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Update V2 - 2024/03/04

  • More than 120 JourneyMap waypoints!

  • Better coastal regions

  • Rivers and lakes made by real world Corine land cover data

  • Better clay/sand layer made by real world Corine land cover data

  • Caves do not break the surface anymore, and they are now reduced in number

Subscribing to this channel you can request a Minecraft Map of your favourite place!

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UPDATE V1 - 2024/02/10

  • Replaced MEGA with Google Drive, this allows much faster download bandwidth

Welcome to my very first release!

To begin with I started from my home country, Italy, a perfect place to showcase the potential of high-resolution geographic data, due to its topographic characteristics that make it unique in the world: the landscape varies from spectacular coastlines overlooking the Mediterranean, surrounded by mountain ranges such as the Alps and the Apennines to dozens of volcanic complexes, a lot of islands, gentle hilly areas on the Apennines and narrow Alpine valleys.

Within the map there are 7 different biomes that vary mainly based on the altitude above sea level. The snowy biomes have been particularly cared for to obtain a realistic snowline and vegetation suited to the type of biome

Biomes Map

Altitude Map

More than 120 JourneyMap waypoint of major cities and panoramic points are now available, making the exploration of the map way more easier!

Map details:

  • Map name: Italy 30m

  • Map size:  [38243x46340] reduced by deleting unnecessary chunks

  • Map resolution: 1 block in the game correspond to 30m in the real world

  • Map files size: 30.4gb uncompressed, 20.5gb compressed

  • Minecraft version: 1.18+

Warning: the map is really big, as one block in minecraft represents 30 meters in the real world. Upcoming projects will also focus on smaller areas, but using data at their native 10 meter resolution.

Feel free to request a reprocessing of this map at smaller scales, but at the cost of less orographic details.

Beware: large chunks of sea and surrounding countries have been deleted to reduce the size of the whole map. Bugs are always possible, please report them!

Data used to process the map:

  • TinItaly 10m resolution DEM data - cubic reinterpolation to 30m

  • Copernicus CORINE Land Cover data at 100m resolution - cubic and max reinterpolations at 50m

  • Gebco 15arcsec resolution bathymetry data - cubic reinterpolation to 30m

  • Gebco 15arcsec resolution DEM data outside Italy - cubic reinterpolation to 30m

In-game screenshots:


Minecraft World [30.4GB uncompressed, 20.5gb compressed]: 

GOOGLE DRIVE DOWNLOAD LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1azhwqoCqEgHvl1bXgJ8ADp-9IOBjCk3z/view?usp=sharing

IMPORTANT: If Google Drive shows you an advice for "too many views or downloads on this file", try to login to your Google account and then retry to download. If you can't download neither this way, please wait 24 hours, thank you for your comprension!

If you want to access raw Geotiff DEM & Bathymetry data or Worldpainter .world file, Top Tier membership is for you: Geotiff and Worldpainter data - Italy [38000x46000] - 30m resolution | Patreon




But now i beg another question, how did u get the "Biomes Map" Image?


This one was made merging several screenshot on WorldPainter, while for the newest maps I use the "export to image" function of Worldpainter, which does the same job better and faster

GianBattista Capone

I’m really fascinated by this project. Since the map is huge I would like to build my house in Veneto, but I don’t know the coordinates. Would you be so kind as to point them out? Cause JourneyMap doesn't work :(