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(Lute's POV)

I got a message from Sera to come down as soon as I could and be ready for a little surprise. I tried to ask her a few questions and wondered if I should dress up still or not. I decided against it since I didn't take her as a matchmaker like Cupid. When I left my home I made sure Adam didn't know where I was going because Sera didn't want him there so I know this is serious. When I made it to where she wanted to meet I sera her waiting outside.

Sera-Hello, Lute.

Lute-Is there something wrong? What needs to be tested?

Sera-Not what, who. And nothing is wrong... Does Adam know you are here?


Sera-Good. Follow me.

We went inside and I kept on guessing what could be so important that she would even keep this from Adam.

Sera-We have a special case with us today and I want you to just go in and be yourself... Which is why I didn't want Adam to come and...

Lute-Be himself.

Sera-That, yes.

She took me to a room where 2 cherubs were in playing with a child but I didn't see any wings on him... Is he alive?

He turned to us when the cherubs looked at us then he waved.

???-Hi, I'm (Y/N)!

Lute-... What is this?

Sera-Deerie, Keenie, please give up the room with (Y/N).

They got up to leave and (Y/N) reached for them while staying on his hands and knees. Sera went over to him and picked him up before sitting on the bed her while looking at me.

Sera-I wish to see how pure-hearted this child is so I wanted someone who is good but also a little challenging. Just spend a few hours with him alone. We'll be watching.

So I get pulled away from lunch and given a glorified babysitting job?! Sera sat the little boy down on the bed then whispered something to him and then he hugged her before she left the room in a flash of light. Now, I was all alone with him. I expected him to have cold feet but he came running over to me and took my hands.

(Y/N)-Are you really going to play with me and take me out for ice cream after?!

I know now what Sera told him and I just looked at him with a bit of a glare that just happened out of habit.

Lute-I guess I am.

(Y/N)-Yeah! We can start a new game!

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I may not even think of hurting a child that is not a demon but that doesn't mean I do playdates with them in my lap. Honestly, there was more talking than playing until I decided to end the game quickly by making him take glances at me so I could change the dice to a higher roll to move more spaces. I thought about sticking him on a video game after this game was finished but then he did something odd. He rolled onto his back on my lap to curl up and smile while reaching for my wing.

(Y/N)-Your wing art is so pretty.

Lute-Uhhhh... Thanks.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I wanted to pet her wing but she moved it so I reached for it again and she tucked it in. I looked up to her a little confused and she was only looking at me without saying a word.

(Y/N)-You're not happy... What do you like to do for fun?

Lute-... I have a day for that.

(Y/N)-You only have fun for one day?... What about Halloween or other fun holidays?

Lute-I still celebrate Christmas and Easter, and stuff like that up here. I just have a secret holiday... Best day out of the year.

(Y/N)-... What's Christmas and Easter?

Lute-Huh?... What religion did you have back on Earth?

(Y/N)-What's religion?

She told me about her religion and they believe in God and celebrate Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and other holidays that sounded so fun!

(Y/N)-I wanna celebrate those holidays! Is it Christmas, yet?!




(Y/N)-Jesus's birthday?

Lute-I told you that is what you celebrate on Christmas.

(Y/N)-... Well... what about your holiday? I wanna know about it.


(Y/N)-Awwww. Why?

Lute-It won't be a secret anymore if I tell you.


I crawled off her lap for a bit to look outside and thought about when it snowed everywhere. I never heard of these holidays and wondered why my old Mommy and Daddy never told me about them. Maybe someone here celebrates my holidays too... I never even got to touch or see real snow before. I asked Lute if she could take me to see the snow one day. She said it would come here if I waited then I thought about bringing my new Mommies and other friends here. I went back to her while she was sitting on a chair and tried to put my legs around her to get comfy. She put a wing behind me to help while she was on her phone.

(Y/N)-So are you friends with more angels other than Sera?

Lute-Sera is my boss. 

(Y/N)-So she's a friendly boss... But what about friends?

Lute-... I have Adam and my sisters.

(Y/N)-Can I meet them? I like making new friends.

(Lute's POV)

I looked at the clock and it hadn't even been an hour, yet... Maybe I can get him to go to sleep. Thinking about his question again, I somewhat like Adam in a way but he is such an asshole at times... Most of the time... All of the time but he's all I got here for real company. Save, my sisters that I lead to kill demon scum alongside him which is what I do love about him... Maybe his only trait. 

Lute-So... why do you like making new friends?

Lute-Because on my birthday I got to go outside and I got a mommy, a mama, a big sister, a lot of friends that I wanted to be more. Like Nifty and Mimzy are still at the hotel and-.

Lute-I get it.

(Y/N)-And here I made friends with Keenie, Deerie, Sera, Emily, and you.



The look in his eyes was just so... pure and sweet looking. I still had a wing being him to hold him and I didn't realize how relaxed he looked until he lunged at me a little to hug me.

(Y/N)-Giggles. ~... So what do friends do on Christmas when it snows?

Lute-Snowball fights, go get some winter treats like hot chocolate, sledding, all that stuff... You... wanna let go?

(Y/N)-No. I like it here... What else do you like to do?

We just kept on talking and he wanted to know more about me and when I talked about Adam, he thought he didn't sound very friendly as he put it.

Lute-Adam is something.

(Y/N)-Well... If you tell him how you feel and he could be better then he will be a better friend. I just know everyone can be friends if they just try. Plus, I think anyone is lucky to have you.

The way he said it and the way my heart skipped a beat. Adam never says anything like that to me in that way. The closest I ever got to anything like that was "Danger Tits" or "You make that look so hot". I put an arm around him and he looked surprised before he got happy and bounced himself on my lap.

Lute's mind-Aren't cherubs supposed to be the cutest beings in heaven?!

Lute-Say... How about I text Sera and we go get that ice cream right now? We might just have to make it here but I think you might like a banana split.

(Y/N)-Gasp Can I have 3 scoops of ice cream with extra hot fudge?!

Lute-You can even help. ~

I carried him with me and knew Sera was watching but should be fine since I was only taking him to the kitchen here.

(Sera's POV)

He actually did it. I picked someone who is not used to soft love like this and he got her to soften up! It was such an adorable sight to watch and Emily was with me to see it through while the cherubs were out. Now, Emily could hardly contain herself since I told her not to talk during observation.

Emily-Did you hear him Sera?! He never had the gift of experiencing Christmas and now he wants to celebrate it! He didn't even ask much about the presents but just having fun! Do you think he-?! ~

Sera-Emily, let's settle down. His soul is no doubt pure, but still developing from his old way of life from his parents. Even with permission to stay here, it will be teaching him all over again... Or starting late for him in this case.

Emily-Then he will need a guardian angel if he doesn't know anything to explore safely. It will be so fun to show him our holidays and all of Heaven! ~

This brought a smile to my face too. It's clear his parents will give their child up to demons again if we send him back so the best course is to cleanse him properly before taking him out to public... Under my wing. I called to make the arrangements to be done privately for a baptism. When that was done, Emily and I went to where Lute and (Y/N) were, and when we got to the kitchen we saw Lute looking around on the ground for something.

Sera-Is everything ok?... Where's (Y/N)?

Lute-I told him to go get the whipped cream from the fridge and he is just gone!


We both started to look for (Y/N) and just when I started to panic I heard a noise coming from the freezer. I opened the big door and saw the most adorable sight ever... (Y/N) was on his back and trying to hold up a big bar of chocolate he was trying to hold and bite down on. 

He looked at me with an innocent smile before I got the chocolate off of him but he was also covered in custard and whipping cream.

(Y/N)-I found the stuff for ice cream but it was heavy.

Sera-Oh (Y/N).

I picked him up and he nuzzled into me for warmth. Emily came up to us first and saw he was mess now. She knew scolding him would make him cry so she just smiled at him.

Emily-Giggles Wrong fridge silly. I think you need a bath... Who likes bubbles and bath toys? ~

(Y/N)-Gasp Me, me, me, me, me!

He reached for Emily excitedly and Lute and I just watched her take him to give him a bath. I just snapped my fingers to clean myself before I turned to Lute and excused this matter for the time being to discuss other things.

Sera-Aside from a talk about him needing extra attention, I want to discuss security for a private baptism. The details of his life story are to remain a secret.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Emily's POV)

I took him to my room by being careful to sneak him there and get a bath going for him with a nice hot robe a little bigger than him but that was all we had. He was just so excited to get in the bubbly bath water with toys that he splashed me and got me wet. I wasn't mad since he just wanted to play so I just got in with him to wash him and then play with the bubbles with him. He even got cuddly with me with no sign of other intentions in his eyes. He only put bubbles on my head to be a hat.

Emily-You are just so playful and adorable! ~

(Y/N)-Well... You too!

I gave him hug and he kissed my check when he gave me a hug back.

Emily-Hey... After something special happens to you... How would you like to have me as your guardian angel? I can show you all around Heaven and give you the best first Christmas ever. ~

(Y/N)-Lute said I can get a gift for Christmas and... I want my whole family and friends to be together in the snow.

I squealed a little at him just being so adorable and just could not wait for his baptism tomorrow! After that, I want him to live with me and be my fun-sized bundle of joy! My heart was racing so much I stood up with him to get a better hug and kisses from him!

(No POV)

In a private location, a baptism was getting set up but somewhere on Earth, there was another ritual happening with the cult that captured someone for a sacrifice... 

Janator-Muffled screaming!

(D/N)-Shut up angel scum! You will be sacrificed to our glorious devil Lucifer and we will be given our glorious gift!

Priest-... Hey, so the shipping on Amazon for the chains can be here tomorrow if I pay the extra-.

(M/N)/(D/N)-PAY IT!!!

Priest-Alright! Damn!



Yeah I really didn't like this one.