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Due to the recent addition of several different regional platforms to provide subscription

Different rules on different platforms make management difficult

And with different maturities and publishing files may also be a way to make sponsorship unbalanced





但那樣也經常使得獎勵非常慢發布 其實是不太好

I am now planning to change the rules for posting files here (Patreon)

In the past, it was posted through the message after the end of the month.

 because the message must be sent to wait for settlement before the number of members can be determined.

On the one hand, it is also to reduce the risk of files being forwarded.

But that often makes the rewards very slow to release. It’s not very good.


如果我完成了什麼東西 那麼我就會打包發送出來

雖然可能會有些混亂 有時候是完成的圖包 有時候是製作到一半的L2D


導致作品的製作會是跨月份的 這樣在發布上也會有所難度

Will now be changed to a similar rule to Fantia

If I finish something, then I will package it and send it out.

Although it may be a bit confusing, sometimes it is a completed package. Sometimes it is half-made L2D.

I will decide this because I found that I sometimes can't finish a large work in a month.

Leading to the production of the work will be across the month, so it will be difficult to publish

並且 由於平台的成長以及規則的改變


相對的 目前在T1的會員則轉為創始等級

擁有與T1.5同等資格 可在T1.5發布時一起看見內容 (從下一個的主題開始生效)

And due to the growth of the platform and the changes in the rules

The status quo has stopped open subscription T1 rating

Relative members currently in T1 turn to the founding level

Having the same qualification as T1.5 You can see the content together when T1.5 is released (effective from the next topic)



These days, the unpublished files will be sorted out and sent out in a post way.

The same is to use mega link to download


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