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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to Rouge sleeping and cuddling me while I was buried in her body. My face was pressed against her cheek, her leg was trapping both of mine, and her wing was wrapped around me. I didn't want to wake her up so I tried holding still to wake for her to wake up... I then noticed the sun was just coming up and she went out last night and Grandpa would sleep in on nights like that sometimes. I just tried to close my eyes and go back to sleep to behave easier... It was so hard to sleep like this when I remembered how much she embarrassed me last night! I don't even know how much time passed but the sun was up a little more before Rouge woke up then sat up to stretch. She looked at me while fixing her hair a little before her ear twitched.

Rouge-Morning Hun. Yawn I got a few things for you last night. ~

(Y/N)-Well... Was it all free?

Rouge-Every last bit. It was a charity. She took me out of bed with her and took me to the living room where I saw a few bags of clothes and other things that looked very nice and expensive. I am not so sure this was charity and she did buy them for me. She just put me up on a table to stand up for her to take pictures of me in the clothes I had right now.

Rouge-Let's try your clothes on and then we can go outside for a bit.

(Cosmo's POV)

I woke up early this morning and all the small animals stayed around me until they left to go find their own food. I just found a place to watch the sunrise before I saw some bushes with berries on it then found a few mints, and some other fruit, and I just made myself a fruit salad. During my breakfast, I saw a shadow fly over me and it looked bigger than a normal bird so I finished my last few bites before I went to go see. I found myself by a lake and there was someone here with... a human child.

I was so used to only seeing overlanders come by these areas and even that was rare. Plus they were mostly hostile or said to be hostile like Dr. Eggman. This bat lady seemed very affectionate and this child seemed very sweet. No mutations made them look very cute and harmless.

Cosmo's mind-Curious... How will this human behave?

I decided to follow them and stay hidden while they decided to walk alongside the lake. I could hardly hear them but the boy would be flustered and shy away from touch but be eased into it with a bit of a passive-aggressive approach.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Rouge just wanted to walk until I got tired and could go back inside to be with her. She even wanted to do some more spa stuff with me. I just wish she would do something like yell at me for getting so many killed or at least be a little scared that I made something that got used by the worst person to ever have it. Why doesn't everybody treat me like that? I deserve to be treated like that but instead, I am getting games, spa days, cuddles, and all this love that just doesn't belong to me! It shouldn't belong to me and I shouldn't be allowed near the lake I simulated once before to pretend to swim in it! I tried to walk away from it slowly but Rouge would just give me a look showing how sad she was that I was not staying next to her.

Rouge-(Y/N)... Are you just trying to toy with my feelings? ~

(Y/N)-N-No, I just don't... I... don't feel...

Rouge-I get it... You don't feel safe or happy around me.

(Y/N)-Wh-What?! No! No, no, no, n-!


I felt really bad really fast and just sped walked back to her and she gave me a hug.

Rouge-You think you don't deserve love but I think you never felt it before. Give it a try. 

She rubbed my head before we kept on walking, and then her ears perked up a little before she looked at the other side of the lake. She just cradled me and to me to a tree to put me on a branch big enough for me to sit on and hold another branch for support.

Rouge-Wait right here. ~

She poked my nose before she flew off and I wondered what was going on.

(Eggman's POV)

Every attempt to recreate the map was met with failure so now I have to use resources to search for that ungrateful brat that threw it all away! I doubt that kingdom would take in anyone in my family. During this scouting mission for him, I had droids searching in the east to bring (Y/N) alive and eliminate whoever else they found along the way. Suddenly on radar, I noticed units were dropping like flies.

Eggman-What?! Who's doing this?!

I patched into one of the droids to see what was happening but in that instant, there was a foot to the screen before it went offline.

Eggman-All droids! Meet up at this location! Get whoever is breaking my robots!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just stayed up in the tree for a little bit before I climbed back down when I didn't feel comfy up there. Now that I was alone like I wanted in the first place... I felt like how I did when I left home. Why didn't I feel like this last night? I was alone then and she's coming back so what's different now?! I started to cry and then I heard someone.

???-Excuse me.

I turned to see who it was and I got scared because I didn't know who or what they were.

???-Are you alright, Little One? ~

(Y/N)-Hic Wh-Who are you?

???-My name is Cosmo... You look distressed. What's your name? ~

(Y/N)-(Y/N)... I-I got someone coming back.

Cosmo-Yes, I saw the bat fly off... How about I keep you company while you wait? It can be scary for a child to be somewhere completely new without any security or assurance. ~

She started to rub my head and I didn't like the touch so I moved away but then she cupped my face to massage me and it felt nice. I felt a little better then she pulled me into her gently.

(Cosmo's POV)

This child is completely clean and glowing in the sunlight a little, but it's clear his heart is still broken into pieces by something. I wondered if it was that bat lady but then I thought about how passively aggressive she was with him just not in a rough way... Maybe it's separation issues or something.

(Y/N)-Sniffle whimper.

Cosmo-Hey... Just let it all out. ~

(Y/N)-I hate myself. whimper I hate myself so much.

Cosmo-Now, why do you say that?

He started to tell me a story of what happened and he told me about a map that he just made for a game since he was not allowed outside then it got people turned into robots. I know about Eggman that does that he was his Grandpa. I did feel a little nervous at first then he pulled away from me to curl up in the dirl next to me.

(Y/N)-Wh-Why is everyone so nice to meeeee? sobbing

I pulled him back on my lap to pet and caress him to try and soothe him even a little. I never saw a human like this before and I knew all of them couldn't be like Eggman. I just wish this human didn't blame himself for something that was not in his control. When he tried to push away from me again I held him still so he looked at me with teary eyes which made my heart race.

Cosmo-Ohhhh, Sweet Thing... So misguided, so fragile, so sweet, so cute... You need someone to look after you properly. ~

Just then I felt something a little pointy yet somewhat dull on the back of my neck.

???-And just what do you think you are doing with him? That's someone requested by a royal.

(Rouge's POV)

I just got down taking care of those buckets of bolts Eggman makes that are not made of people to make sure they don't scare my baby boy. I thought about a few things while picking them off one at a time like what I should do with (Y/N) when we get back home when the walk is over. He might be getting tired soon which means he won't fight off my love as much. I just want to have him curl up in my arms and legs on the couch while resting his head on me. I could set up a table and polish gems while he rests and plays a game or watches a show until I think we can soak in some water in my hot spring... I can see him blush hard if I wear my swimsuit. My happy thoughts were ended when I heard a small explosion by the lake. When I got close enough I saw 2 girls fighting by the like and my baby was not in the tree where I left him!

I quickly landed and looked for my baby only to see his foot sticking out and visibly shaking from behind a tree. I would really hurt someone if they stole my gems, but I would lose it if they hurt someone I liked. Especially if they are a baby! The pink one pointed two guns at both of us.

???-Both of you are under arrest for kidnapping and aiding the crown in a crime! I have no problem in shooting both of you and taking who I came for!

I had no idea what she was talking about or who she was but I'm not afraid of a gun after being shot at many times.

(Blaze's POV)

Our armies are gathering and while Sally sent her friends to find (Y/N) I called in my best freelance soldier and friend to find him and arrest those who aided the king in this crime. they are to be treated as enemies of the kingdom if she sees the boy in the picture I sent her with them. I turned to Sally as we were in the plane flying over my kingdom before we could mobilize and disperse soldiers into squads against Rotopolis and plan for an attack with what we knew.

Sally-Our generals and other high-ranking officers can handle the organizing with the help of my mother. She wants us to focus on our own forces to find (Y/N)... I haven't heard anything but I plan to check in soon.

Blaze-I know my help won't fail. She's a good friend and one of the best my kingdom has to offer.

Sally-Well... Until we hear something, let's get a room set up. And one sugges-.

Blaze-I am not having a single guard in that section of my castle unless I know them personally.

Fire came off my hand a little in fury at the thought of someone taking (Y/N) out of my arms in my sleep... I just wish I could burn those guards alive again.

Blaze's mind-If a guard even glances at you in a way I don't like... I will charge them for treason and conspiracy against me.

((Y/N)'s POV)

BOOM echo ringing

I felt so scared and confused then I could only think about that awful machine Grandpa had that turned the lion man into a robot... I think I could almost see it somehow... I picture of it engraved in a bush and the tree while I felt lightheaded. I felt my body act on its own a little to run away from the picture but then I ran into the sand where the girls were fighting. That's when I heard something through all the explosions and other sounds...

Cosmo-ENOUGH!!! echo


A colorful mist of something filled the air and it smelled funny... I fell to the ground and blacked out without any idea what was going on.

(Cosmo's POV)

I tried to talk this out but neither of them wanted to listen and the last straw was (Y/N) running out into the middle of the fight while plasma or something was flying in the air. With all of them knocked out I went to pick (Y/N) up and brush him off before I took him away from this battlefield to check him... He was fine but as for those two, I plan to take them with us somewhere and tie them up so they are forced to talk things out safely.

Cosmo's mind-What has gotten into you two?! Fighting in front of a child like that while he's in the crossfire! You should even know better, bat lady!


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