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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up and I felt so... warm, but still a little wet and when I opened my eyes I saw I was in some kind of cave just full of water and big rocks with a big holes on the ceiling  to let sun light come down on me. I was all alone on a rock big enough for me to walk around a bit without getting in the water and there was no dragon in site or elf. I was happy that I was safe and all, but I was hurdling down a river and dragged down and after that it gets fuzzy from drowning. I just got up and walked to the edge of the rock and looked at the water and I could see the sand leading down like a hill, so it's deep enough to swim, but I had to be careful. I don't know what's around or what might be watching me for all I know because I know I wasn't pulled underwater and the current put me here. The other rocks in here were too far to just jump to, so I have to swim to get out of here and I was very skeptical about getting in the water. I tried to convince myself to get in and make a swim for it, but I just kept on talking myself out of it.

(Y/N)'s mind-Come (Y/N), you can't get anywhere if you don't get in the fucking water... There's gotta be someone or something the put me here and could be toying with me.

My mind made me think about actually getting killed and I tried to stop it, but it just made it worse and I just laid back down to mourn over it. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a sudden splashing noise from the water like something came out and when I turned to where it came from I saw a girl and she crawled on the rock to show... a fish tail... She was a mermaid.


???-You're awake. Awww, hi there human.~

(Y/N)-Huh?... You know what I am?

???-Uh huh. The others know what you are too... mermaids and mermen I mean.

(Y/N)-... How? Nobody else in this fucking forest knows what I am on sight.

???-*Gasp* You watch your language for starters!... *sigh*... We were looking and hoping to find you and your family was worried sick about you.

(Y/N)-My mom and dad are here?!

???-They're outside with the others and I brought you in here where we sleep, so you had someplace quiet to be when you woke up. We know how delicate you humans are.

There was something about the way she was talking to me. It's almost like she was talking to a kid when she talks to me and from what she thinks of me, she thinks i'm fragile and weak.

???-Oh, where are my manors? My name is Nixie and from what your mommy and daddy told us, your name is (Y/N), correct?~

(Y/N)-Would you stop talking to me like i'm a kid?!

Nixie-*Giggles* You were just like your daddy when we first found them. Come on, we'll go meet the others and I think your parents were about to go down for a nap soon.

(Y/N)-Wait,... what?

She just took my hand and gently tugged it while encouraging me to follow her and I was getting mad she did something.

I felt so relaxed now and she pulled me in the water with her and held me like a baby which should be easy since we're in water and she swam outside the cave keeping me above water and when we made it outside I saw the mermaid and mermen she was talking about. 3 of the girls swam up to us and they all looked at me like I was a puppy at a pet store.


???-Oh my, Nixie, he's adorable!~

???-He looks so young.~

???-Can I hold him?!

Just then she pulled me way from them a little and still had a smile on their face while looking at me before she turned back to them.

Nixie-Let's not overwhelm him. Poor thing just woke up. (Y/N), the white haired girl is named Grace, the one with the flower in her hair is Shelby, and the last one is Marline.

Grace-It's very nice to finally have you. Your mommy and daddy were worried sick about you.

Nixie-Speaking of which, I wanted them to see that their child was well. Where are they?

Marline-You got them up just in time because the mermen where about to take his mom back in the cave for a nap with her.

Nixie-What about his dad?

Shelby-Just getting a back rub on one of the bathing rocks.

Nixie-Well let's let him see his son.

They swam with us somewhere and it was to a lake connected to this river and when I got there I saw my dad with his shirt off just laying on a rock with other mermaids and mermen and he looked just so happy. When he saw me and just smiled even more and raised his hand to say hi as we got closer.

Dad-(Y/N), finally, you're here!

(Y/N)-Dad?... What happened to you?

Dad-Oh your mom and I just went out on a hike at night and we hired singing and it lead us to a river where we meet these mermen and mermaids. We hated it here at first, but look at us now. Here, come up, join us.

They just helped me on the rock and dragged themselves up with me and my dad sat next to me.

(Y/N)-Where's mom?

Dad-You just missed her. She was in the middle of a bath and everyone's hands here are like magic and their voices are just so soothing. It made her tired.

How is he so calm about this? I was out there getting my ass handed to me left and right and in between that time I was running only to get captured. He sees me after how many days and acts like it's casual or like greeting an old friend. He started to talk about how nice it was here and I was starting to get more and more awake now and by the time I could actually sit up, but still a little wobbly some of the other mermaids and mermen called out to my dad.

Mermaid-(D/N), come on, we're going for a swim!

Merman-We're going to that spot where those berries are if you can help pick some!

Mermaid-Just not too many sweet ones this time! We don't need you having another tummy ache.

(D/N)-Alright, i'm coming! Why don't you go with your caretakers now and maybe you can catch your mom before she falls asleep.

Just then he jumped in the water and one of the mermaids grabbed him and they took off and I was so confused on what he called those mermaids that I met...

(Y/N)'s mind-My caretakers?! What am I, a toddler at daycare?!

Suddenly the others jumped on the rock and I turned to them and Shelby and Grace started to lift my feet and looked like they saw a puppy get kicked and when the others saw it, they looked sorry too.


Grace-Oh my, your poor feet.~

Shelby-They just look so dirty and is close to blistering. Come here.~

They pulled me back in the water and held me like a baby then they were taking me back inside while still touching my feet, massaging the, and accidentally tickling them. When I tried to get out of Shelby's arms she held me tighter and Nixie got in my and she looked serious before she just flicked my nose.

Nixie-(Y/N), you can't swim while you're still under the influence of my song and even if you weren't, you could get very tired and drown, swim off only to be pulled in by a current and underwater, or maybe those dragons could see you again.

Grace-Nixie, calm down... What she means is is that you're just too delicate and she's already very worried, just like how we feel about your mommy and daddy. We just want to take care of you since clearly you can't properly do it yourself out here and nobody wants to either.

Marline-We're just gonna get something for your wittle feet, get you something to eat, and you've had a long day, so afterwards we'll put you back down for a nap. We saw your mommy and daddy get cranky without some when they first got here and we can't have that with you, no we can't.~

I hated being treated this way and soon we made it back in the cave where they motioned me to be quiet and that was because I saw other mermen at another rock with my mom in the sunlight taking care of her while she was sleeping.

Nixie-Marline, go get some berries for him to eat, Shelby, go get some of our enchanted mud, and Grace give him a lap pillow. *whisper*

They all did what she said and soon they came back and Marline gave Grace a bowl of berries and they wouldn't let me feed myself, so they fed me.


We all stayed quiet and when they put the "enchanted mud" on my feet... it just felt so good that I almost moaned in pleasure, but I just tried to hold back and they noticed this and giggled a little.

Nixie-Go to sleep and if you wake up at night, we can show you a spot that's great for star gazing tonight.~ *whisper*

Grace-Maybe we can bring your mommy and daddy too.~ *whisper*

They all just got on the rock with me and started to give me kisses and with everything I was feeling just feeling so good I actually was getting tired, but I tried to fight and Nixie jut closed my eyes for me and gave them a kiss which made it very hard to open them now.

All girls-Goodnight sweetie.~ *whisper*

I was sorta confused on how they could make me do all this, but later I finally fell back asleep in the hands of these mermaids.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Thora's POV)

Edith and I were camping near a river tonight for fresh water and we still haven't seen our human since we had a run in with those gnomes, but still... Mark my words, we aren't going back home until "he" comes back with us.



I have pretty similar problem as the comment above, I can’t find first chapters of this series, though I typed the name in the search bar and this is the last one in the list, ( there is only 12 chapters). And I really want to read the story.