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Before the people of Ostenwold vanished, The Clenched Fist was run by a giant of a human, Horst Blackfoot. Some said he had Goliath blood in him, but his thick black beard suggested otherwise. Although his wares were well known for their quality, his home was far too luxuriously decorated for a humble blacksmith—that’s because Horst ran an underground bare knuckle fight club in the cellar.

1 - Smithy

The first time the characters enter this area, read the following:

Encircled by a wrought iron fence, twisted and ornate, this smithy stands as a silent sentinel to the abandoned craft within. The forge, now cold and still, is shrouded in a layer of fine mist, giving the impression of a sleeping beast. Beside it, the wheel grinder looms like a specter, untouched and covered in a fine sheen of dew, its once busy wheel now still in the oppressive silence. The workbench, scattered with tools and remnants of past projects, is veiled in a thin layer of mist, adding to the sense of time having stood still.

From the shadows near the door to the house, a small, faint voice echoes out, tinged with both hope and fear, calling from behind the metal grate set into the ground.

“Help!” calls the voice of a small child. “The creatures trapped us down here. They want to eat us! Please save us!”

Encounter: Mimicking Horror. The grate beside the front door is directly above the boxing ring in the basement (area 4c). A target that approaches the grate must make a DC 19 Wisdom (Insight) check or be surprised by the the mimicking horror (see the appendix) in the basement. If the mimicking horror surprises the creature, it reaches through the grate with its tentacle and tries to grab the target’s leg. If it succeeds, the target falls 10 feet down into the basement below, taking 1d6 damage from the fall.

Note: this combat may prove deadly for 1st or 2nd level characters. Consider subsituting a traditional mimic with the mimicry trait for the mimicking horror.

Treasure: Smith’s Tools. The tools covering the old smith’s bench are still in great working condition. A character that spends one minute to gather the tools can get enough supplies to create a set of smith’s tools.




The grid is very hard to see inside the building in the first picture. It’s much better in the second picture, where a black grid is used.


Loving the setting and the inspiration from this (had to go and watch Silent Hill) This revved my current arc and is now set here, fits well in my campaign. Thank you.


Is this the last update - Jan 15th? Want to make sure I'm not missing the other days.


I’ve been distracted but I plan to get caught up tomorrow 🙌