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(Clarion's POV)

This morning felt like I had died peacefully in my sleep and woke up in heaven. I fed him in my lap at my table more comfortably, this will save a lot on food rations for him so we can do more for him in a short amount of time, and he just does not want me to stop holding him. Even while taking a bath together, he would not let me put him down to get him ready with me for his bath. He would curl up with me in the water while I cleaned him but then we had another problem which I did not mind entirely... He cried a little when I took too long to get both of us dressed and I left him on the bed. I picked up the pace though.

Clarion-It's ok. It's ok. Mommy's done now. ~

I picked him back up and he was sniffling a little while holding tightly.

Clarion-I now, Sweetie. I know. You love being carried like this... You wanna stay like this for a bit before we go out today? ~


I just stayed in place and started bouncing him in my arms for a little while before we left my quarters. That's when we ran into the Ministers of Summer and Winter and they gasped at the sight of (Y/N) in my arms.

Minister of Summer-... O-Oh. Ahem Queen Clarion, our scouts wish to show you the improvements on the special design, and the Garden Fairies request to have their turn today when you see it.

Clarion-Hmmm... I will see if it's up to my standards. Stay here and end to my son. He only wants to be held and gets fussy if you put him down. Just keep him in your arms and everything will be fine... Be a good boy for them, Sweeitie. ~

I gave him to the Minister of Summer and she looked delighted as I did when I held him. I just left to go see what it is they did and only if I say it's good enough, the Garden Fairies will have him.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I loved being carried and the ministers were even giving me my favorite juice from a bottle Animal Fairies give to baby animals. When I was done, Aunt Summer passed me to Aunt Winter and she likes to hang toys over me for me to grab but there were no toys this time. I just got to play with her hand.

Aunt Winter-You are so adorable like this. I dreamed of this for so long. ~

Aunt Summer-There is so much more we can do with you now. ~

(Y/N)-I just wanna be held.

They laughed a little and smiled at me but I was serious. This is better than flying with Pixie dust and during the bath, Mommy had longer fingers now that reminded me of my bottles. I tried to think about it some more but then Aunt Summer poked my nose by surprise and I jumped a little.

Aunt Summer-Awwww. Are you sure you don't want to play? Mommy would want you to stretch your arms and legs. ~

Aunt Winter-I'm sure he doesn't want to play with his playful aunt because he has been thinking about this for so long... Do you want some muffins and a blanket to try and take another nap? ~

(Y/N)-... No nap.

She went to get the things she promised and she got me the chocolate chip banana muffins with a new fuzzy blanket. They both cuddled me on the couch while feeding me then got me some cold milk to wash it down. I lied my head against Aunt Summer's hand and thought about asking a question.

(Y/N)-Aunt Summer. Tinkerbell made all of my bottles, right?

Aunt Summer-All Tinker Fairies helped. They'll make you more.

(Y/N)-I know, but I saw where she got the idea from. Can I suck on your fingers since I'm smaller now?

Aunt Winter-Oh. That might not be very tasty alone... Maybe we can dip her finger in honey so you can suck and nibble on it.

(Y/N)-Will it... hurt her?

(Rosetta's POV)

Queen Clarion-I love it!

With last-minute additions, we made so much more tiny cells to shrink down prisoners and kept the bigger ones to know which humans were next to use. Tinkerbell came up with this and shrunk the prisoners to fit in the palm of our hands. Escape was now impossible, especially with a mud wall by the entrance that they would need to climb over but it made catching them easier. I loved this too.

Nyx-We are so glad you like it. We went from waiting months to adding a few more humans to a maximum capacity of 250 with these smaller cells.

She flicked a crying prisoner begging her to let her out since now she can understand us but she flew back to the other wall.

Nxy-Tinkerbell made our jobs easier and made their escape impossible.

Queen Clarion-Where is she now?

Nyx-Making things for (Y/N) around his new size and even smaller sizes.

I pictured (Y/N) at this size and he could fit in a little bag but I'm crazier about the size he is perfect to cuddle in. The queen leaned down to a prisoner and pushed them down with a smile. Now, is my chance.

Rosetta-Queen Clarion. If I may ask now on behalf of all Garden Fairies-.

Queen Clarion-My son is back at the tree and is with the ministers of Winter and Summer. Tell them the Garden Fairies have him until tomorrow. Afterward, our baby shrinking to our size calls for a celebration the next day. All prisoners are to be locked up during the celebration... The guards will be joining us.

Rosetta-Squeals! ~

I flew off as fast as I could being even more grateful for this new speed!

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

HE FITS PERFECTLY IN MY LAP AND ARMS NOW!!! He gets fussy if you try to put him down but it's not like I had plans of doing that or any of us. We were all in the flower fields and took turns holding him while many of us cooed at him. He even loved us dipping our fingers in honey, syrup, or jam for him to suck on them. Meanwhile, fairies were preparing for a new holiday for him tomorrow.

Rosetta-You are so adorable and I have a nice bed and things for you back at my house for you, yes I do. ~

Fairy Girl#1-Hey, I have the most! He needs to be in mine first.

Fairy Girl#2-I got a tinker fairy to make mine custom-made. His bed is softer than a patch of flowers. Would you like that? ~

(Y/N)-Um... I just wanna be held... Can you fit in with me?

We all looked at each other.

(Iridessa's POV)

While many of us were preparing for a party tomorrow, the Garden fairies were taking him to the nurseries many of us made for him hoping for this day. Meanwhile, I was helping Tinkerbell as she wanted to make more things for (Y/N) as well as the other Tinker Fairies because this hobby was about to become more than a hobby. There was even one more thing about the holiday...

Iridessa-Honored member?! Us?!

Tinkerbell-We brought him here. Of course we are.

Iridessa-D-Do I get a new dress?! Is there a speech?!

Tinkerbell-It's like a feeding ceremony for him. Only, we are going to be in a little playpit with him for others to adore him and we just need to play with him. I even plan to push him around in a stroller for him so others can feed him at their tables.

Iridessa-Where is it gonna be?

Tinkerbell-His house. Others should be helping and I'll tell them what we are doing.

Iridessa-What about our dresses?

Tinkerbell-You play with him like that. Just go like that.

She was almost done with another stroller while other tinkers were working on other things in different designs. After a while of helping, I went to the nurse I had for him and a doll in his place but I took it out. It was an acorn big enough for me to lay in with him while stuffed with cotton, swinging from the ceiling, I had a high chair for him, a table to lay him down on for when we used to have to change him but I can still find a use for this, and a vest that could hold him in place while he bounced.

Iridessa's mind-Will he even like these? 

I heard voices close by so I opened my window and looked to see a house full of Garden Fairies through a window and (Y/N) cuddling one of them in their nursery for him... My heart fluttered and he would love this.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Rosetta was at her house getting things ready for me while I tried the other rooms and places the girls had spots ready for me. Some beds were fluffy, some smelled prettier than others, some had built-in toys, some had something to play music for music, and some could rock or swing me. I still wanted to be in someone's arms though. It just feels too good to be carried and I never even though of feeling this good. 

Fairy-Oh (Y/N), I think your little feet are exposed. ~

I saw her tickle my feet and I couldn't help but kick my feet around while laughing but then another girl grabbed my legs to hold me still.

(Y/N)-Ahhh, Stop! STOP!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!

They all joined in to help tickle me until I was tied. for a moment, I felt her arms leave me when she tried getting up but when I missed the feeling so much already and was about to cry she quickly picked me up again.

Fairy-Oh no, I'm so sorry. I just didn't want to roll over you. ~


I nuzzled into her but then a finger dipped in strawberry jam and whipped cream was put into my mouth to suck on. I looked to see the girl who was doing it and she leaned into me.

Fairy#2-There you go... Wanna do try the nursery I made after you're done with your treat? Mine has built-in toys. ~

I nodded my head and nuzzled into the girl holding me before I was done then passed to the girl who fed me. The bad feeling I had was completely gone and I know it was just an accident but I don't think it was so much to ask to hold me all day. The next place did have toys for me to play with that could also swing. I got to lay back into the girl holding me while pulling on a toy then letting it go to shoot it and let it bounce in the air with a rubber band. After a few more places, we spent the rest of the day outside playing small games or cuddling on flowers or other plants. When the sun was going down, Rosetta came by and looked really happy.

Rosetta-There's my sweet little boy. Who's ready to get ready for bed with me? ~

(Y/N)-But I'm not tired.

Rosetta-That's because you are not filled up on fruit tarts drizzled with honey and chocolate, yet. ~

I gasped in excitement before reaching to her. All the other fairies giggled while the one holding me gave me to Rosetta but I wanted to give everyone a hug and kiss goodnight. When we got to her house, I was blown away. The bed for me had built-in straws for me to drink out of, puffy flowers growing inside to be soft and smell pretty, toys about it, and a music box. It even had a waterfall next to it since I like water sounds.

Rosetta-Someone likes his bed. Tinkerbell and I worked on it for years for you. My friends also got nice ones for you. ~

(Y/N)-Even Vidia?

Rosetta-Um... Well, she's gonna waste no time getting one when she sees your adorable size tomorrow. Come on, bathtime. ~

(Rosetta's POV)

Getting in a bath was a little harder now. Putting him down for a second makes him fussy even when I need to do it. I wish Fawn were here because when I didn't hear his whimpers over the running water, it took me 5 minutes to get him to stop crying. He clung onto me to not let me let him go until we were in the warm water so he slowly relaxed. I loved it so much that he wanted to be held this much but he needs a bath before bed.

Rosetta-Hun, can you let go so I can scrub your tummy? ~


Rosetta-But the longer we are in the bath, the more your dessert has to wait. ~

He as reluctant bu he sat in my lap without holding me until I got him and myself clean. The moment I was done, he clung back onto me.


Rosetta-Giggles I'm not gonna let you go again.

He really made me keep that promise. Getting him dressed was super hard because his clothes were dirty and he wouldn't let me put him down to wash them. I just have to put him in a robe and wrap him in it before I slipped into one too without putting him down. It was worth it because he looked happy when I got the dessert I promised and I fed him in my lap. After dessert, I just got into the bed I used to bring to cuddle him in my size but that is a reality now. It made me think of his bitch of a birth mother that put her hands and boob all over my baby.

Rosetta-How about a story while you get comfy and play? This story is about a sweet baby being saved by his mommy from an evil female dog. ~


(Fairy Mary's POV)

I was in a very important meeting after getting reports from today to discuss progress on the new holiday being held tomorrow as well as the new laws Queen Clarion wants to enforce. The ministers of the seasons, new or older members were all here as well as Periwinkle through us getting a steady amount of ice to give her snow for this meeting. Everyone was delighted to hear we can grow and shrink our baby now which also goes for our prisoners.

Queen Clarion-A new law that will be put into effect in the following week is that a nursery must be in every house. Any fairy that doesn't have one by then will be given one and any resistance will lead to imprisonment.

Periwinkle-We get to really use them now?! ~

Queen Clarion-Indeed. All prisoners are well tended to now but plumbing will be down tomorrow to ensure all prisoners are locked up so all scouts can attend. There will be areas on the floor where winter fairies can get cool again during the event. Also... Periwinkle.

She looked at the queen.

Queen Clarion-You tended to all prisoners that mistreated our baby and either reformed or punished them accordingly. You earned a spot to be with your sister and her friends in the play pit area with (Y/N). Nyx, Fairy Mary, you shall be there watching things closely.

I felt a wave of happiness and honor as much as Peri did so we humbly accepted the answer.

Queen Clarion-I expect a few reports of crying from my baby today since being held in our arms is too nice and new for him and will also be expected at the party. Anything over that reason will result and being arrested.

Fairy Mary-Of course.

Queen-Now, onto other matters... More prisoners for more power.


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