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Cyclops and Chimera Fort is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 3, 5, 8, or 11. This document offers a general guideline for scaling the adventure. Dastardly monsters take hold of the fort that controls access to a rich river valley. Can your party drive them out in time?

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Creative Team

  • Design DMDave
  • Writing Ninetoes82
  • Editing and Layout Tony Casper/Spectre Creations
  • Cartography Tom Cartos
  • Art Nacho Lazaro
  • Foundry Design Bob Carnicom and Aubrey Moore




Cool, a nice warmup for my players before they take on the dragon of icespire Peak 😎


Nice one shot for my hex crawl. Noticed the last couple area's C13 and C14 the maps are missing. I assume they're the 2nd and top floors of the fort.


Mess hall is C3 and you can see stairs going up. c13 is barracks across mess hall and c14 is rooftop above barracks. No plan but you guess it from those entries


Yup, I figured that out that after downloading the maps from Tom Cortos. Just pointing it out if they want to make an update. Good adventure btw. Ran it Saturday night and had our first TPK at the necromancer's area. Ghost possessed the barbarian, you can guess what happened after that. Players loved it. What was a quick side quest got crazy pretty fast.