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Welcome to the Frostlands, the focus of late-August and September 2023 content. Above, you have a GM map for the Frostlands as well as a version of the map without labels and one with without labels or hexes.

Here is the release schedule for content related to Frostlands:


Once done, this content will be compiled into four separate books:

  • Dungeons & Lairs: Frostlands
  • More Monsters: Arctic Adversaries
  • Adventurer's Arsenal: The Complete Arctic Survival Handbook
  • Just Passing Through: 12 Arctic Settlements for Any Fantasy RPG

Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see in this collection of content in the comments below!



David R. Howard

I think this is very cool. The whole Nordic-Jotun-Rune concepts are very powerful: I like the Ranger & Barbarian archetypes you’re planning as well. Frankly, most of the ideas are worth some development.


I love the Norse Theme...


Very cool , reminds me of a lil bit of Icewindale.


Can we get the map with the hex, but without the names? Could be great to integrate within our custom campaigns


Your dates and days are off on the schedule.