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((Y/N)'s POV)

I just woke up and yawned only for a spoon of oatmeal to be slipped in my mouth by Fawn. I didn't get a chance to completely wake up before all the girls were around me to take care of me. I was not even allowed to sit up until they helped me do that. When I was done eating Silvermist gave me bubbles to pop while the others watched on the bars. I even popped some with my tongue to make the girls laugh. I tried to get out of my bed but the girls only watched me try until someone came in and I didn't look to see who. I was covered in dust then started floating.


Mommy-Hello, my little one. Have the girls been keeping you company? ~


She had me curl up in the air before she rubbed my cheeks and stroked my head. Her humming always sounds so nice and I saw her look at me in the eye.

Mommy-Mommy heard about what you wanted from Fairy Mary. I'm sorry we can't make you smaller but I think we can make something to help you feel a little more snug at night. Tinkerbell designed it. ~

(Y/N)-Really? What is it?

Mommy-It's a surprise, but we will have another with it. For now, I think you need to get ready to go out with me for the day. Tinkers are coming to make changes and to get that bath running for you. ~

She used her Pixie Dust to undress me in the air while she talked to the girls and found me and some clothes she wanted me to wear. That's when Vidia came up to my face.

Vidia-It was good seeing you. I'm gonna be busy on a special job so we can see each other real soon after. Bye.

She stayed there for a moment before she stroked my cheek and then flew off to go do her special job. I rubbed my cheek and smiled.

Iridessa-Awwwww, she does love you. ~

They all helped me get dressed before I was put down and followed Mommy across Pixie Hollow and took me to my play area by the Pixie Dust tree where she kept on eye on me while working. There's even a spot I can climb into to stick my head in her room where she can pet me. When we got there I saw Nyx and a few other fairy scouts that are going to make sure I stay in the play area.

(Y/N)-Hi Nyx. Are you going to play with me today? 

Nyx-I'm just making sure you stay close to your Mommy. She had a hard and busy time and wants to play with you.

(Y/N)-But can we go to the beach if the scouts watch us?

Nyx-Not today. Sorry.

She patted my head and Mommy took me to a spinning top to use her Pixie Dust to spin me around.

(Nyx's POV)

The original plan was to keep (Y/N) inside when we have a big number of fairies going out to bring adult human prisoners back for power and to put them to work to improve our homes. Now, they were adding more improvements to his house and I saw the plans. He may even have to spend the night here because of what else they plan to do besides make a blanket with sand in it. I watched Queen Clarion play with her son and I thought of the times he wanted to play with me and my scouts which did boost morale as well as our strength and power. Not to mention it's like taking a break when he wants someone to cuddle with when he feels tired.

Nyx's mind-I actually like this human... But I am going to love punishing the bad humans that killed belief and almost killed all of us.

Speaking of which, it's almost time to leave for the mainland so I had to sleep away soon. (Y/N) just can't notice that I am gone. My scouts already know he needs to be here but I wanted to make sure he got her with the queen and if anything goes wrong, I know who to blame. I gave (Y/N) one last look then took a chart to alter the schedule for someone to take my shift when I got back. I want some alone time with him.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

We all made it to the mainland and I had one of the girls who was here to help bring (Y/N) to Pixie Hollow. She flew right next to me after she checked to make sure everyone was good on their plans to capture their adult human tonight.

Vidia-This part of the mainland is so disgusting.

Nyx-Which is why humans won't care as much if a bad human goes missing... Well, I bet someone will be happier that they are gone at least. I picked the areas I picked for a reason... I have light fairies targeting a small house and I want you to suck all the cold air out until I give you the signal to stop.

Vidia-And how exactly are you going to know when to stop?

Nyx-After the human passes out from the heat and lack of air, hopefully before they die. If that does happen then we try again with someone else.

(Vidia's POV)

I won't admit this but I would rather be back with (Y/N) and the others. I know my talent is special but I'm not the only one that can do it. Plus, Zarina made a dust that can turn someone into a fast-flying fairy for this. We got to a house that looked dirty and had cracked windows or broken ones with a plastic cover on it. Light fairies were up high in the air to bring more light down on this area, and then the scouts guided garden fairies to jam the inside of the doors with roots. I took my spot in sucking all the air out before the sun goes down. After a while, Nyx gave me the signal to stop then I looked inside to see 3 humans with weapons inside with bricks of white powder. I flew up to Nyx when I was sure no human would see me.

Vidia-There's 3 inside? Which one do we take tonight?

Nyx-Don't care as long the one we take fits in a cell and the other two are flammable.

Vidia-Ok... Who gets the job of carrying the one with Pixie Dust?

Nyx-Perhaps the fastest flyer in the group to get the human out of sight as soon as possible... Have fun waiting until it's dark. I got others to check on.

She flew off and I tried to yell at her that I couldn't just carry a disgusting grown human by myself! It just smells bad in there alone!

Vidia-Grunt I should've played the (Y/N)'s favorite card.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mommy was doing her best to cuddle me but I still wanted to be her size but a little smaller to really be held. Like in the stories I hear from everyone. She was doing work was stroking my head but then I got bored and wanted to go play. I just wish Violet stayed because she could go really fast and it would look really cool so I asked the scouts if they could see if she was done with her job. They just told me she wasn't going to be done until it was almost my bedtime which I would have to take early. Zarina was even going to come with sleeping powder later to make sure I slept. I wanted to go out and play with the others but they said I needed to be close to Mommy until someone came to pick me up. I got the scouts to play with me at least when they saw me get a little sad from being bored. Soon Fawn came and rushed me to scratch my ear which felt so good I went down.

Fawn-Hi there, (Y/N) ~

(Fawn's POV)

Tinkerbell wanted me to bring (Y/N) back to his house since they were done with his new weighted blanket. Zarina was over there too talking with Tink about a shrinking dust we would need to invent. I love the idea of him being so small I could cup him in my hands. I think I could do some real work on scratching his belly. When I stopped scratching his ear and making him twitch with pleasure he sat up.

Fawn-Come on. Tink has got something at your house to show you. ~

(Y/N)-Is that bath thing working now?

Fawn-Um... That will work soon, but it's something else. 

Just then she sprinkled fairy dust on me to lift me up but then one of the scouts flew down in front of us.

Scout-Yeah, you are not taking him alone.

Fawn-What, why?

Scout-Because you are irresponsible and known to take detours.

Fawn-Name one time I failed to bring him straight home.

Scout-Oh, you brought him straight home... with several other animals that made his home smell like a farm.


Fawn-So what are you saying?

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

They escorted both of us to (Y/N)'s home and helped push him. Other animals wanted to come and say hi to him but the scouts didn't let them tag along which left me to calm them down. (Y/N) wanted to play with them too which they are supposed to let happen, but apparently, Queen Clarion wants him inside and contained until the big group of fairies come back and contain the prisoners. When we made it to his home, we saw a lot of tinker fairies being directed by Fairy Mary and Tinkerbell.

Fairy Mary-Not too much at first! We will add more once he's under!

Tinkerbell-Be careful too! Too fast and it might break!

They turned to us when I scratched (Y/N)'s ear to have him make noises. They both had smiles on their faces before coming over to coo at him while I kept on scratching him. To think he is going to be like this forever and maybe even smaller.

Tinkerbell-Hi there, Honey Drop! Are you ready for your surprise? ~

Fairy Mary-... Fawn, Dearie. Please, stop scratching him so he can actually answer.

I stopped scratching him and he nodded his head while looking around. The scouts put him in his crib gently and held him down until he stopped flying. That's when they lowered the blanket down and... it looks like he likes it. I just stayed by his side though.

Fawn-Ok, we are going to add more sand inside the blanket and I want you to tell me when it feels too heavy. Ok?

(Y/N)-It feels like the biggest hug I ever had!

Fawn-Awwwww. ~... Alright, Tink, I got him!

She and the other fairies started to add more sand into each hole of the blanket. Soon, (Y/N) didn't like it so I told everyone to stop.

Fawn-Sweetie, can you move?

He tried moving and had a bit of a hard time which made him whine a little and panic, so the fairies took sand out until he was calmer while I stroked the bridge of his nose.

Fawn-It's ok, it's ok. Fawn is here. I got you. ~

(Y/N)-C-Can you scratch my ear again?... Please.

Fawn-Chuckles Turn your head a little for me... Good boy. ~

I gave him what he wanted but not so much to make him unable to communicate. When he looked more comfortable they sealed the holes and Tinkerbell came over with a worried look on her face.

(No POV)

A fairy was watching Fawn, Tinkerbell, and many other fairies trying to stop (Y/N) from crying because he was just mildly uncomfortable. This fairy was born after (Y/N) had arrived so they were told about the rules and why but they just didn't see it as a big deal. 

Fairy-What a spoiled brat. mumbles

Fairy Mary-Excuse me?

They jumped and screamed a little before turning to see Fairy Mary with a glare on her face.

Fairy Mary-Were you referring to our beloved baby boy as a... "spoiled brat"?

Fairy-U-Um, no... I said something else.

Fairy Mary-Oh really?

She made a motion with her hands and that's when 3 fairy scouts surrounded him.

Fairy Mary-Well, I saw you having a bit of an attitude before and after you called him a spoiled brat.

Scout-He. Said. What?

Fairy-N-No! There is a misunderstanding!

Scout-Then you can tell it to the queen herself.

They all escorted this fairy out of the house and he felt sick to his stomach as he knew how attached Queen Clarion was to this child she considers her own.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

All of the girls made me feel better while helping me get used to my new blanket. I even got my favorite juice to suck out of a sippy straw while they all petted and said nice things to me. I even got lots of kisses from all of them until someone else flew in.

I loved Zarina when she came over for fun but I saw the bag of red dust that makes me super sleepy.

Zarina-Ahoy there, Cutie Pie!... You look comfy. ~

I looked at the dust bag and tried to hide a little more under the blanket then she took out the bag.

Zarina-Don't be scared. I'm not gonna put you to sleep just yet. I wanna talk about something I heard about... Something about you being a bad boy for the cutest reason ever. ~

She poked my nose and everyone was talking over her until she got really close to my ear to whisper something.

Zarina-I have been trying to make Pixie Dust that can shrink you for years. When I make it, hhhhh the things I am going to baby you with. ~ whisper

I blushed a little that she found out my secret and everyone smiled and cooed at me even more when I did plush. I just tried to drink more of my juice until I was out. Tinkerbell took the sippy straw with something she called a paci at the end of it to put it away. 

(Y/N)-Zaraina, I don't wanna go to sleep.

Zarina-Sorry, Baby Boy but it's not my call. Your Mommy and Nyx made this rule... Tell you what. We can all sneak in a secret story time before we all take a nap with you. How does that sound?

(Y/N)-Oh, oh, oh, can it be one of your stories?! 

Zarina-Ohhhhh... Ye want a story about the bravest pirate fairy in all of Pixie Hollow! One who breaks the rules in the name of fun! ~

(Y/N)-Yeah, Like when you snuck me out of bedtime to play with me by our house with fireflies in the dark a month ago!

Tinkerbell-You did what?

Zarina-Hehehehe. I-It's just a story. Completely make-believe.

Fawn-Is that why he fell asleep in the fields?! That was during the animal fairies' turn with him!

Zarina-Story time starts now!


(Fairy Mary's POV)

Queen Clarion is a very gentle ruler with fair treatment and a motherly touch for all... It is not in these moments though. She had the fairy that called our baby a spoiled brat under her foot while he was tied up. He was in a lot of pain from the pressure but I felt no sympathy for him at all. My only regret is that I am not the one doing this.

Queen Clarion-You dare to call my baby such a thing... I should have you tossed into the winter forest and watch your wings freeze before I break them off bit by bit.

Fairy-I-I didn't say it to him! I'm sorry!

Queen Clarion-I think you simply don't understand something here. It is not how important he is to our survival that I am angry... I am his mommy. He calls me his mommy, he loves everyone here while being a good boy for us... And you call him a "spoiled brat".


Queen Clarion-But what?

Fairy-A-Aren't we making a prison for humans and putting humans in there?!

Fairy Mary-Gasp!

The others gasped with me while the Queen kept her composure but you could slowly see her anger seeping out while her breathing got heavier.

Queen Clarion-Did you just suggest that we throw my baby in a jail cell?

I let my anger show and accidentally broke the clipboard I had. My body acted on its own and stomped on his ankle to make him scream but Queen Clarion didn't care when I did.

Queen Clarion-Scouts... He clearly a danger to us all. Since he likes the idea of a jail cell so much... Deliver him to the winter fairies... Make sure Perriwinkle knows what he suggested.

He knows as much as we do that Tinkerbell's sister adores him more than any other winter fairy. Queen Clarion got off of him and tore his wing to make sure he couldn't fly anymore.


She left and the scouts took him away roughly while gagging him. I would call him an animal but even animals know to treat our baby better. When they came close to me, I grabbed him by the throat while glaring at him.

Fairy Mary-You better hope I don't find time to go over there before the winter fairies are done with you... You vile parasite.


I followed the queen while I heard his gagged pleads for mercy get farther and farther. I caught up with Queen Clarion and she was still very worked up and trying to calm down.

Fairy Mary-Are you alright?

Queen Clarion-Our sweet baby boy gifts him a life... and has the audacity to call my son a spoiled brat!

Fairy Mary-He will suffer for his crimes... Our time should be arriving soon and (Y/N) has to be asleep by now. He won't see the prisoners come in and soon Pixie Hollow will have more belief power and plumbing for homes. Tinkerbell is even trying to make electricity like the humans have produced by humans on a different kind of... bike.

Queen Clarion-That is great to hear... Maybe I should talk to the new prisoners in person myself and hold an entire announcement for all fairies here.

Fairy Mary-Shall I send a message to the winter fairies along with the prisoner transport?

Queen Clarion-Yes... Oh, one more thing... Did our prisoner break more than his wing and ankle in his attempt to escape, perhaps?

She gave me a warm smile and my heart was racing with what she was asking me.

Fairy Mary-Squeal I think he did! Let me check! ~

(Clarion's POV)

Fairy Mary left in a hurry to catch up to the others and I just sat down. When I am calm enough, I will go join the cuddle pile my son no doubt has. That is the 7th fairy that broke the rules and I tried to contain myself at times but the three times when it was to my baby's face even when he couldn't even speak yet... I still remember the Ministers of Spring and Autumn yelling at him when he just cried for me to come back in the room. Even thinking about it now makes me furious... I went to a chamber in my private quarters that (Y/N) didn't know about. When I got down there I lit a lantern and sprayed down both ministers strapped to the walls.

Clarion-Oh my, you are both skin and bones?... Did I forget to feed you two again? You poor things. ~

They had weak cries for me to hear through their gags so I went up to them. I started by gently rubbing their cheeks until they had tears coming out because they knew what was coming. It's been like this since a week after (Y/N) was adopted my me and owned by all of us that have every reason to love and pamper him.



Clarion-It reminds me of when my baby just wanted food when he was hungry... I guess you both didn't seem to care so I apparently shouldn't either. I could just stop feeding you and let you both 'go'.

They gave me weak cries again which made my blood boil so I grabbed a stone knife to hold it against the Minister of Spring's neck. I had enough of looking at both of them and the fairies that took their places are already good enough.

Clarion-I did what needed to be done and despite him saving the two of you-!... You... heavy breathing UNGREATFUL PESTS!!!



(Tinkerbell's POV)

(Y/N) was sound asleep with all of us just talking while sitting on top of them. We talked about what we could do with (Y/N) if we could shrink him to fit in our arms or the palm of our hands right now. I would want him in the palm of my hand. I could make things that will be easy to put together and carrying him around easier. Everyone loved these ideas but Fawn wanted him to fit in her arms or the ear-scratching thing might not work anymore. Just then we saw many trails of Pixie Dust coming down in the sky. My heart pumped with excitement as this was only the beginning as more cells were made.

Tinkerbell-Squeals Oh, I got more ideas to help with (Y/N)! I was going to add rockers when I first designed this crib for him.

(No POV)

7 adults either tied up and gagged or passed out were taken to the secret prison to be stuffed in cells and Pixie Dust was used to forcefully hook them up to bikes and strap them in if they were awake. Tubes were hooked up into the mouths for food and water while also keeping them gagged while working then were shown holes in the ground with a water stream under it for their bathroom. The humans that were awake tried to escape until the scouts dipped their needles into something in a jar. Nyx flew in front of the human Vidia captured and Vidia was made the human was not listening.

Vidia-You listen to me and you listen well. I did all of this for a little boy and so help me, I will-!

Vidia went on for 30 seconds but all the man heard was the sound of tiny bells jingling. Same did the other adults who were not used to this, yet from not enough exposure to Pixie Dust... The fairies didn't know this or cared.

Nyx-Are you deaf? GETTING MOVING!!!

Nyx stabbed the human in the private area since she knew it would hurt the most. He screamed into the abe with pain while the other awake humans were stabbed. They soon felt a huge rush of adrenaline and couldn't help but pedal in order to move. The gears connected to the bikes spun wooden planks underwater in another body of water at the lake to make the current move. Soon, some water faucets that didn't work and were unknowingly turned on started to pour out water.

Nyx-Next time, I will stick something thicker inside that hole. Piece of trash.

They left the humans and some scouts stayed behind for their shifts to watch the humans and be ready to switch out with sleepy humans when the working ones get slow after a huge rush of energy.

Man's mind-WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?!


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