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(Mkali's POV)

It was almost sundown and my pride got to keep our cub slave until then to show good faith. I wanted to leave with him and so did Nala, Sarabi, and Kimy, but Sanaa wanted to stay and see what the agreement was. I had to stay and bring our cub slave to the meeting but first Nala and Sarabi were making sure he was full of their milk to put him back on the diet they wanted for him. When it was time, Nala gave him to me.

Nala-Please make sure he stays on this milk diet. I'm not taking no for an answer!

Sarabi-He needs it!

Kimya-He also needs playtime! I even have other knots and ideas for human cubs we could try on him.

Sanaa-Calm down, I'm sure the meeting will be fine.

Mkali-It will be fine because we will have our cub slave back one way or another.

I looked at him and he curled up cutely in my arms before I walked away with him. In the human territory, all the humans were locked up and being handled by all members from each group, but I went to the big place here in the center of the territory where the meeting was. I was the last one to show up because the Serpent Sisters and the other leaders were already here.

There was a soft place for me to sit down and Enola motioned me to let my cub slave go and point him to the middle of the circle of us.

Enola-Before the meeting starts, the cub slave may choose who he wants to be with. That one will get 15 minutes with him then pass him to the left. The sisters count as one group.

He looked around a little and just decided to stay put in the middle. That was not a choice he had so we spun a stick with a leaf at the end of it to decide. I landed on Catori. I growled a little when she took him.

Catori-Now, we can begin. Let'sss ssstart with the rulesss of the world we are going to make. We all know the basicsss but one my sssissster and I would like to sssuggessst is all territoriesss no longer belong to anyone. It will bring all clossser together. ~

Mkali-Some of us lost loved ones to claim territory and some of us lost loved ones defending it!... We keep the territories.

Enola-We harpies do value territories... Some compromises can be made like restrictions for those who do now own it.

This meeting is going to be long and stupid.

(Sarabi's POV)

It was so stressful out here that even flashing parts of my body to Nala to get her mad wasn't even fun. I just lied down and watch Ari and Melah play with the humans. Melah wanted to play with the adults but she got too carried away with how rough she could be to make them call her hot or whatever helped boost herself for her body so Nala put her with the cubs too. Now she is more gentle but still makes them admire her. Kimya came over and sat next to me.

Kimya-This feels like we are going to be waiting all night.

Sarabi-I know... Didn't you want to try things with human cubs and adult humans?

Kimya-I tried a few things but I just don't feel like it right now. Think we're going to get everything we want?

Sarabi-Just like setting things in our pride, we never get everything we want. Mkali will fight for everything she can... I think I'm gonna go to sleep.

(Kimya's POV)

In all honesty, there is so much I want to do with the humans but I can't do it right now without making the meeting go worse for us. Nala was playing with her girls with the human cubs in this big thing called a building. I just went outside and ran into someone.

Alani-Oh, hello. Are you playing with the human cubs too?

Kimya-I came from another... building full of them to try some things and adults too.

Alani-Oh, we do that too. These bra things are wonderful for holding cubs when you still need to do something. What do you do?

Kimya-I build things close to human inventions.

Alani-Oh really?

Kimya-I tie them up too. (Y/N) makes a cute bag either cradled or his hands and feet dangling down.

Alani-Tied up?

Kimya-Nothing uncomfortable. It still gives more control. Something we are going to need when we take over more human territories.

Alani-I have some things that look like need to be built more. Maybe you can take a look?

I thought about it for a moment before I went with her. I didn't even think about it at first but learning more things the humans make that is more than a tablet... This put a smile on my face.

(Veda's POV)

The very young human cubs that the adults call babies were so cute to play with. I found a picture of two human adults with their cub and gathered them into another building or house. I tied their hands to the top of this place to hang and am and got their legs next to make it a swing for me and the cub while I held him. The female got a little yappy so I stuffed something in both their mouth to be safe. They still looked dazed and didn't fight still. I thought since these two are not going to be breeders they can be used for something else as slaves.

Veda-Who's the cutest hatching?! Who's the cutest hatchling?! ~

Cub-Giggles! ~

While I was playing with him the male had a little fight which annoyed me so I flew up a little and dug my claws into his genitals until he stopped.

Veda-Now, hold still. Be lucky you are even near this cub again.

This was temporary until I get the first cub I have back tomorrow but that doesn't mean I won't kill him if he doesn't behave and double goes for the female. Soon someone else came in and it was not someone from my tribe.

Sanaa-That's a creative use for non-breeders. Room for one more?

I scooted over a little and she sat next to me. The male panicked and squirmed until she punched him to knock him out.

Veda-Thank you... These are the parents of this cub.

Sanaa-I don't see how anything they see as parenting could be responsible and loving.

Veda-I know! Trusting your cub to a complete stranger you know nothing about! It just isn't right!

Sanaa-I will not even let my cub slave in the arms of a stranger. Just having him kidnapped by those hyenas was horrifying.

Veda-Well we had one locked up.

Sanaa-We chased the rest off. I think if the pride alone isn't enough to keep those hyenas away then more could be a good enough reason for them... However, I am curious to see where this all goes... I guess it starts with giving this cub a new home with someone out there.

She gently scratched the cub under her chin and they looked confused. It was adorable. We talked a little more and got more comfy on these humans and she knocked the female out when she was looking at the cub too much. It actually felt nice talking to her. We even discussed who might be a good owner for this cub and a few other things like setting our males free and putting the adults in these zoos. It was like she gets me.

Veda-Well, they are getting tired. I should go put them with the other cubs. It was nice talking with you.

Sanaa-Non-sense, I'll come with you. I'm more curious about this 'changing' human adult slave ideas. It sounds like a great source for entertainment and food.

Veda-Well... If it doesn't bore you. The bad humans seem to be born bad sometimes so the dangerous ones can be bred and see if the cub turns out different until the human can breed no longer. They will be older and more tender. The best way to make more food or sweet cub slaves at the same time for the future.

Sanaa-Mmmmm... growl ~... Go on.

(Halona's POV)

I was doing rounds and checking the meeting building or whatever we want to call it to make sure everything was right. I spotted an adult human outside and trying to be sneaky so I landed on them to pin them down to drag them back to their building to lock them in. The fumes in there when I threw him face-first into a flower made him dazed again.

Halona-What a pain. I should be by Cheif Enola's side.

I walked along and saw two lioness cubs playing with human cubs slaves while their mother was watching them.

The mother saw me watching and walked over to the window and looked at me through the screen.

Nala-Is there a reason you are watching? I thought you were the tough solo bird.

Halona-Harpy... I am making sure everything is going smoothly as my chief would want it.

Nala-We're behaving here... Seeing as we want the same cub and are going to be seeing a lot of each other... How about we at least get to a point where we don't want to look like we want to kill each other?

Halona-As if a-.

Nala-Lioness could take you if you piss her off by messing with what's hers?... It could 'never' happen... Sigh Sorry, I'm stressed from waiting. Here.

She came outside through the door and motioned for me to follow her across the street to sit down while she can still watch her cubs.

Halona-Let me get one thing clear. Chief Enola likes (Y/N) as her cub slave.

Nala-We had him first and took care of his awful mother after the Hyenas killed his father. He's ours by nature claims. For if that will still be around or not but he is going to be on a full milk diet.

Halona-Milk diet?

She took off the bra for a moment to show me what she meant. Then she leaned back and looked bothered.

Halona-I won't stop it if that's what you are worried about.

Nala-No... I had a husband and a son before this... Hunters kill and capture for no reason other than for fun.

Halona-... Ahem Sorry for your loss.

Nala-Humans took my family so I will have their cub and won't settle for any replacement... On top of that, my mother-in-law always sees the need to remind me she has bigger boobs and a bigger ass that shows when these bras and underwear are off... Annoys the fuck out of me! Snarl

Halona-So they are a trophy... I can respect that.

Nala-What about you? Is it just because Enola wants (Y/N)?

Halona-Chief Enola and yes for your information... My job as her second is to please her and make sure she is safe while making her life as chief easier.

Nala-Ohhhh, you love her, don't you? ~

(Nala's POV)

Her feathers puffed up and I know that look on her face. I got her! She tried to hide it again which made me smile. I had nothing against it and maybe if I had one too many berries or something... it happened to me once or twice until I found my mate and had a family.

Halona-That is not the job of a second in command.

Nala-It's the role of a mate though.

Halona-I'm not getting into this young teen talk.

Nala-What else are we gonna do? We are out here waiting for a meeting to be done or for more humans to come someday soon.

Halona-... I respect authority.

Nala-Ohhhh... You 'so' want her to top you just like she sits on (Y/N) or an egg.

She just got up and left but I would be lying if I said I didn't want to sit on (Y/N) and have him be comfortable and more safe than ever.

(Zoya's POV)

I found a place where the bad humans were messed with them and had Roja get something to help us have more fun. She soon came back with a long stick to reach in and poke a human tied to a wall.

Zoya-Snicker That one there.

She poked the human and it couldn't move or even scream when we poked small holes with the thorn into them. It was fun until...


We both looked up and saw Kasa and Aponi.

Kasa-What are you doing to our human meat supply?

Zoya-Meat?... You're eating them?

Aponi-Why else would we have them tied up like that and still alive? Enola wants them clean and ready to give out after being freshly killed by predators who also want to look into human slaves.

Kasa-Which means we don't want you cutting or poking them with sticks that could make them sick! Now, pull it out!

I tossed the stick and Aponi went in to ungag the human before stuffing their mouth with herbs, wheat, and other food. I guess it's to fatten them up. Kasa checked the stitch before she tossed it. Aponi covered the little marks we made before we were led away by them.

Zoya-It's so boring around here. There's nothing to do.

Aponi-Play with a human cub or something.

Zoya-Most of them are going to sleep soon or are already asleep.

Kasa-You sound just like a cub yourself.

Roja-Will I would love to hold our cub and keep him in my bra but he is stuck in that meeting. Besides, they are bad humans so I thought punishment was going to be ok if we did it too.

Aponi-If we are going to live together, I rather you not get out food sick.

We relaxed near the outside of the human territory and they talked about rules but I just closed my eyes and thought about tomorrow with (Y/N). I want to hold him in every way possible... My goal should be to make him blush the hardest.

Zoya's mind-Maybe I can learn something from others on what I could do with (Y/N)... I still think he would be cute in my pocket.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Rajini's POV)

We had the cub sleep in my bra and I covered him to make it quieter for him to sleep. We stood up all night last night discussing things and there are still many things to discuss that we could come across one day. Until then our rules for the cub is that he is going on a full milk diet from all of us who can give milk, we all take this big building to live in until we find this place called the white house that (Y/N) told us about, he is to always be with someone, during our first event to trading humans as slave or food will be done by having Enola and her tribe sitting on him for quick glances to the public, and all baths must be with 2 or more of us with him.

Enola-Before we leave and tell the others about the rules, is there any more questions?

Anusha-For when we get more humansss to come here to sssurprissse capture them do we want thossse camera thingsss (Y/N) talked about to sssee usss or no? ~

Mkali-I say we let them know we are coming when the time is right! We need more numbers and then we take more territory by force!

Rajini-That was the plan. First, we trade humans first and show the Savnna that this is a new way of life... We deal with the hyenas later.

There were no more questions so I pulled on my bra a little to see my little cub in there still sleeping and very close to getting milk from me... I smiled at this.

Rajini's mind-This world is going to be a better place for you sweet little human cubs and teach adults to be better... I promise. ~



Aiden Cassidy

With this ending for now does that mean Blossom is gonna come back