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Skeleton, Harvester

A haunting figure, resembling a scarecrow, its bony frame draped in tattered robes, stands before you. A horse skull rests atop its slender neck. Its gaunt fingers wield a wickedly curved axe.

In the depths of ancient woods, malevolent witches conjure the harvester skeleton into existence. Fashioned to resemble a chilling scarecrow, the skeletal figure wears tattered robes and cradles a wickedly curved axe in its bony grasp. Witches infuse this creation with dark magic, binding it to their will. 

Often mistaken for undead, these creatures are actually simple automatons designed to serve as solitary guardians for the witches. The harvester skeleton tirelessly protects the witches' lands from intruders,  striking fear into the hearts of their foes and deterring any who dare to challenge their malevolent masters. 




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