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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in a stroller laying down and curled up right now while we were all walking in the woods and when we get home dinner should be ready. I wasn't allowed to get out, but at least I could take that thing out of my mouth, so I could talk. Garda was pushing the stroller and the others would reach in sometimes to pet or play with me a little then soon we made it to where we saw the city and there was helicopters and even tanks going in, so I knew that had to be the military. When they saw how I was looking at the city Lucy reached in and flicked my nose and it hurt a little before she just pointed at me like I just did something wrong.

Lucy-No. That's not home. You don't go there. Lay down.

She pushed me back down and I couldn't see the city anymore and they even started to walk away. It was so boring in here and all there was to play with that they gave me was stuffed pokemon toys.


I don't even like playing pretend that much, but they love it when I play with them and sometimes even made me play with them. During the walk we made it to a river and they took me out and when they did I saw a lot of regular pokemon taking a bath in the river. Some of them I think were babies with their parents and just then they started to take my clothes off and theirs before we got in the water, except for Charlotte.

Mewtwo-Stay close and be good.

Espy-Bath time.

Umbria-I'll be giving a bath to you.

They started by splashing water on me and I saw other pokemon watching as Umbria sat in the water with me between her legs. We didn't have soap, so she just rubbed my arms and legs and few Evees came over and tried to climb on me and Umbria.

Umbria-Awww, they like you.~

She soon just took them off us and continued to wash me and I saw Lilly and Piku playing with other pokemon in the water while others were just sitting in the water and Charlotte was sun bathing. We stayed in the water for a bit before we got out to dry off with some towels they had packed in the stroller and we got dressed before they put me back in the stroller. I thought we were gonna leave, but they just walked by the other pokemon here and they were sniffing me from in the stroller.

(Y/N)'s mind-Did they take me here to show me off to pokemon?

Soon Garda just picked up a Squirtle and held them to me and they sniffed me before Garda put them back down. Lucy took me out of the stroller and held me and gave me kisses while some of the pokemon were watching us and I was even passed around by them until finally it was getting close to sun down and Mewtwo put me back in the stroller, made me cuddle with all the stuffed toys I had in here and finally tucked me in with the I used to dry off and it was only a little wet. She just turned to all the pokemon I knew had to still be looking at us before...

Mewtwo-"Our" baby will be at our new home. You come too and see.

With that they started to push the stroller and on the way back I saw some pokemon flying above us or in the trees and when I tried to sit up Charlotte just pushed me back down and tucked me back in.

Charlotte-No. Lay down.

Mewtwo-When we get home, dinner, better bath, then play time before bed.

When we got home and got inside I was just taken out of the stroller and Bula put me on her lap when she sat at the table and Mewtwo went to go tell men to bring us some dinner. Soon Piku tapped my shoulder and when I looked at her I saw her pointing at the window and it was one of the pokemon from the river.


Piku-They come to see you!

She gave me a kiss and the Piplup just left and soon more showed up just as Mewtwo came back with dinner.


(No POV)

Pokemon all around were curious about these demi-pokemon and "their baby", so few decided to stay close by since they noticed none of the humans here are even interested in them. Mewtwo and the girls wanted to show their baby off, but not to the humans and it did work. After their dinner was over Mewtwo let the others take (Y/N) to a bath before she just walked outside and to the pokemon just settling in and she looked into their eyes and they started to glow.

Mewtwo-No new humans. If you find new humans... make them go away. No new humans allowed near "our" baby... Pass it on.

Just then she pet their head and the little Pokémon's eyes went back to normal and whenever they saw another pokemon face to face their eyes would glow and the message from Mewtwo would play in their head and passed it on like a virus. All the pokemon all have a common goal other than trying to set a home here... protect their new baby and help the "true mothers".

(Timeskip Next Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to being poked and when I opened my eyes I saw all the girls were awake and looking at me with smiles on their faces.


Lucy-Mommy Mewtwo has a surprise.~

They took me out of bed and to the pool area where there was lots of pokemon and all the men were serving them by giving them food and it was just pokemon food, but they loved it. When the pokemon saw us coming some of them came to us and I was put down and forced to sit and all the pokemon that came started to lick or hug me and when I tried to get up or get them off the girls would stop me.

Charlotte-No. Let them. You'll have a bath after.

Soon they got the pokemon off me and held me again, so they left to get served by the men again and we were on our way back inside to give me a bath and I was confused. I had to chase pokemon before just to get close and now they were coming to me and started licking and hugging me.

(Y/N)'s mind-Is it because i'm with the girls now? Why do they love me so much now?


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