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I hope you guys are excited for the big release coming up next Wednesday, the 4th. So far, we're going to have areas A2 (cleaned up a little), A1, B1, C1 (just finished), D1, and D2 all finished and ready for you. 

I'm going to take a little break from the Undercity to work on October's release, which is being kept a biiiigggg secret (yes, it's spooky). 

In the meantime, let's figure out the next location we will go to. 

  • We can go east from area D2 to area E2.
  • We can south from area D2 to area D3.
  • We can go down into an entirely new level of the dungeon dubbed the Under Realm (yes, another massive map from our friend Tim Hartin).
  • Or we can pick a new random location to start level 1 characters.

Choose wisely!


Frank Moore

I say do location F4 and make the central theme Corsairs!

Steve Skirata

Both good, as long as we're meeting new people ^_^