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(Loona's POV)

I was dangling (Y/N)'s toy above him while he playfully tried to get it while lying on top of me. He loved it while my dad did laundry but I knew he was going to be gone soon. I didn't want to give him up at all but if this starts a fight with an imp that lived on a farm in the Wrath ring that can kill everyone in the room on a rampage, it's just going to scare him or worse. He calls me Puppy, he played and cuddled my tail, and my scent is all over him, so he should be mine! Just then, my dad came into my room by barging in so I threw something at him.

Blitz-Hey Loo-. ~ Oh shit!


Loona-Growl! Whimper?!

(Y/N) just gave me a hug and nuzzled himself into me. Is he doing this to keep me from throwing more shit at Blitz for just walking into my room... It won't work forever but he's got my arms so I can't break free without breaking his hug.

Blitz-Hey, only one thing this time! Now, that's progress.

Loona-What do you want?

(Moxxie's POV)

Millie-He's coming!

Millie was all over the place getting things even more ready but it was just her making small adjustments to kill time. I'm glad she's excited about being a parent but she seems to be very controlling of this situation besides taking it by the horns in the very moment... Then again this isn't a fight or a competition.

Moxxie-I think you got everything set up and planned out and that's coming from me.

Millie-Is it so bad I want the first night of being a Ma to go perfectly? It's bad enough we waited this long.

Moxxie-We only took a shower... about an hour ago.

Millie-I can peg you until you can't walk straight before he gets here and he will probably just think you are dizzy.

I only blushed at that then she sat on the couch to wait for Blitz to send another text that he was here with (Y/N). I tried to relax and clean some of my guns that she wanted locked up but the second I took them out and put them down there was a small ding on her phone before she rushed and jumped out the fire escape window.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Blitz just parked and Puppy Loona looked sad so I gave her more hugs to make her feel better. She just needs love to make her smile just like everyone else needs love to smile! Suddenly, there was something that came down in front of the van and before I could peek over outside I saw Millie spring back up.


Millie-There's my new roomie! ~

She pulled me out of the van to hug me but it was in the middle of Loona's hug so she pulled on me a little.

Millie-Take care, Blitz! Bye, Loona.

Blitz-See you at the office tomorrow Millie, Billie.

I like that name. She waved goodbye while Loona watched us as they derived but she looked really unhappy... Maybe I didn't give her enough hugs.

(Millie's POV)

I FINALLY HAVE HIM!!! (Y/N) is in my arms and I took him back up the fire escape with me. My baby had the cutest smile on his face and when we got back through the window, Moxxie had his guns put up.

Moxxie-Well hello there. Welcome to-.

Just then Millie pulled us both into a hug and I think Moxxie was turning a little purple and I think Millie crushed some chips on his body or something.

Millie-We are going to be such a happy family! I should tell Ma and Pa the good news! ~

(Missi Zilla's POV)

I kept on working overtime since that kid piqued my interest. Nobody gets away from me like that and gets my boss that worked up. I'm willing to take all the shit that comes with it but I plan to find this child and make him my property in my territory. The only problem is that he left behind no trail at all so I was stuck looking all over both Pride Rings. In my search, I came up with nothing and felt so frustrated.

Missi's mind-Where did you go?! Even a portal leaves a trail out the other end and I searched everywhere!

I just know I am not the only one looking for him either! I know it! If it didn't already happen, someone is going to claim his soul, and that someone better be me. 

(Carmilla's POV)

I had eyes all over the rings of hell, even rings I could not go to in case (Y/N) was there. My daughters want their little brother back after that intruding lizard came in and stole my newest child. He couldn't even see the danger because he didn't know any better and wanted to explore. Which is why when I get him back home, I will place him in a room on lockdown so nobody gets in or out without my permission. My daughters were making it more homey in there and speaking of whom, they both came in.

Clara-Mother! Someone spotted him here on the Pride Ring! (Y/N)'s close by!

Carmilla-What?! Why were they not able to bring him in?! Who's he with?!

Olette-We don't know. They lost them in the Entertainment District.

Carmilla-... Do you mean to tell me that not only is your little brother not brought in, but he is out there surrounded by twisted perverts?

Clara-They are waiting in the lobby to hear from you but we wanted to talk about a plan to lure (Y/N) out.

What plan? He can't be lured out with safety since he can't even understand or see the danger he is in. The most innocent soul in hell and possibly heaven was slapped in the middle of the most perverted place in the Pride Ring.

Carmilla's mind-I swear, whoever so much laid a filthy finger on a single hair on his head, they shall know the terror a mother can rain down!

We discussed what we could do and nothing brings (Y/N) to us unless we find him. That's when I took a step back to take a look at a different perspective. Whoever has him may always keep him on their person for better or for worse. With a few drones and facial recognition software, I could have him pointed out in a crowd. We just need to lure every lustful parasite in that part of the ring. I told my daughters this and...

Clara-But how are we going to bring all of them together?

Carmilla-One of the basic rules of hunting. During the mating season. You lure the prey in with a mating call... Bring our informant up here while I make a call. I want to have a word about letting my son slip through his fingers.

(Rosie's POV)

I have had a lot of stand-ins for me lately trying to find my baby boy and everyone knows what he looks like since he is on the "Do not eat" list. Many hated that list but I put people on there for a reason... Mainly it was because of STDs or drugs tainting the meat for a healthy population in cannibal town. I had people going out looking for him but so far there was nothing and I know little cuties don't just vanish into thin air.

Rosie's mind-Where are you?

(Millie's POV)

Moxxie was making dinner for us and I just leaned down to my baby in his crib while he was playing. I wanted him to fight one of his plushies on camera but he just wanted to be friends and hugged them while rolling onto his back. Being in a crib suits him better than being in a collar. He even dug himself into his blankets before popping his head out at the other end


Millie-Awwwww. You are just so precious. This world doesn't deserve you. ~

I scratched his chin and he came out wanting to be picked up so I did. He then gave me hugs and kisses while curling up in my arms. While I was bouncing him, Moxxie called us when the food was done and since we didn't have an extra chair, (Y/N) was on my lap.

Moxxie-You two look happy.

Millie-He is just too sweet for his own good.

We kept on talking while I was feeding (Y/N) at the table and he didn't protest at all. It must be the way his parents raised him. He was like a newborn baby that was just looking for a pair of loving arms to take him in. During dinner...


He pointed at (Y/N) while we were talking and that's when I noticed (Y/N) was going to sleep on my lap. This made my heart skip a beat and Moxxie came with me to put our baby in his bed. I thought of something else but first...

Millie-Ohhh, Moxxie... Get yer clothes off. ~

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

Moxxie was out cold and I just got out of the shower and dressed before I went back to see my baby was sound asleep in his crib with enough room for me to join and cuddle him all to myself. I was careful not to wake him up but I failed and he opened his eyes to see me.


Millie-Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.

(Y/N)-I was up when you and Moxxie were doing prayers like my old Mommy and Daddy did sometimes. Something was weird about it though.


(Y/N)-I heard someone say crumbs and ye-haa when they were jumping and fell off the bed.

Millie-Oh... Well, they were cleaned up. How about we go back to sleep?

He helped get a blanket over me and nuzzled into my side with his arms on my side but then he looked curious.



(Y/N)-When two adults jump on the bed screaming 'Oh, Satan' and other things why does it need to be a secret? I feel like Mommy and Daddy just said I get ice cream and cartoons every time I ask.

Millie-... How about cake and ice cream with cartoons and cuddles when we wake up tomorrow? Go to sleep now and I will throw in some kisses. ~


(Blitz's POV)

Loona went from throwing one thing at me this morning to throwing more things than usual so I think she's upset about something. She even refuses to come out of her room. Even when I tried to help clean to find an excuse, I touched some dog toy and she fucking lost it. Then the neighbor came over to yell at her to keep it down but the asshole was in the hospital now as well as two of the paramedics. I tried knocking on her door.

Blitz-Loona, you wanna come out for a late dinner or should I just leave it by the door?

Loona-Snarl muffle!

She banged on the door one time, and then I think she scratched it.

Blitz-Ok, I'll leave it by the door.

(No POV)

Loona's fur was sticking up while she was circling around the toy she used to play with (Y/N) and tears were coming out of her eyes. When she had enough, she opened her window and jumped outside to go get him back.


(Carmilla's POV)

After doing the last of my work to be ahead for the week, my hired help for a very important job was said to be here. I told my daughters to send her up and I had a contract and payment ready. Soon she opened the door.

Carmilla-Ms. Mayday. Thank you for coming. Will any of your crew be joining us?

Verosika-No. I have them waiting for me downstairs.

Carmilla-Well, let's get right down to business... I heard you have a really good mating call for sex maniacs.

Verosika-I do. Where's the concert?

Carmilla-The Entertainment District.


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