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(No POV)

Pixie Hollow is a land of magic where the fairies live and work to change the seasons while also working miracles. Truly a magical place... It's just not so happy anymore. A fairy has not been born in moths before they are struggling to keep what fairies they have alive from what the Pixie Dust Tree is providing now which is very little. Forcing them to use blue Pixie Dust to make more just to keep up with the demand... for life support. All the females were able to fly but felt weaker than they should but most males were in infirmaries on deathbeds or being moved out to be buried by their friends. Some fairies tried to keep a positive attitude but it was hard when tears were coming out of their eyes while forcing a smile.

(Tinkerbell's POV)

I had more Pixie Dust for Bobble and Clank that I got straight from the tree and rushed back to the infirmary as fast as I could. When I made it there I went to their beds that were next to each other.

Tinkerbell-Hey, I'm back. I got some Pixie Dust for you both.

Bobble-Tink, you need some too.

Tinkerbell-I got some before I left the tree. I'm fine.

He knew I was lying but I felt fine. I poured half onto him and half onto Clank.

Clank-Cough cough.

Tinkerbell-Oh, hold on.

I got a cup of water for him and helped him drink when he couldn't lift his arms or head anymore. It was breaking my heart to see them like this but there were more fairies in here that were in the same or worse state as him. Fairy Mary said the council was going to come up with something soon, so we just need to hold out.

Tinkerbell-It's going to be ok. I'm sure they will come up with something by tomorrow, guys. I promise.

Clank-I feel as fit as a-. cough gag

Tinkerbell-Don't talk. Save your strength... It's just a little longer. I have inventions for you to see when you two get out.

Bobble-That sounds... whisper

I was waiting for him to finish but when he didn't I turned to Bobble in a panic to see his eyes still open but one of the water drops popped with no reaction from him.

Tinkerbell-Bobble?... Bobble?!... NURSE!!!

They rushed over here to help him and I had to back up for them to do their job. He didn't show signs of what happened to Clank and was before... Please, not them. I couldn't stay in here and see him like that and Clank staring off into space. I cried outside and waited until I could go back in but then someone landed next to me. They pulled me into a hug.

Tinkerbell-Sniffle F-Fairy Mary?

Fairy Mary-It'll be alright, Dearie... It'll be alright.

Tinkerbell-I know it will... H-How is Bobble doing?

Fairy Mary-Oh... He's getting the best.

I looked at her chart and saw something off about it... Two of the tally marks are up but this place should be full.

Tinkerbell-Why are those moved?

Fairy Mary-You should go home and rest. You look exhausted.

Tinkerbell-... Let me see them.

Fairy Mary-Tinkerbell... Go home and get some rest, please... Please.

I tried to go past her, but she blocked me and forced a smile while a tear was coming out. My breathing was getting faster.

Tinkerbell-Fairy Mary, I just gave them Pixie Dust! Let me see them! Let me see them!

She just grabbed me and pulled me into another hug and I just looked at the entrance of the infirmary crying! I know they are in there! I just gave them more Pixie Dust! They are fine!... They're fine... They're fine... I fell to my knees and she held me.

Tinkerbell-Sobbing! SOBBING!!!

She took me home in the dark and helped me into bed while she was crying too and trying to hold herself together. When she left without saying a word, I just cried into my pillow. The first friends I ever had... They were like big brothers and now they're gone!

(Timeskip To Morning)

I slept horribly last night and thought about Bobble and Clank. I just lost Terrance a week ago and now them. Soon, I heard a knock at my door and when I opened it...

Tinkerbell-Oh... hey.

Rosetta-We heard the news... We came to check on you.

Tinkerbell-Thanks... I need time to myself now.

Fawn-Then we got a bit more bad news. All remaining Tinkers need to help build more machines for the upcoming seasons and prevent a delay... Starting tomorrow.



I just closed the door slowly and locked it but they took the hint and left I looked at my hands. They were shaking. Building more machines is not going to help! It's only a matter of time before we end up like the boys too!... I need to get ready to see the queen. Ever since this whole thing started people have been coming up with ideas. Some are more extreme than others, but we need something extreme right now. Talk about showing ourselves to humans will make us be hunted with their new technology on the mainland. There was one more idea that could work...

(Clarion's POV)

The ministers of the seasons and I were having a meeting and all of this is to be passed onto Lord of the North... 

It breaks my heart to think about how Milori must be looking right now on his sick bed. He could be gone and I might not-... 

Clarion's mind-Don't think about it. We just need more time.

Minister of Spring and Autumn are laying in beds in this meeting room which is a constant reminder of how timed we are.

Minister of Spring-We need to inspire more miracles in humans to make the children believe.

Minister of Winter-We need change. If the times have changed then we need to change accordingly. Seeing is the only way they believe now so we will take extra steps for safety.

Minister of Autumn-And what? cough cough Be hunted forever? Have you seen what they have now? Once they know what they are looking for and when we come they will stop at nothing to hunt us down.

Minister of Summer-Is there something we can do to have our existence hidden and inspire belief? What we need is something that seems like a 1-in-a-million chance.

Minister of Winter-What would that be? Children are being taught science instead of stories and tales of the past of nature and wonder.

Minister of Summer-We will THINK of SOMETHING!!!

Clarion-Calm down everyone.

Minister of Spring-Calm?! With all due respect, this is not the time to be calm! We are in the worst possible situation we have ever been in our history! cough GAG

His sparkling stopped for a moment and this ignited fear and worry in us. I told the ladies to go get them more Pixie Dust while I cleared my head. I went to my room and looked out to all of Pixie Hollow... It was losing its magic too because we saw the Native Tribe aging and passing away as well as the second star fading at times.

Clarion-Hold it together. You will think of something. You always do... One step at a time and it's to stay on schedule for the seasons... We all need to be strong. whisper

???-Queen Clarion!

I looked up to see Tinkerbell flying down here... I could really use one of her miracles right about now.


She landed in front of me and had a look on her face that showed how stressed she was.

Tinkerbell-We need to talk. This is getting out of hand.

Clarion-I am aware Tinkerbell. We are working towards a solution right now.

Tinkerbell-I already have one and others have it too... I think you do too.

Clarion-What would that be?

Tinkerbell-Inhale... We capture a human baby and have the baby live here.

I shook my head a little at this and felt so disappointed. This idea came up a few months ago after the first few passes but...

Clarion-Tinkerbell, it is very immoral to kidnap a baby and bring them here.

Tinkerbell-We can't expose ourselves without being put in more danger and nothing else we tried worked!

Clarion-There has to be a better way. We just need a little more time.

Tinkerbell-A little more time?... WE DON'T HAVE ANY MORE TIME!!! echo

I flinched a little at her yelling at me and she looked very angry. I had to defuse this.

Clarion-I am sorry for what losses you have experienced. Truly, I am. That doesn't mean-.

Tinkerbell-I am not the only one! I have seen friends and families coming out of those infirmaries crying, all of our men are dropping like flies, and we are all feeling so weak to where sometimes flying fails! WE ARE USING PIXIE DUST AS A FORM OF LIFE SUPPORT DAILY NOW!!! PIXIE DUST!!! 

She went from being furious to trying to keep that facade but I could see her crying and breaking down.

Tinkerbell-And it is only getting worse! hic I lost my best friend Terrance who I think might've been more of a boyfriend to me now and I just lost the closest thing I had to brothers last night! voice crack

I had tears coming down my eyes but I turned away. I hear stories like this every day and every time I feel like a failure to everyone. I looked in a mirror and felt ashamed of myself.

Clarion-Tinkerbell, we are not-... We can't-... sniffle

Tinkerbell-If it goes on like this we'll die! All of us!

I tried to think of new plans to try and revive belief in fairies from our old ways, but those don't work anymore. If we are gone then the balance of nature will be completely destroyed. Suddenly, an owl came in carrying a note with my name on it... I recognized the handwriting... Milori.

(Tinkerbell's POV)

I see her picking up the note and scared to open it. When she started to read it I saw her starting to break down and it was weird seeing her so vulnerable. She tried to collect herself but didn't look me in the eye when she put the letter down and the white owl left.

Clarion-... I'm going to talk with the council and going to arrange something.

Tinkerbell-Does this mean-?

Clarion-It means... There are going to be 'very' strict rules for this job... We suffered for long enough... Allow me a moment of solitude, but tell your friends... It will only be a small team.

I left and when I turned back, I saw Queen Clarion on her knees crying. I am going to make a promise to myself right now...

Tinkerbell-This won't fail... It can't fail... I promise.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(No POV)

The meeting of the council continued and was told of the Lord of Winter's passing leaving the Minister of Winter to take on more responsibility. The Queen also decided it was time to end our suffering and the Minister of Winter was right. She just didn't think how far it would actually go. When she announced her plan and didn't leave it for debate, it took everyone off guard.

Minister of Spring-Are you nuts?!

Minister of Winter-I didn't want to take it that far! We have morals!

Minister of Summer-Exposure is one thing-!

Minister of Autumn-Forget exposure! This is kidnapping!

Clarion-'This' is how we survive. We lost so many already and we only continue to lose more by arguing here on what to do. The last thing we need is Spring and Autumn needing new ministers... We will treat the baby with love and care and they will grow up a little before magic returns with steady belief over the years and being closer would make it stronger... It's the least we can do to make them happy. Spoil with love if need be.

Minister of Summer-Surely, there must be-.

Clarion-I am forced to watch my fairies die just like the rest of you. I am not going to waste another moment so it's either you come up with a plan right this instant or my plan will be in effect.

Nobody had anything to say and the Ministers of Summer and Winter soon joined her side surprising the two sickly weak ministers.

 Minister of Winter-What do you need for this plan?

Clarion-I have chosen Tinkerbell and her friends to embark on this. I want a week's worth of Pixie Dust for each of them and an extra pouch for the human baby they will choose to bring back.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

(Fawn's POV)

We were all surprised that the plan Tinkerbell told us about was true and it was an order to the Queen. We were all right in front of her being told about this mission but I wasn't sure about kidnapping until she reminded us what is happening every single day everywhere... Some of the animals miss the guys. I think one of them missed them a little too much and loved them too much.

Queen Clarion-No that we know what the plan is I am going to tell you some rules that are to be followed. There can be no adults looking for them by any means necessary, nobody but a baby can see you, they have to be a baby, they are not to be harmed, and you only have a week to return 'with' said baby... In the meantime, I will have laws made and will have Tinkers think of plans for a home their size. I hope you all understand what is at stake... Pixie Hollow is counting on you.

Tinkerbell-You can count on us.

With that we all left and headed for the mainland. When we made it past the second star we saw the mainland.

Iridessa-So do we just find an orphanage to pick a baby there?

Tinkerbell-I have not seen one in years. I think it's something called foster homes now. So it's going to be hard no matter where you go now.

Silvermist-How about a zoo or a park? Babies are there all the time.

Rosetta-With their parents... Wait, why am I getting into this?!

Fawn-Because you are flying there with us now.

Vidia-Its just to save us. Let's just-. AAAAHHHHHHH!!!

Her wings failed on her and from her speed she was going to catch up she was falling really fast. We all rushed to try and catch her and Iridessa's daughter first before we ran into a build. After that, we landed before any of us could do what Vidia just did and we were out of breath.

Tinkerbell-Ok... Let's put a limit on flying until we have more strength.

Vidia-Yeah... Let's look around here first.

Rosetta-Good idea.

With fear lingering from Vidia almost dying, we just walked and only flew if we had to.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was resting at home with my husband and baby boy who turned 3 months old today. It still felt weird to be a mother but my husband works from home so I'm not alone. We lived in my mom's house she was letting us rent out from her and it was kind of old but still nice. I just nursed (Y/N) a while ago when he got fussy which made him sleepy. I put him in his crib to go get something to eat myself and then saw (D/N) already cooking.

(M/N)-Just got (Y/N) down for a nap.

(D/N)-A nap sounds really good now... Want some leftover tri-tip? Making it on the stove.

(M/N)-Thank you, Honey.

I just wanted to lay down for a bit and relax until (Y/N) wakes up. Soon (D/N) came in with the food and he made tri-tip sandwiches for us. We had a nice meal and watched a show we both liked to relax. Next diaper changing will be his so I look forward to not doing that and just take care of his bath later.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

(Rosetta's POV)

I gave a few plants a little touch-up while we looked around and the first 3 buildings had children out of the age range for us. Bring back a baby less than a year old the Queen said. I'm already uncomfortable with this job and I gotta deal with a week of this at the very most. I kept on following the girls and on our 4th building we split up a little... Most of these plants were in decent shape but some were nearly dead.

Rosetta-I get you got more gadgets and stuff, but come on. At least pretend to care about the plants you have.



I flew one floor up on this apartment building and found a baby in a crib next to the window... A baby! I felt a little guilty but he did look like what we were looking for to save our home. I grabbed some Pixie Dust and was hesitant to throw it on him.

Rosetta-Come on. Everyone at home needs this and the world... Just one baby is all we need. You can do it. You can do it. He'll be happy like the Queen said and-. Woah!

My wings failed and I grabbed the ledge just in time to save me. When I pulled myself up I heard footsteps coming so I hid behind the curtain.

???-I'm here, Calm down... Oh. (D/N), it's your turn to change him.

Now, I was more happy that I didn't grab him this time. I peeked and saw the human woman leave with the baby. When I could fly again, I decided to tell the girls I found a baby boy to bring back.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Silvermist's POV)

Rosetta showed us a baby room this morning but they didn't come back until night and we just hid on top of a tall dresser for hours. Thankfully we had food and water to help us wait. Both the parents came into the room and we heard their names today. The baby's name is (Y/N). I thought about renaming them when we take them but that was shot down. When they both said goodnight to the baby they turned something like a radio on before they left. It had a red light on, but nothing like a camera.

Silvermist-Let's go see him! 

I was the first to take flight to him and flew over him. I think he saw the glow from the Pixie Dust coming off of me from his closed eyes because he opened his eyes to look at me.

Silvermist-Hi there. ~

I suddenly fell on top of him and he only wiggled and moved his arms and legs a little.

The girls were above his and I kind of laughed this off but then I felt a little better and less tired. I could fly again almost instantly.

Silvermist-Ohhh, look! I can already fly-!

I fell again when I used up the energy I just got. That's when Fawn landed next to him and rubbed his head.

Fawn-We can't take him yet.

Vidia-Why not?

Tinkerbell-Fawn's right. Do you remember what Queen Clarion said? She was clear on not hurting him and him missing is going to alert the parents and look for him. 

Vidia-They will never find him.

Tinkerbell-But I know some humans call video cameras and they are all over the place. We don't need people looking at camera after camera to find a flying baby. That's if we don't fall mid-flight and scare him or get him hurt or worse.

Iridessa-Um... I'm still not fully on board with this but we do have 6 days... I already feel better with him seeing us so when we are on our last day... We... You know.

The girls kept on talking but the baby tried to grab me so I focused on him. It turned out he wasn't trying to grab me... He petted the front of my body. I felt very bad about this too but at least he was a cute little guy.

Silvermist-Awwwww. Look girls. He likes me... Can you say Silvermist? ~

Fawn-Silvermist... His parents side he's 3 months old.

Silvermist-So?... He can't talk, yet?


(Timeskip To Morning)

(Vidia's POV)

Tinkerbell wanted us to sleep in a vent to make sure the humans didn't spot us plus the air felt nice in here. We woke up in the morning from the parents walking in and got some breakfast in us while we saw the dad bottle feeding the baby. After he was done he put the baby back in the crib. I felt healthier and strong when I got closer to the baby a little and it's been a while since I felt like this. I flew over to him when the coast was clear and he laughed at me while reaching for me then seemed more energetic. I heard someone else giggling then looked to see Fawn looking at me from the dresser.

Fawn-Well look at that. He likes you. ~

I scoofed at this and flew back in the vents as fast as I could before she went to say hi to him. I ignored the others and walked around the vents using my ration of Pixie Dust as soft light. Soon I spotted the parents in their room cuddling on their bed.

(M/N)-Is (Y/N) feed.

(D/N)-I got one of the bottles of your milk out of the fridge and he's changed... I think we have some time to fool around. I don't hear him crying. ~

I walked away from this and tried using my talent since I was feeling stronger. I accidentally shot a gust of wind when my mini tornado got out of control... I guess I didn't use my power like this in a long time.

Vidia-They didn't notice that, right?

I looked at myself and processed this for a moment before I thought about just relaxing in (Y/N)'s room since I heard the parents making noises from in these vents and it was disgusting. The others were with the baby, but I stayed up here to relax.

(Iridessa's POV)

I put a pacifier in (Y/N)'s mouth, but he laughed through it when Fawn was rubbing his cheeks and I sat and rubbed his belly. He was swinging his arms a little and aside from feeling so much better than I felt in months this made me have a fuzzy feeling... I saw a rainbow forming outside in the sky so I flew up to collect it and then brought it inside to show it up close to him. He loved it and reached for it.

Iridessa-You like that little guy? Reach for it! ~

Fawn-I wonder if you love kisses. ~

The others watched as they sat in the crib with us and when we saw him getting sweaty and overheating Silvermist got some water and sprayed him a little with a light mist. Now he looked curious. I think he tried to grab the mist but he got fussy when me and Fawn got off of him.

(Y/N)-Whimper whine!

Fawn-Oh, no, no, no! Don't cry! ~

She went back to him so I guess he just wants to be touched. I gave him another hug and blew into his belly.

Iridessa's mind-He's just so cute!

(Rosetta's POV)

While they were doting on him I saw him turn his head and he was looking at me so I waved at him. I had never been this close to a human for this long before and didn't know it took so long for human babies to develop since animals developed so much faster and humans are capable of building all of this. I gently and carefully took his hand and he didn't move. 

Rosetta-Hello... Not to meet you... We are probably going to see a lot of each other from now on... You probably can't understand me, can you?

Fawn-Yes he can! Babies can understand and learn everything they see and hear.

Rosetta-Oh, he can barely move, let alone talk. How am I supposed to know?

Tinkerbell-Don't fight in front of him... Rosetta, maybe he would like you to be a little closer.

I slowly flew over him and he tried to grab me but he couldn't put his arms up all the way anymore... It was honestly pretty cute. I got a little closer and he smiled then it got bigger when I rubbed his cheeks.

Tinkerbell-Awwww, he likes you. ~

I cooed at the little baby for a while until we heard the parents coming so we all flew up to hide on top of the dresser again. The others went in the vent to hide but I saw the mother pick him up when I peeked over the edge and the grabby hands he was giving her a little that he was giving me...

Rosetta's mind-Those supposed to be MY grabby hands!

(Timeskip 5 Days)

(Tinkebell's POV)

We all felt so much better. Maybe better than we ever felt but now it was time to end this and take the baby back with us to Pixie Hollow by tonight. First thing in the morning we all sat in the crib with (Y/N) while coming up with ideas for how to get rid of the parents in a way that won't make other humans suspicious. Iridessa wanted something less extreme but there is no way that they won't look for our baby when we take him home. When we started with the first pitch...

Rosetta-I say we set their hair on fire while they are tied to a bed! It's not that nice to reach for and grab anyway! Isn't that right, (Y/N). ~

Vidia-The whole point is to make it look like an accident.

Rosette-They do weird things at night or during his naps.

Tinkerbell-Rosetta... Let's take a moment to calm down before pitching another... Maybe a fire is not a bad idea. Lots of things make fire.

Vidia-Even with my wind it's a small place so they could get out quickly. We need it to be fast or find a way to slow them down.

Iridessa-What about... heat stroke? I shine lots of light onto the building and Vidia sucks the air out as much as she can through the vents while they sleep.

Fawn-We can't take (Y/N) in broad daylight, someone might notice him flying so it will need to be at night.

Silvermist-Oh, oh... What if we make it so hot, they can't breathe?

Vidia-That's what Iridessa just said.

Silvermist-She did?

I'm the tinker fairy here so I tried to think of a foolproof plan to be rid of those 2 humans and take our baby tonight. We all feel so much stronger than we did before so that can play a big factor... No human can see this happening but maybe the parents can just not live to tell the tale... No, I can't even risk that much. We all pitched so many ideas until (Y/N) suddenly rolled over onto his belly. I thought he was going to crawl but he just stayed there. As cute as it was the whole point is for him not to ever grow up... This has to happen tonight no matter what.

Tinkerbell-... Iridessa, go out and collect sunlight. Silvermist, you come with me to the water pipes. Vidia, you take the vent the leads outside, and blow all of the air out that you can. Rosetta, you are going to be with Fawn and (Y/N) tonight. Fawn, no matter what, (Y/N) can't cry. Keep him calm and distracted when we all get to work. Have his Pixie Dust ready too.

I started to go into full details of my plan before we got to work... It all starts with the water.

(Timeskip To Night)

((D/N)'s POV)

The water and AC are going nuts today so we called the building manager. All of the water is boiling hot even when we use nothing but cold and the air just felt so dry except for in our son's room. Then we heard noises outside in the hall like little bells so we went to check but there was nothing. We decided to ignore it and open all the windows. We spent all do in our son's room until it was night and it cooled down. Still no cold water though even when there were no machine parts malfunctioning or even the smell of smoke from a fire. They are going to send someone in the morning to cut open the wall and check on things. 

(M/N)-What is with this building? It's still warm in here and it's night.

(D/N)-It'll be fixed. In the morning we can take (Y/N) and go to your parents until this is settled.

We just both got into bed and fell asleep while the house still made a few creaking noises here and there.

(No POV)

When the parents went to sleep while having the baby monitor on, they missed the sound of bells jingling coming from in. Meanwhile, in (Y/N)'s room, he was woken up gently by a pacifier being pushed into his mouth by Rosette.

Fawn-Too hard, Rosetta.

Rosette-Oh, stop it. I know he's happy to see me.

(Y/N) got fussy from being woken up so Fawn gave her a look.

Rosette-In his dreams... Give me that.

She took the bag of Pixie Dust and poured it on (Y/N) then Fawn made faces while cooing at him to make him happy and fly. That's when they both swaddled him in mid-air before taking him out of the house. Soon after using Pixie Dust on a few more things like clothes and other things he would need they gave the signal to the girls inside before they flew off to get a head start. Tinkerbell gave the word to Vidia and she spun around one of the parent's mouth to make a twister and suck the air out of them. Tinkerbell felt for a pulse and when it was gone, they moved to the next parent.

Tinkerbell-Ok, it's done Vidia... All good to go Silvermist! Just the places I told you!

Silvermist flew around the house to splash water on lamps, the toaster, and the circuit board Tinkerbell tampered with to start electrical fires before they left the house. The flames spread around and the fire department was called but the dead bodies were burning to look like they just burned in their sleep. They all flew away as fast as they could which for Vidia she flew faster than she even thought she could. Even catching up to Fawn and Rosetta with (Y/N) in no time at all then made a wind current to pull the girls not far behind her... This surprised all of them.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Clarion's POV)

The girls came back with a cute baby boy named (Y/N) whom I was inspecting with the scout fairies and medical fairies for any injuries or illnesses... He was completely unharmed and healthy. Just as I requested. Even in just this short time, I already felt a little better than I did before and so did they before the baby went back to sleep.

Clarion-Excellent job, my fairies. This is going to help everyone.

Tinkerbell-So how long until the aging stops?

Clarion-We will need time to decide that but it shouldn't be more than a few years... Before you leave us with (Y/N) for a while, I would like to ask you to summon everyone for an announcement at the fairy tree. We have healing tents to take him to first.

They nodded and flew off before we got to work and just 15 minutes at each tent, the last remaining fairies in these tents were well enough to walk, but not fly yet. It should be good enough to take (Y/N) to other tents as well. I flew above him while the scouts carried him and he looked so peaceful and cute sleeping.

Clarion's mind-I'm going to make sure you are happy here... My ray of sunshine. ~

(No POV)

By the time it was morning again, all the fairies were at the Pixie Dust tree waiting for Queen Clarion to arrive with her big announcements. Most of them were surprised to see that the rumors that just got started were true. There was a human baby that was going to be living here.

Queen Clarion-My fairies! I know times have been tough and we lost many on the way here!... I am proud to say that those times are over and we are entering a new era! This is a human baby named (Y/N) that we had captured to live here with us to supply us with all the belief we will need to survive!... Sadly, we are going to need more to return our home to its former state! As for (Y/N) there are going to be strict rules!... Under no circumstances is he 'ever' allowed to grow up! We keep him innocent, pampered, and fun-loving but still learn to listen to us! There will be boundaries that the scout fairy's captain will be explaining!... Nyx!

A fairy flew to her side from being next to (Y/N).

Nyx-His boundaries for the warmer fairy territories will be no more or less than the woods and areas we work in! There will be another section closed off where we shall keep human adults as prisoners with construction starting effective immediately as ordered by Queen Clarion! All lost things and other human-made items are to be brought straight to the tinker fairies and have him believe that they are made here! Anyone who tries to make or tell him to grow up in any way shape or form will be charged with attempted genocide! Any harm brought to him intentionally or severe enough will answer not only to the scouts but also the Queen as well as well as charged with attempted genocide!

She stepped back and Queen Clarion took the center of attention again.

Queen Clarion-This baby will grow and construction for his home will be hard but faster than the prison for human adults! Only then will he be a child of 5 years old!... Make no mistake! As serious as this will be, it will also be a blessing to have! We will host events and holidays dedicated to having fun and celebrating with and for him!... He is our life source and future that we must keep safe and happy 'forever!

Others still felt worried until they saw the baby flip himself over to look at the fairies close to him before he giggled and laughed to try and play with them. Only by swinging his arms up and down. This act warmed the hearts of others then another fairy flew down to get a closer look... Then another and another. Queen Clarion was touched by how well everyone was taking this and already playing with (Y/N) a little.

Queen Clarion-Today will be marked as a holiday!... The day he came into our lives!... His new birthday. ~

(Timeskip 4 Years)

Construction was going faster than expected. The prisons will be able to hold 30 adults and take care of things like waste and have machines in there designed and updated by Tinkerbell herself to contribute to (Y/N)'s house that was miles away and only took 2 years to build. Fairies missed sleeping with him in a tent where many of the girls taught him to crawl, walk, and talk but they loved to see him in the expanded crib he was sleeping in to this day. In the house, fairies could see him paying with toys the fairies made for him.

(Y/N)-Giggles. ~



This reminds me of a song by LydiaTheBard https://youtu.be/NX8InjXV2OU?si=UrfWDaKysPsruWcl , it's pretty good 💕