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So I had a very strange, oddly sexy dream the other night. I was in this dark room that looked like someone's basement. There were other people there too; people I had never met before. They all seemed to be around their mid twenties, and they were all scared for some reason. Not only that, but everyone was nude and shaking in corners like terrified animals. I was so confused, and when I looked down, I realized that I was also nude. The moment I turned to ask someone what was going on, a light came on and immediately everyone got really freaked out and got on all fours. I wasn't sure what was going on, so I just followed along. Everyone was quiet as this older woman in her 50's came slowly walking down the stairs.

She was massive in more ways than one. She was extremely tall. She literally towered over everyone. I could tell that even if we were all standing straight up, she would dwarf us by at least a foot or two. It felt like she was about seven feet tall. She was also very heavy set. I thought it was impressive for a woman of such incredible height to also have such weight to her. Lastly, her feet were abnormally huge! As she was walking down the steps, you could hear them creak loudly under the pressure. But for as large as this woman was, her feet were easily twice the size I imagined they would normally be. I remember thinking that if she wanted to hurt me, literally one foot could completely engulf my entire torso and obliterate me in an instant. And perhaps that was why everyone else seemed so afraid of her. In hindsight, I wondered if these were people she had kidnapped and intimidated into staying.

From the way she acted, she seemed very nice, very loving and caring, but she also had this menacing presence to her; almost like if you crossed her, she would make you regret it. Everyone seemed to want to stay on her good side. She spoke in a really pleasant tone, but also in a way that seemed condescending; in a way that made it seem like she was our owner and we were all like her house cats. That's when she took a seat in this large easy chair. There was this girl that was unfortunately cowering in the chair when she sat down who got completely engulfed by her gigantic ass. She whimpered in fear, but made no attempt to escape being squished. Afterwards, everyone else crawled over and kneeled at her feet. She greeted everyone warmly, and then looked directly at me.

"Hi, baby," she said. "Why don't you come on over here and give my feet a little love." I was so turned on the moment I heard this. Her presence was just so commanding, and at that moment of being scared and naked in front of all these strangers with this humongous foot beckoning me to come and worship it, I felt so turned on, like wanting to please her and obey her every demand was the only thing I wanted in that moment. So I crawled over on all fours, never breaking eye contact with this woman's huge, dirty foot wriggling in my face. As I got within inches of it, I arched my back to reach her while remaining in a submissive position. Her sole was easily almost three times the size of my entire head. And as I pressed my lips hard into her warm, delicious foot and started licking them all over, I heard her let out a sigh of pleasure and laugh.

It was quite honestly one of the best dreams I ever had. So I immediately started working on this the moment I woke up. I knew I had to get this out of my head and onto the screen. I know it might seem odd for a guy in his twenties to be this turned on by a woman in her 50's or 60's, but the thing about feet is that unlike boobs or butts, feet don't really sag or get a whole lot worse with age. If anything, the age gap between me and this woman added to the humiliation of the situation. I know it might not be everyone's thing, but I had to share it with you for the ones that would enjoy it.

I've also considered adding this woman to the Size Matters universe in some small way down the line. If you'll notice I hung a picture of Madam Samara in the background (initially just to fill up the empty space), but now I'm thinking it might be interesting if Madam Samara canonically had a sister who was into hypnotizing people and making them worship her feet. And I could easily see her also having size altering abilities like her sister, but instead of using them to shrink unsuspecting college students, she would instead use it on herself to make her feet impossibly large. Just an idea



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