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Hey everyone,

Here is the full deck of 50 cards in PDF format. I need to add in some boiler plate rules stuff (i.e. "How to Use This Deck"), but otherwise, this is more or less what I'm thinking. Take a look at the cards and let me know what you think. I'll make adjustments where appropriate. Also let me know if you see any typos or grammatical errors.

Thanks! And I hope you enjoy them.




I'm sure this will be in the how to use section but how does the treasure work?


Kind of confusing in the webs and treasure cards… locate them in the deck, put them into play, reshuffle the deck. Assuming you find them to remove them from the deck for being used, and leave them out when reshuffling?


Good question, and yeah, it'll be covered. If a card has a coin in the top corner, you roll from the "individual treasure tables." And if it has a chest in the top corner, you roll from the "treasure hoard" table. The plan is also to create a "treasure" deck, where you just draw treasure any time one of those comes up.


It’ll be more clear once the rules are there, but when you put a spider card into play, you can search the deck for a webs card and immediately put it into play. You then reshuffle the deck (since you just looked through it).


These are absolutely fantastic! What would be super useful and helpful is if they were formatted to fit 9 to a page (picture side) and 9 to a page (back side) for double sided printing! I know it would take a LOT of work making sure they lined up, but that's just a personal preference... Now, if you're planning on having them manufactured, that would be awesome too lol!


There are online sites that print and ship rpg cards from pdfs. Cardstock. Lined up.


Oh yeah, they're designed to be printed on DrivethruRPG. This is just the stock sheet.


Love it Dave! Can you make your Poisonous Snakes into Venomous Snakes? Poisonous = you eat it and you die. Venomous = it bites you and you die :) otherwise beautiful!!!


Unfortunately that’s how our friends at WotC has them listed. Otherwise yes 😂😂😂


Got to agree. These are great, but we need them formatted for printing or they really don't serve any purpose.


Page 54 toward the bottom "... its action and succeedin gon..." should be "...succeeding on..." But they look fantastic! Still, the hazards and obstacle cards would benefit from some bolding and/or highlighting.


I played with a few different ideas on that and couldn't really come up with anything I was crazy about.


I'm going to be printing them there and selling them. There will probably be a "patron" friendly version that just takes the same information and turns it into a rollable chart.


Things like these are why I have no problems with paying $25 a month. You have your D&L series which is worth the price of admission, but then you're constantly trying new things bringing value to the membership.

A Conspiracy of Ravens

Hey these are great, but like you mentioned in a previous comment, a roll table version would be super helpful for online DM’s. But the idea is fantastic for low prep D&D sessions.


For some reason when I download it I just get 108 pages of white. Attempted across several browsers / from the Patreon app on both desktop and phone.


Haha it’s fine. I had a feeling that’s come up. I should have written the text there but decided to call it a night 😂


Looks good so far. I like the art and the scaling for difficulty. However, a reference to where ti find the stats for the monster-type encounters would be a nice addition. Nevertheless, the cards looks great.


These are a bit exciting. I've been using the DungeonMorph dice sets to create random dungeons, but these pose two problems: 1) transposing them into a playable dungeon tileset and 2) stocking them with creatures, treasure, etc... Your tileset sample from earlier this month fixes problem number 1. I hope this idea takes off as I can print these myself on cardstock and drop them randomly in front of my party. The cards in this post make problem 2 go away. Populating a random dungeon has never been so easy. Thanks Dave. As usual, your creativity is fantastic.