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Hey all!

Sorry for the lack of updates on this one. I've been diligently working behind the scenes on the current Backerkit campaign as well as getting Gamemaster's Survival Guide out, and assets for Badge Quest organized.

Anyways, we continue Mistfall: The Vanishing of Ostenwold with the completed blacksmith's home, putting us up 22 identified areas in Ostenwold (along with a ton of kooky monsters). I like this one in particular because it's got a weird magic weapon with it. Having run a ton of DCC modules lately, I love the idea of magic weapons that have a bit more personality than "it gives a +1 bonus."

Enjoy, and look out for five more areas over the weekend to get us totally caught up.



Steve Skirata

Hey Dave, this might be my head drowsy from a recent virus infection, but the numbering seems to have jumped from 15 to 22. So is it based on locations and not a straight 1-366 numbering ?


Oh I'm just getting caught up. I've made 22 locations so far. I'm still 4 days behind.


can't wait to see more .. love this daily challenge for the 2024 daily work