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Here are five more terrifying NPCs and creatures for the Witchfinder's Grimoire book I'm composing. More content to follow.



Blue Infinity

Hi Dave, I noticed a couple inconsistencies that might be errors. The Black Goat is listed as a devil, but his non-magical DR can be overcome by silvered weapons, which is traditionally a fey-only weakness. Secondly, the Hag of the Forest is listed as a fiend for type… but hags are traditionally fey, and her info specifically states she is unfettered to a higher power (devils are always fettered to higher powers, so I thought that strange). I thought you might want to know.


Heya. Devils, such as the barbed devil, have silvered weapon weaknesses. And the night hag is a fiend. Night hags, in D&D lore, are the creators of the yugoloths and their keepers and don't report to anyone in the Blood War.


Dark yet cool monsters. I am having a hard time deciding which one I'm most excited for seeing in action