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(Blitz's POV)

Millie brought us to the client after driving us from the office and apparently she was pissed that her little fetish victim got burned before capture. That was going to probably hurt the reward. I was prepared to yell but when we got here she was throwing butler imps at the walls in a fit of rage so I took care to stay on the opposite side of the table as her. There was one point when she even threw one of her butlers at me and threatened to get her brother involved when he gets home. Moxxie tried to calm her down but she interrupted him.


Moxxie-We didn't know where he was. We just found him on the surface, ma'am.


Blitz-We don't know who did it. It was probably someone at the church in the city.

Stella-I don't give two fucks if it was at your wedding. YOU KILL THEM ALL TO MAKE SURE!!!

Blitz-So... blow up the church?


(Stella's POV)

I sent the imp fuckers out of the manor the very instant and couldn't believe they would fuck p like this! I took a moment to blow off some more steam before I went to see how the girls were doing with any info to send to the hitmen. When I walked in, I forgot about the hellhound they left behind and she was sleeping with my daughter and pet.

I didn't care for the mutt but I didn't want to wake up my daughter. I carefully moved both of them before taking my pet in my arms then he stirred away as we left the room. When he saw it was me holding him, he nuzzled into me. I just played with his bell a little and he smiled while slowly waking up more.

(Y/N)-Groan Up... Up.

He climbed up me to wrap his arms around my neck and I stroked his head. When we made it to my room, I put him on his bed surrounded by toys then waved one in front of him. His eyes followed it in a cute way that put me in a better mode. He tried to catch it and ended up tripping over himself then landed at the end of his pet bed. When I waved it over him and he reached for it I tossed the toy for fetch. When he came back he had the toy in his hands and while the mouth would be cuter, this seems to be cleaner. He gave me the toy and I tossed it again across the room but the third time he tried to dive in the air to catch it but ended out missing it by a lot and landing on the ground.


He looked at me playfully before he ran over to jump onto my lap to nuzzle into me.

(Y/N)-Mistress Stella, do you think we can go see my Mommy again soon?

Stella-We apparently need to see a trainer soon.

(Y/N)-Like to run and lift things a lot?... Ohhhhhhh.

He was thinking about something and I just smiled before pinning him down on his back.


I grabbed a rope with bells on it and dangled it above him then he reached up and grabbed it. I had to pin him back down a few times before he learned to stay.

(Y/N)-Mistress Stella, do you think Octavia can play with us when she wakes up?

Stella-She needs time to learn your true place. I know you like playing with toys just fine and you are already obedient. I don't see any problem here.

(Y/N)-She likes being my big sister like you like being my mistress. Maybe we can try doing both so everyone is happy.

Stella-I will not indulge in anything above your status.

(Y/N)-What's a status?

Stella-Just play with your rope and bells.

I shook his toy and the bells jingled so he went back to playing like I wanted him to.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Loona's POV)

I woke up to (Y/N) not being here and in the first few seconds, I panicked a little which woke up Octavia. I ignored her and began sniffing the air and that's when I smelled that Stella was in here before. Before I could say anything, it was like she already knew.


(Millie's POV)

Of course, Loona gets to stay back and play babysitter to the Cutie Pie she didn't even want to adore. Meanwhile, I get to spend my day portal under a church to plant bombs and dynamite when I want to hold the Cutie Pie. He's probably off chasing a toy that bitch throws for him with that collar on! He should be in a crib because of how innocent and oblivious he is. I even try to talk dirty on purpose to try and tease him to make him blush like Moxxie would but all he does is smile!

Millie's mind-First, I can't compete in the Harvest Moon Festival Games for years, now the sweetest thing in hell hops in my lap and I am forced to give them up!

Blitz brought in a few more staff here and the priest was rambling on about his lord will allow him to Heaven or some shit until I shoved a stick of dynamite in his before taping it on.

Millie-Royal bitch with her royal pet fetish and the cutest one at-. mumbles

Moxxie-Um, Millie, are you ok?


Both of the boys froze in place and even the fuckers we had tied up.

Millie-I'm... Grunt Since when did we do kidnappings?! The sweetest thing ever literally jumps in my lap and can't even understand teasing to make him blush then we have to give him to Blitz's boyfriend's shitty wife!

Blitz-Come on, with how much we are being paid, I'm sure you can find something.

Moxxie-If you want kids-.

Millie-I want him!

Woman-Any child you have or adopt will be a hellspawn! You filthy whorish-!



Millie-Anyone else want to say who ah can and can't be a mother to?!

Many muffled answers filled the room while sounding like no with shakes of their heads. My tail rattled in fury and I was ready to do just about anything if I got even a bit more angry.


I looked at Blitz trying to calm down to ask if we could afford not to take this job but it looked like he knew what I was going to ask.

Blitz-I-I'm sure we will be just fine not being super rich.

Moxxie-Maybe if we were to explain things civilly, Stella would be understanding, and-.

(Stella's POV)

Stella-You don't 'ever' take off his collar.

Octavia came in early and saw me playing fetch with (Y/N), having a little bit of fun. She didn't like it and tried to cause a scene saying that I couldn't treat him like this. She demanded I at least do one thing that doesn't treat him like an animal before she tried taking his collar away from him. He wasn't going to stop her since he got very timid in our fight, but I grabbed her arm. The hellhound was watching too with a look on her face that was a little hard to read. I gave my attention to my daughter though.

Stella-If you try to take his collar off again, I'll see to it that you never touch him again.

Octavia-Treat. Him. More. Equal.

Stella-And how do you suggest I do that?

Her eyes glowed a little and I just saw (Y/N) whimpering a little so I took him with me somewhere outside to be alone with him. I made sure to put a squeaky toy in his mouth to bite on then the hellhound wagged her tail a little at this when I looked at her again.

Stella-Make sure she leaves when her imps come back.

Octavia was mad but I paid no attention to it. Rather, I paid attention to the squeaks (Y/N) made when he bit down on his rubber toy. When we made it out to the garden area to sit him in my lap. He just looked at me with puppy eyes and I knew exactly what he wanted. He took his toy out.

(Y/N)-C-Can we try something?... I didn't like the fighting in there.

Stella-You are lucky that Octavia is my daughter.

I tried to think about what I was willing to do as a 'mother' for him even though he was completely fine just like this. I might just get a clicker to train him myself in public just to spite her. What can I do to also keep him in his place beneath me that will still piss her off? She is not getting the last word in over me. After a while of thinking (Y/N) was being so to snuggle into me and doing things to try and make me smile before biting and swinging his toy around. That's when I got an idea.

Stella-So, my daughter wants me to do something that doesn't treat you like the pet you are, correct?

(Y/N)-Um... Yeah. muffled tiny squeaks

He tried talking with his toy in his mouth before I shooed all the imps around away, took his toy, and then undid the top part of my dress a little.

Stella-Let me show you something only real mommies can do. I hope you like milk.

(Y/N)-Is it sleepy milk?

(Charlie's POV)

Vaggie and I were trying every summoning spell in my room with something (Y/N) loves to summon him hear since he still has a bond here on his soul. Dad told me that Missi Zilla told him that he somehow vanished out of thin air so he was most likely summoned. If someone could do it then so could we! We just got done with another one after we gave another day for the hotel guest to relax.

(Mimzy's POV)

I was in my shitty hotel room, eating some food I went out to get. There is only so much of this I could take but I have no idea where my baby is and if he ever comes back here, I will be leaving with him even if I have to put him in a bag myself. Knowing him, I just needed to call it a ride and he would ask for more. When I finished my food, I just got in a shower to try and calm my nerves again.

Mimzy's mind-How long does it take for the king of hell and his princess to find my baby? Un-fucking believable.

Mimzy-The first I will do when I have him back, I'll make sure that bitch princess and her girlfriend have a video of me telling them off while I take (Y/N) and show him who his real Mommy is by-!

((Y/N)'s POV)

(Y/N)'s mind-Yummy!

The milk is almost like when my old Mommy and Daddy let my hot chocolate cool down a lot but this time it had a different flavor. She was petting my head while I hugged her and kept on drinking. Soon, I started to feel a little funny so I stopped.

Stella-Full already?

(Y/N)-No... I feel tingly.

She gave me a look so I put my hand in her hand but I don't think she felt it. She just put the top part of her dress back up and then wiped my chin a little.

Stella-Come on. You can tell Octavia what you did before we go out for a walk and play in a park... How fast can you crawl if I put a leash on you later?

Before I could answer my tingles got stronger and my hands looked glowy. Mistress Stella looked confused and then held me tighter before I saw nothing but white and my ears were ringing. I couldn't see anything for a bit but I felt like I was sitting on the floor until someone picked me up to hug me tight then turned into a group hug.

Mommy-MY BABY!!! echo

When I could see again, I felt so happy I hugged back as hard as I could!

(Y/N)-Mommy! Mama!

Mama-Oh, you're alright! We've missed you so much!

(Y/N)-I've missed you too!

We kept on hugging then they saw my collar so I played with my little bell before Mommy took it of.

(Y/N)-Do you like it? Mistress Stella gave it to me.

Mommy-... I'll deal with this later. Come here, Sweetie. ~

She pushed my head into her and I can't wait to show her something new I learned. I wonder if she can make milk too and it will be just as sweet as her. Maybe it will taste like candy. Just then Keekee jumped up to us after coming through the open door to rub herself on my face.


I started thinking about how nice it would be to cuddle with the kitty, piggy, and puppy at the same time! I can ask for that for Christmas!

(Y/N)-Oh, oh, oh! Mommy, Mama, when is Christmas?!

Mama-Christmas?... Not for a while and we don't really cele-.

Charlie-Of course we do!... I just need you to tell us where Mistress Stella is. ~

(Y/N)-Um... Somewhere icey.

Charlie-I see... How about we lay on the bed with some cartoons and you can tell us everything she did with you. ~

(Y/N)-Oh, she taught me something mommies can do! Let me show you!

(No POV)

While (Y/N) was showing them what Stella showed him, 39 people fell from the sky at the same time. Meanwhile, on the surface, there was a church reduced to rubble after being blown up. In hell, Millie was so happy that they were going take 'her baby' back and Moxxie was unsure about this adoption seeing as the client would not be happy and is known for being a royal demon.  As for Loona and Octavia, she left the manor when she saw how angry Stella was when she lost (Y/N). Octavia knew demons could be summoned and thought the same would apply to humans with a pretty good idea of who could summon him... The only other people she knows who want him. Princess Charlie and her girlfriend.

Octavia's mind-When I get him back, you just won't have him anymore Mom.

Unknown to Octavia... Loona had a small toy in her pocket. Loona just doesn't know if she asks for help from Octavia since it looks like she knows where she is going... She stays quiet.

Loona's mind-... Puppy, huh... I think it suits you more.


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