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Hey all!

I'm pivoting a bit away from Witchfinder's Grimoire (it will likely end up as a Forbidden Psalm-style miniatures game) and focusing once more on the type of content you all love.

I've got some winter books on my agenda, and I thought I'd make a fresh batch of content to go with it. Plus, with it being 105+ F here in Oklahoma, it'll be nice to dream of cooler days.

Below, I've listed 14 monsters, each tied to a monster type. Pick the three that you like best. The top four win.




Some frost giant activity has just begun in my campaign, so that would fit right in.

Frank Moore

Given all of the Kickstarters geared to fey recently, I'm fey'ed out. Totally cool (pun not intended, but appreciated) with all of the others.


Polls ended before I could vote. I would have voted oozes and Pine trees. Would love to see a frost behir.