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Hey all!

Here's what's up. I'm going to focus on two major things going forward. 

  • 1) Dungeons & Lairs every Friday forever. So get comfortable, as we'll be hitting #100 relatively soon.
  • 2) Undercity Megadungeon on Wednesdays. I'm having too much fun. I want to keep it going, especially since I just hit my all-time record for rooms stocked in a single location (over 200 and counting). And since I'm using Tim Hartin's maps, I won't run into the same licensing issue that I did with our last Never Ending Dungeon.

Thanks to the new collections feature, it's WAY easier to get everything organized fast, so I don't have to worry about managing separate websites and all that hooey. 

This means that I can create new content tiers that are separate from the main and just organize them there. Then, you can just pop into collections to get what you're looking for.

For example, I could make just a "MorkBorg" tier and have it a separate thing with different content. Then, the higher-tier folks can get a hold of everything that I make. Nice and easy!

If I *do* create additional content that's outside 5e, what sort of content would you like to see?  It's multiple choice, so choose as many as you're in. And if you aren't interested in any of them, just pick the final option. 

(Of course, goblin assassins may show up at your door, but I digress...)



I voted scifi, but I'd love to see a new rpg using it the Borg system something very Dave , sword and sorcery or something modern


Twilight 2000 type of adventures, radioactive wasteland, mutations, supplies are rare so you have to be creative or try to take other people's things. But I really love your D&D stuff so thank you for all you do.


I want everything lol. As for the something else, I would love modern content (i.e. Think the old D20 Modern or the current Everyday Heroes RPG)


Please more pirates! You only have one on here and I loved it. I’m running a full pirate campaign