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Hi everyone! I'm excited to introduce you to my new project on Patreon. I work in the field of meteorology, in particular in the development of very high resolution meteorological models, for this reason I find myself managing high resolution geographic and meteorological data of the Earth every day. Knowledge of raster data analysis methods pairs perfectly with the work needed to develop Minecraft maps.

10m resolution in-game Mount Etna, Italy

That's why I decided to start this channel. In the maps published on this channel, I will use very high resolution DEM and bathymetric data, up to 2m, to create Minecraft maps at different scales. These maps will be adaptable to all types of players, with scales ranging from 2m in the real world per block to 500m in the real world per block, depending on the project and area of interest. All maps are hand-curated and feature different biomes to correctly represent the different vegetation and land use.

The software used for map processing are primarily GDAL and Worldpainter. Each map requires dozens of hours of calculation, and consequently an expense on electricity, as well as pure work on the details of the maps, so any donation is really appreciated: however, the maps in their final state will be downloadable for free for everyone.

With the "Premium Tier" membership, subscribed users will be able to request to work on any area of the world of their choice, access work in progress maps and access posts explaining the work behind the scenes, curiosities about geographical data, tutorials on using Worldpainter, Blender and the GDAL suite

If you are a developer and you need raw geographic data in GeoTiff format, or want to have access to WorldPainter .world files, the "Top tier" membership is for you.

Details of 10m DEM data of the Po river area and the Venetian Lagoon, Italy

30m WorldPainter import - Details on Alps Region

With your support, I will find the incentive to spend more time developing and refining these maps, creating new content and improving the quality of existing maps. Thank you for reading this far and I hope you will choose to join me on this adventure. I can't wait to see what we create together!


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