back into bed and Sallie just left to her room and left the door open to know when I leave and I don't want the others catching wind of this, but if something happens to this kid, Millie can hold a grudge and I don't want my daughter to turn on me. I was about to leave and lock the door behind me and hide the keys somewhere else, but then...

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* Th-Thank you. *whisper*

I just turned to the boy and those were the first words I heard come out of him.


Lin-Whatever kid.

I continued to leave, but then I noticed one of the keys on the key ring was missing and it was to Millie's door which meant Sallie had it and would cause a commotion if I try to get it back...

Lin's mind-I taught my kids too well.

I can't leave while Sallie has the key... The game ends at sunrise, so i'll stay in here until 5 and the bed was the only comfy place to sit, so I closed the door and sat in the bed next to the kid.

Lin-Don't read too much into this. Just go back to sleep.

He just did what I said and not long after I heard his soft snores again from earlier and I was getting bored and just looked at the boy... I give him this much, he does look cute and peaceful, but around here others would chew him up and spit him into another's mouth and repeat it with everyone.

Lin's mind-... You're lucky my daughter likes you.

I was getting tired from just laying here and soon I got even more comfy before I fell asleep myself.

(No POV)

Lin was cuddling with (Y/N after she fell asleep and Sallie came in around 3 to find them sleeping together and her mother cuddling a human. She even took a picture of it before she left and went to her bed to go to sleep for the night.

Sallie's mind-I was gonna torture you at first, but now... I wonder why ma would hold you like that... I think i'll find out for myself later.


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